
Monday 8 May 2017

T sTands for This and ThaT on Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

This Tuesday sees the start of a new challenge at

- Little things mean a lot-

Projects of all formats are allowed, but must not be
larger than 4"x 4". They do not have to be square.
As always, you have 2 weeks to join in the fun and link to us.

I made a tiny, mixed media canvas:

For Go Tag Thursday, mechanical, I have a mixed media  clockwork
butterfly tag.  The background was made with crumpled tissue
over cardboard, which was painted and then embossed with gilding wax.
The butterfly was printed and cut out twice to give more body.

And please don't forget - you still have  a week to join Chrissie's 'faces'
challenge at Tag Tuesday.

Lat week I went to the little museum here in Kaiserswerth.
There is a wonderful model of the town as it was at the beginning
of the 18th century, before the castle and much of the town was

The castle must have been very magnificent:

The museum is beautifully housed in the rooms of the old school:

I will show more photos next time.

Today is also  Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday,
so here I would like to welcome all the nice ladies of
the T Gang. I'm drinking cappuccino, as always,
and that's cherry / cream cake....Help yourselves!

And to finish, the beautiful moon:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another lovely post. Your art is inspirational as always, I especially love the tag. Fantastic photos, too, the museum looks very good, I never knew there was a museum there. Super moon shot, too. Hugs Sarah

  2. An amazing canvas and tag - fantastic exhibit photos of the museum and yummie cake - and the best of all that beautiful moon shot!
    Happy T-Day and happy TioT!

  3. Your mini canvas and tag are so beautiful! I love the dragonfly and butterfly designs they are stunning. The colours and materials you have used to create look amazing! I enjoyed visiting the museum with you and the moon photo is spectacular. That's one yummy looking cake - Happy T Day dear Valerie! J :-)

  4. Enjoyed your post today the cake looks so good! Sweet little canvas and a beautiful tag! Thanks for the tour, that model of the town is so nice.

  5. What fabulous little pieces Valerie, I love your little man in his horse and cart. You do live in a beautiful spot, even your moon is brighter lol xx

    1. The other man's grass is always greener....

  6. Beautiful art projects Valerie, it is a gorgeous canvas and the dragonfly is lovely.
    Super photos of the model of the town, it is good to see how things change and to show the younger generations that history is a wonderful thing.
    I loved the look of that delicious cake.
    Happy T Day.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Valerie, your tiny dragonfly canvas is just beautiful! I'm finding so much inspiration on your blog. Both of today's challenge projects have marvelous texture. I dub thee, "The queen of texture." lol

    What a great little museum you've shared in Kaiserswerth. I love scale models like that. I can just get lost for hours in all the details.

    Thank you for the yummy cherry cream cake ;-)

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  8. That is a fabulous mini canvas. I love the dragonfly. It looks so pretty and fits just perfectly on the canvas.

    I was also in awe of the mechanical tag with the beautiful butterfly and clock cogs.

    But what got me the most was the incredible beauty of the old castle. The wonderful pieces were gorgeous from every angle, and the attention to detail was unbelievable. I felt like I was actually visiting the castle and all its glory. I was really, really, really impressed with your photos of it.

    Of course, I also really enjoyed the cappuccino and cherry cream cake. I am now quite hungry.

    Thanks for sharing your mini canvas, your tag, and the incredible model of the old castle before it was destroyed, as well as the cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  9. Lots of great art today Valerie. Loving the insects and the beautiful colors in that sunrise. 😀 And that cherry cream dessert looks delicious. Though I must admit I am surgery prepping so I can't have any. ☹️ Happy t day. Wish I was able to play along. Hugs erika

  10. Gorgeous art my friend. I love the beautiful dragonfly, so lovely. Lovely pics of the museum too.
    Hugs June x

  11. Cappuccino and cherry cream-yum! What a fine looking exhibit-such details. Gorgeous art pieces today too! You certainly do accomplish a lot in your days:) Happy T day!

  12. Valerie, I love dragonflies!!!so guess who is in love with your art tag 😘
    All those wonderful and gorgeous are so talented with your camera, too, not just your paints and mixed media!!!
    Great Big Hugs 🎨📷✂💞

  13. A wonderful Tag Valerie..that background is awesome, love the colour palette, it really makes the embellishing pop.
    Thank you so much for playing along in the challenge this week at Go Tag Thursday.x
    Beautiful photos from the museum...a look in to the past...

  14. Where do I start? The whole post is amazing and interesting, love the lot.xx ♥[aNNie]

  15. Wow! What a fantastic post full of so much fabulous artwork and photos! Love all the textures and layers in your artwork! Happy PPF :)

  16. mit der Lybelle das ist wunderschön und auch die anderen kleinen sind wahre Kunstwerke!!!
    Kaiserwerth was bin ich da spazieren gegangen und geradelt am Rhein entlang.
    Ein wunderbarer Ort und das kleine Museum danke für das zeigen ich habe mich sehr gefreut drüber!
    Die Fotos sind wieder toll und der Mond der so klar schien heute Nacht!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  17. Wonderful craft projects today Valerie and no wonder you make such great things with all the wonders you see at the beautiful museum. Always love it when you go there and share the photographs it is all so beautiful and spacious.

