
Saturday 17 June 2017

Happy Weekend

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

I made another tag for Wendy's texture challenge at Tag Tuesday.
I pasted an 8" tag with bead gel (Lukas),  and stamped into it
 and painted over it with diluted purple metallic when it was dry.
The lion and the window are stamps from LaBlanche,
they were flying around in one of my bit boxes. Can you see
who's looking out of the window? The sentiment is from 
Dina Wakley, the other embellies from my stash.
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge,

I used the photo of the splash and throw wall in the art group
room to make the background for this fun piece. The digi elements
are from Mischief Circus:

At the children's farm/petting zoo I loved this little cottage garden
almost hidden in the trees near the stream, a wonderful place for a rest.
We were even able to enjoy a few freshly picked cherries:

In the museum we saw this wonderful tree with birds. 
There was a panel on the balcony opposite it with buttons 
showing the names of all the birds,
and when you pushed a button, the bird was spotlighted
and their songs were played:

 And last not least, some more of the wonderful
toy collection:

This one looks very well loved:

I still have another portion of photos from our outing, they
will have to wait for another day.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful tag and super fun digital page and adorable and interesting photos as always!
    Happy weekend!

  2. A wonderful tag Valerie with wonderful textures and a fun page with yhe background from the art wall

    Great photographs as always with more of the wonders at the museum

    Veryhot hereatyhe moment

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. You always offer a wonderful mixture of delights on your blog. Your tag is fantastic, and I like that you put the Queen into the picture as it's her big celebration today. The journal page is great fun, and the photos are fantastic as always. Love the old toys. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Love the message, great tag, and delightful photos. Have a nice weekend!

  5. I love the play with the quote and the lion in your tag. They work together so well. :) Very clever to put them together Valerie. And your digital piece really reminded me of Alice in Wonderland with Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum. Pretty fun modern take. :) That was a cool museum you visited. I hope you visit some more because I love seeing where you've been. Hugs-Erika

  6. What a great way to finish off the week, though it is Sat evening here, but those gorgeous photos, pages and that wonderful tag. Yeah right! I can see you sitting around all day too!! Don't think so but I am sure you always look fabulous.xx [aNNie]

  7. Lovely tag, I do see the young Queen in the window! What could be more romantic than a cottage with a garden by a stream, ohh. The bird exhibit sounds educational.

  8. Awesome tag and fun pages! Love how you added all those beads to the background, and what a fun sentiment! Sewing is a great touch, and love the purples! Thanks for sharing your wonderful project with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge! hugs, Maura

  9. Das Tag klasse, die LaBlanche Stempel sehen inmer so schön nostalgisch aus.
    Aber deine Werke mit dem Wandmotiv sind total genial. Die Figuren sehen so nach Tisha Moore aus,echt originell.
    Na und deine Museums -Fotostrecke ist traumhaft schön. Da gibt es so viel Schönes zu sehen.
    Happy Weekend

  10. I love them both but the circus one wants to make me go out and make mischief! SO happy! And how I'd love to see that toy collection in person!

  11. Oh how I love your tag, the purples are gorgeous. The other piece is so fun and creative and I love the sentiment. I'm also very much enjoying your photos.

  12. magic ;O)) both your art and your lovely photos.. ;O))

  13. It was a fantastic tag and I did see Her Majesty in the window. It was Trooping the Colour today here in the UK celebrating the Queens official Birthday.
    It was a great fun digi page using the splash paint wall, super quirky images.
    More photos for me to take time looking at, I really love the ones with the toys.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Your tag is out of this world. I am in love with my LaBlanche stamps, and I can tell you are with yours. The texture you got is incredible. Very impressive indeed.

    I also enjoyed the Believe in Magic page you created. It shows how versatile you truly are.

    More of the beautiful gardens, and the rusty peacock was fabulous. But again, the rocking and rolling horses were great. No they are the BEST. Those rolling sheep were pretty amazing, too.

    BTW, did the coach run over the dog, or did it just lay down on the job (grin)?

  15. Your TAG is gorgeous. The shade of purple is so pretty.

    That cottage garden is beautiful. Look at the blooms and birds! Love them! :)

    1. It was the sort of place that made you want to stay....

  16. Wow Valerie - you've outdone yourself with this post! Gorgeous art... I love it.
    The garden at the children's petting zoo is truly magnificent, that rose in particular... its blooms are so huge and luscious :D)
    How sweet are those trees and birds in the museum - what a wonderful idea and such a creative display. It would give continued delight to so many.
    The antique toys are beautiful and each one is so precious. My favourite is the ox - all that hand stitching of leather.
    Thank you for sharing these marvellous finds that you keep coming up with. Happy days :D)

  17. So hübsch dein Tag und Callenge mit den Köpfen ich find das toll irgendwie wie Alice im Wunderland die hatte doch auch so Riesenkopf die Königin!
    Deine Fotos sind wieder so schön was dort alles gibt!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag und guten start in die neue Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  18. Hi Valerie, as usual there is much to see here :) Beautiful tag with wonderful texture in the background, the journal page is great fun again with a fantastic background and the photos are wonderful.. quaint garden! Take good care xx

  19. What a pretty purple tag - the texture is awesome!! The digital piece is absolutely wonderful -
    I love the bright colors!!!!! Such a cool idea to use the art wall as the background.

  20. Great sentiment and fantabulous tag and design! Both are awesome sauce and so fun! Hugz.

  21. That cottage garden looks wonderful, the flowers are so colourful.
    Yummy to eat freshly picked cherries ...

    All the best Jan

  22. Lovely tag, the bead gel really gives it dimension. I like your magic pages too! So colorful. Wonderful museum tour, love all the farm and field of it. xox

  23. I especially loved the first tag!
    Cottage gardens are my faves.
    Hope you've had a great one.

  24. Dear Valerie, you certainly are fabulous, but I don’t believe you just sit around all day. Your blog post would not be this good if you did.
    I loved everything about today’s post. Hugs Barbara

  25. The bird balcony sounded like fun:)
    How are you feeling?

  26. Love the tag and the mixed media page is a delight. Love all the photos from your outing and can't wait to see the rest.

  27. Queen Elizabeth! Great tag and I love your Believe in Magic piece too! Fantastic! Great photos!! Love the bird one! That is cool! Big Hugs and I hope you are well!

  28. Wonderful art Valerie, that quote always makes me smile xx

  29. Stunning the fun art made from the splash wall photo...reminds me of the collages Cathy Cullen and her sister used to do many moons ago!! She is a more classic artist now!! Great job..and love all the flowers too! Wow...

    Hugs Giggles


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