
Monday 1 May 2017

T sTands for loTs of This and ThaT for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Tuesday is always a busy blog day, and this one will be no exception!
We are celebrating a new challenge at Tag Tuesday,
2nd on the 2nd, so I am trying to pack it
all under one hat today.

At Tag Tuesday our host this week is my lovely friend Chrissie,
and her theme is faces.
I made a mixed media tag, using a corrugated cardboard
substrate, which was gessoed, inked and
embossed with Frantage EPs. The image is my version of 
Modigliani's painting of Max Jacobs.  I  'cased' a whole
row of his wonderful portraits a couple of years back.
Here the image was digitally cut out, and placed onto
a grungy background - a piece of an old wall by the
castle ruins, onto which I superimposed some
Hebrew lettering. I sewed all the layers together, and added
some studs and a Ticket made with 2 TH stamps.
If you look  closely you can see I stamped it 
upside down, perhaps so that Max can read it?! I am also
linking to Go Tag Thursday, where the theme is tickets.

Here I would like to welcome all the nice ladies
of the T Gang.
For Elizabeth's TSFT and for 2nd on the 2nd I have a
hybrid piece made a year or two back. The sunshine in my cup has to
be coffee!

Last Tuesday we were given a tour of the old buildings of the
Diakonie. Florence Nightingale was a student nurse here.

The old Chapel has been modernised inside, which makes it 
very light and airy. I love the contrast between the old, wooden fixtures
and the white simplicity:

The gardens were beautiful, too:

The tour was a little (lot!) longer than anticipated,
so some of us skived off and went to the ice parlour....
This time I'm showing the mug of tea one of the others 
was drinking:

And before I forget, a quick reminder that you still have a 
week to join our 'transport' challenge
at TIOT.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your tags are incredible! I love the positive message of your other lovely piece as well. I also think your photographs are very charming.

  2. Hi Val, what a lot of gorgeousness you have served us today. Love that fantastic grungy tag and the hybrid page is great, too. Lovely pot of tea your friend got at the cafe. Beautiful photos of the Diakonie, too, and of the flowers. Hugs Sarah

  3. Valerie, I love that grungy!!! Grunge is fun... I love it!!!
    Love, love, love these photos!!! Gorgeous!!! Your photos are spectacular, always!!!

    Big Hugs ♥💮♥

    1. Oops!!! I forgot to mention that I ♥ that you used that adorable bunny photo as your header 🐇🐰

  4. Really gorgeous artwork Valerie and really enjoyed your photos, from the number I can see it must have been a long tour! The place and the gardens look really lovely.
    Fliss xx

  5. Such a terrific tag Valerie with one of your favourite artists.

    A beautiful repost of the shining coffee cup.

    Happy T Day to you

    Love all of the photographs with the beautiful and serene building and the gorgeous gardens as always.

    The bunny header makes me smile every time I see it

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Wonderful tag, the grunge background is fantastic! I enjoyed visiting the old buildings and gardens with you, the chapel is beautiful with its simple white interior and pretty ceilings. I liked that you skived off and went to the ice parlour too (ha ha!) - the mug of tea looks so stylish! Happy T Day dear Valerie! J :-)

  7. Love your tag Valerie and all its layers. I have had a super catch up tonight and don't really know where to start, your art is always inspirational.
    All the photos are great and I did like the clean fresh modern style of the Chapel.
    I smiled at the 'skiving off', I've not heard that phrase in years, I did like the look of that Tea mug with its top.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Marvelous tag, Valerie! Your digital layering is beautiful and I love the embellishments and stitching you added.

    I was surprised to see how much they modernized the inside of the old chapel in a historc buulding like that, though it does make it light and airy.

    Wonderful photos - as always.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  9. Wonderful tag and suer photos!

  10. Love your bunny header!
    The tour of the old buildings of the Diakonie... I really enjoyed all of your photographs, and the gardens are so lovely too. What a cute little gnome!

    All the best Jan

  11. I love how you are using the corrugated cardboard on your tags lately Valerie. Another beautiful tag- nice how you used the Modigliani face. And that sunshine cup is great for T day on the second. Am enjoying the photos lately. Looks like your day is interesting. :) Have a wonder T day. Hugs-Erika

  12. Beautiful intricate tag and a nice coffee piece! Enjoyed the tour and the garden is stunning.

  13. I'm always in awe when you sew on your tag, because your stitches are always so precise and perfect.

    Your sunshine is the same as my sunshine. I think it is wonderful. I can't live without it, either.

    I really enjoyed the photos you shared today. I always like to see little pockets of hidden treasures in a garden. You have found some of the best. The architecture is incredible, too. Really lovely areas just begging you to sit, relax, and enjoy the beauty and surroundings.

    Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos, including the trip to the ice parlor, your great Max Jacobs painting/tag, and your beautiful coffee art with us for T this Tuesday AND as your choice for second on the 2nd.

  14. Forgot to mention how much I adore your new bunny blog header.

  15. your tag is utterly museum-worthy! you have such talent! and i always enjoy your photos. have a lovely week! xo

  16. I love your brilliant tag and new bunny header, the photos of your tour are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. As usual, your photos are simply stunning, Valerie. Your tag is brilliant - one of my favourite artists, too. I really love this tag with all its intriguing layers and clever use of ticket is the perfect finishing touh

  18. Hello Valerie. As always your post is so full of arty and photographic goodness. The tag is terrific and I love the addition of the zig-zag stitching. It's so true about coffee - a great thing about morning is that one can start drinking coffee again.
    Your photos are so clear and colourful - I especially like the third last one.
    Have a great day.

  19. Hello Dear Valerie, such a sweet header :D) I do love your tag so much, it's exciting to see how you've created it. What a treat to see where Florence Nightingale received her training... a wonderful old building, so grand in its architecture and then so bright and airy inside. I enjoy the contrast. Thank you for your post, my apologies for not many visits of late - I will catch up when working on all 4 cylinders ;D) hugs xx

  20. An awesome Tag...and as always a lovely blog post...
    Thank you for joining in with the Ticket Challenge at Go Tag Thursday..x

  21. Loving your new header! Your tag is fabulous - must get my face…errr... head around that one! In fact your whole post is fabulous! I love seeing the tour of the old buildings - it's a shame when tours don't know when to stop! Still, you found a good spot to escape to! The gnome smelling the flowers made me smile ! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  22. I'm having sunny, black coffee in my cup today, and sunshine-in-my-cup is exactly what I have! :)

    What a nice tour, such an interesting setting and the gardens look fun. Happy T Day!

  23. Thank you Valerie for taking us on the tour with you... I just love that tea cup with a lid... I've never seen one with a lid like that... Love seeing the old buildings... Your tag came together beautifully... especially the stitching.. that really gave it something special i think... Happy T day Hugs! deb

  24. Your tag is wondederful. I love the star studs. Sunshine from a cup of tea feels the same way. The building is so beautiful. Old and new. The gardens are gorgeous and the little garden gnome made me laugh. Happy T and Second Day!

    1. Oh, and the bunny on your banner is so cute.

  25. Really stunning tag you've created! My morning sunshine is coffee too😃.Love the gardens and church...So beautiful. Happy TDay!

  26. Fab art work Valerie - I love the quote you used on the second piece - but I'm addicted to Modigliani at present so really adore that and that's my favourite today. The buildings are lovely and so clean and fresh looking - and your outside pictures are great.
    That's a fab mug - what a wonderful lid :)
    Just had a cuppa and one of 'your' spice slices ha ha - hope you are enjoying your shortbreads still!
    Gill x

    1. Shortbread all gone! Better make more next time!

  27. lovely tag, quote and fab photos

  28. Love your bunny banner! And the tour sounds really terrific. I, too, found the contrast in the chapel beautiful but then the whole building looks very cool. Thanks!

  29. Your tags are just stunning, love the bunnies-and I really love the beautiful grounds and the chapel-beautiful and peaceful.


    1. and I forgot I love the tea mug very much-and that should have said bunny not plural lol

  30. LOVE your tag today Valerie, and this is exactly how I feel about my morning coffee! Have a great week xx

  31. Oh, the little bunny is so cute!!!! Love the tag and your 2nd on the 2nd piece is fantastic. I need that kind of coffee :) Lots of beautiful photos today too. It's always nice to see what's happening in your part of the world.

  32. Fabulous artwork today Valerie! I love the tag, those metal buttons are such a great embellishment! What an amazing building, the design of older building sure can't compare to the cookie cutter buildings of modern day! Love the big fountain out front! I have ordered a bird bath fountain for my new patio, it should be arriving today. How I love to listen to the trickling water when I'm sitting outside!! hugs :)

  33. Your tag is fabulous - I love the digi work and the addition of the metal buttons! You always have such wonderful textures on the artwork you make!!

  34. I am in love with your tag stitching Valerie!! marvelous work!
    That chapel is very interesting now that they have modernized it.
    Thank you for the glorious photos!
    hugs,Jackie xx

  35. Both pieces are amazing my friend! I love the details on your tag!!! Gorgeous chapel and I love the garden pictures! Beautiful! That was a sure big cup of tea! LOL! Big Hugs!


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