    Thank you for sharing the cake and coffee--scrumptious.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  18. Forgot to say Happy T Day


  19. A beautiful collage and tag, the colours in both are gorgeous.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. What a lovely post! The mini canvas and the butterfly tag are beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing the museum. The maquette is so life like. I felt I was walking through the village. When I saw the loading bay by the river, the square one, my 21 century brain went: parking space by the water. I had to laugh at myself. The castle is impressive. Especially seen on the painting.
    I love the pots. Lovingly hand made, and they survived all this time. Amazing.
    Happy T-day,

  21. A fabulous canvas and so beauttiful tag...And great photos.

  22. I love the rich colours in your canvas and in the tag! The castle model looks amazing, what a wonderful place it must have been! The cappuccino and cherry cream cake looks very welcoming! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  23. Your mini piece and tag are awesome. Love the colors and the gears. What a vibrant and busy place the castle and its walled town must have been. I was fascinated by the windmills. The jug with the man's face on it made me laugh, and I enjoyed looking at the pottery and tiles. However, the dish that made my heart sing was your piece cherry cream cake. Thanks for sharing. Happy T Day

  24. Love your mixed media pieces today are fantastic ♥ Love seeing the model of the old castle and surrounding village. Happy T Day!

  25. So many wondrous things today. I love both your pieces and the blue background, especially the dragonfly.
    Wasn't that castle something.
    And, ahh, the moon.

  26. Beautiful butterfly art and I love the dragonfly! He's so pretty!

  27. Both of your art pieces made my heart sing Valerie... Gears and botanicals just really speak to me... And that CASTLE! Just love all the details.. the brick work and shingles... Thank you so much... Hubby is not a museum goer and i do miss it... Happy T day hugs! deb

  28. Wow! wonderful art. I like this theme too. The photos of the museum are wonderful. It is so bright and light there. Have a wonderful day.

  29. Fabulous post Valerie love both pieces of your art a lot!
    Great photos of the museum - the model of the town was amazing and so was your photo of the moon.
    Have a lovely evening... Gill xx

  30. Love your tiny canvas Valerie! The colours along with the design are breathtaking. Hugs!

  31. I love your tiny works of art. You really have a knack for making making something spectacular out of the smallest of canvases. These are great. Hugs, Teresa

  32. Oh, your dragonfly and these deep lovely colours, just beautiful.
    And the little bird on the orange and green pottery, so delightful.

  33. The little canvas is fabulous and I love the butterfly tag with the wonderful textures.
    Photos from your visit look great - the model of the medieval town is amazing, Looks like a really interesting museum. Love the look of the cherry cream cake.
    Avril xx

  34. What a beautiful canvas, great to catch up here again!

  35. Oh how I love your art! The two pieces are gorgeous, so delicate and lovely. How wonderful that model of the castle is too.

  36. What a fantastic tiny canvas, Valerie! Great textures and a super dragonfly!
    The tag is fabulous too!
    Hugs, Mar

  37. What magnificent artifacts, and museum! Love your beautiful little canvas!!

  38. Dragon Flies and Butterflies are my favorite! Beautiful, Valerie!

  39. Hi Valerie, Your canvas and tag are incredible. Two of my favorite subjects too. Loved seeing the display at the museum. Wow it must have been fun in person and to end with that yummy dessert is the best. Gorgeous moon photo!! Have a great rest of the week. xo

  40. Great artwork again, I like both dragon flies and butterflies!

    The museum looks a very nice place to visit, that model is just fantastic.

    I hope you enjoyed your coffee and cake - it looks delicious.

    All the best Jan

    PS What a fabulous moon shot!

  41. such gorgeous color and texture to your art piece! the museum provided much inspiration i see, as did your cappuccino and treat. have a beautiful week. xo

  42. My neighbour paints miniatures all her walls are adorned with tiny little pictures of birds and animals. I'm in awe of her talent, and I feel much the same about your work – it’s beautiful.
    That model must have taken hours of work, and it too is beautiful.
    Yes please to the cherry/cream cake. :-)

  43. Don't you love that poetry with the face?
    Have a productive day and a pleasant evening.

  44. It's a shame we can't preserve more of these old structures :( but I love that there's a museum :) You got a great shot of the moon!

    I'm late, but I'm hoping there's some of that cherry cream cake left, as it'd be good with my coffee lol. Happy T Day late

  45. The moon is gorgeous here too Sugar - wonderful makes and great pictures. Your special cherry treat looks sooooo good!
    sandy xx

  46. That dragonfly is splendid and the tag is out of this world beautiful! Gorgeous texture and dimension and the color is spot on! Hugs, Autumn

  47. Dieses Tag ist megaschön, der Wahnsinn. Mir gefällt die Uhr auf dem Schmetterling und der gecrashte HG. Aber auch das kleine Kunstwerk sieht super aus. Tolle Fotos, besonders Frau Luna ist so klasse getroffen.
    Liebe Grüße

  48. I love your mixed media painting and your tag is beautiful! I don't know where you have the time!! Do you sleep? LOL! Love the museum! The model of the town is magnificent! Yes, I would like a piece of the cherry cream cake!! Wow gorgeous moon picture! Big Hugs!

  49. Absolutely gorgeous makes Valerie!! You are in the groove girlfriend!!
    Thank you for your photos, so nice to learn so much from you! ")
    Now, for my cake please! heehee xx


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