
Saturday 24 June 2017

Rainbow Land

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - have a great one!
My crafting has been very slow this week - it was just too hot
to do anything except sit and gasp for air. It has cooled down
to normal summer temps just now, and I hope it will stay this
way for a few days.

At Simon Monday challenge the theme is
'vacation', and I made this Mary Poppins tag, showing how
she travels from place to place, perhaps to Rainbow Land
 - wish I could manage it this way, too! The background is DP, 
Mary is a stamp from Lost
Coast Designs and has been stamped with Archival and then 
clear embossed. I used a stencil  for the clouds and houses and 
doodled the sentiment and some stars. I sewed the layers together.
I am also linking to Go Tag Thursday, stars.

I also made a 2nd tag for Go Tag Thursday, very simple,
with some doodling, stitching and some machine embroidered stars. 
The town was cut from a scrap of printed acetate. I am also linking to 
Tag Tuesday, texture:

And this was just for fun - the BG is a photo, the rooster
is one I met recently at the farm, and the dressed up
birds are from Mischief Circus:

Some photos of the sunrise and my walk through town yesterday:

The man in yellow is the postman:

Carmen was cruising by:

People are looking forward to the Tour de France starting
here in a few days:

Have a great weekend, Take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad it cooled down for you, whew! I love Mary Poppins, nice piece. Your tags are lovely and beautiful embroidery. Thanks for the photos today.

  2. I really love the Mary Poppins piece, and great idea to embroider the stars on the second one. And the birdy piece is such fun - thanks for the laugh. Wonderful photos as always! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Fabulous projects, I love Mary Poppins taking a trip over the rainbow and I am in awe of your machine stitching as well, loved the tiny stars.
    Of course I did grin when I saw the page with the birds, it was really funny especially with the quote you added.
    Super photos and thanks for sharing the shop windows with Le Tour memorabilia. I think you know we will be watching the TV coverage here.
    Glad its a bit cooler.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Doing my midnight comments and love this journal page of the rainbow, Mary P, and the gorgeous photos.

  5. Two fabulous tags, I love the Mary Poppins one - I have that stamp somewhere, I also love your fun birdie piece and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. What charming buildings. The walk was very relaxing.
    The tags were wonderful,as always. I want a Mary Poppins umbrella!
    Loved the Fancy Dress! I 'borrowed' it for Wacky Wednesday.
    Hope you're getting some cool evenings to sleep comfortably in.

  7. Mary Poppins tag das ist ja so schön bezaubernd wie du den Körper ausgefüllt hast wieder das gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Der andere Tag die Nacht auch shcön dargestellt mit den Sternen aus Faden!
    Lustige Tierkarte, toll!
    Nah und deine Fotos sind natürlich genauso schön von Kaiserwerth und eine Fahradrenntour wieder statt findet!

    Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. Amazing tags Valerie both made with such style as well as interest. The sewing is wonderful. Machine embroidered stars--I can hardly sew a straight like yet.

    Fantastic and fun piece just for fun and it is such fun as well. Must say on close inspection the images are beautiful as well as funny.

    Wonderful photographs and your window ones are always fantastic. Didn't know the Tour de France was starting where you are--such an honour. I look forward to seeing that on tv.

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. The machine does all the work, I just press the button!

  9. Wieder zwei excellent gestaltete Tags.
    Mein Liebling ist natürlich Mary Poppins mit den tollen Regenbogenfarben.Aber auch das digitale Federvieh ist gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Beautiful tags, digital page and photos ! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. What beautiful tags! I love the Mary Poppins piece especially. How fun your bird piece is too. Also, your photos are lovely.

  12. Glad to hear you have cooler weather as we do here Valerie and I didn't even mind the rain this morning which has to be a first!
    Gorgeous artwork as always and love to see the geraniums in bloom in your pics. Enjoy the rest of your weekend too.
    Fliss xx

  13. Lovely tags! Wonderful photos as well.

  14. Love your shots from your sunrise and walk around town.

    The first TAG is perfect for my mood today! For some reason I have been singing that song since I woke up. Beautiful work on your pieces! :)

  15. What a fun background! Love the rainbow effect. And who doesn't love Mary Poppins! I Love your tag!

  16. Gosh I love your birdies!
    Thank you for your amazing pics!

  17. Mary Poppins is wonderful. Maybe she'll meet Dorothy and Toto. Let's hope she doesn't run into the Wicked Witch or the flying monkeys (grin).

    Your texture tag is beautiful. I love the sewing. It's always more special. Laughed at the chicken, though.

    Wow, the flower boxes are simply out of this world. We don't have those here like I see in your photos. They are fabulous.

    Your mailman is lucky. Ours carries a bag over their shoulder and they often get back and shoulder injuries. Love the photos from today.

    1. Most of the mailmen around here have bike or trikes, those who walk have trolleys.

  18. Aww i say Gosh, great photos and i love your rooster cards they are fab.. ;O))

  19. Good thing it cooled down, your work is quite interesting indeed. Greetings!

  20. The photos are absolutely gorgeous! Additionally, I absolutely love that Mary Poppins piece! I'm gonna have to share it with my wife. ;)

  21. Your tags are just so beautiful. The one of the town and stars really caught my eye.
    What a lovely walk, the flowers are just stunning. Hugs Barbara

  22. Happy that you have a cool down going on too. It's so much more pleasant that way ♥ Love the Mary Poppins art !!! The tags are great too and I love seeing the photos of your walk about town. We are having beautiful cooler and less humid weather her too ♥

  23. Nice art pieces and photos. I like the rainbow colours in your Mary Poppins tag. hugs, teresa

  24. Just love the Mary Poppins tag.
    Your town looks so colourful, with all the flowers.

    All the best Jan

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Looks like lots of window box geraniums:) They always brighten a day.
    How are you feeling, bud?

  27. Wonderful cards, the first one has such a gorgeous background, very pretty. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  28. I love the whimsy in your "fun" image! And wouldn't it be fun to just fly off with your umbrella? Usually when it feels like that might happen the umbrella goes inside out!

    Every time I see photos of your area, I want to book a plane and visit tomorrow!

  29. I LOVE Mary Poppins. What a cool piece Valerie. You've had so much wonderful and varied pieces lately which is always exciting because I never know what to expect. :) Hugs-Erika

  30. Fabulous pieces Valerie, I love the colours on your Mary Poppins, and the rooster made me laugh! xx

  31. Awesome Tag..I love it...
    Great entry for the challenge this week at Go Tag Thursday..x

  32. I hope you're staying cool my friend! I love your tags!! You are so creative! Your rooster made me laugh! LOL! Amazing photos!!!
    (You have a surprise on my blog!!)
    Big Hugs!

  33. Your tags are great, but I am really loving your digi!! You had me laughing out loud!! So much fun Valerie!


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