
Friday 5 May 2017

Birds, flowers and a crafty tag

Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post today, it was a busy week and I need to rest!

I made a 12" mixed media tag for a friend, as inspiration I 
cased one of my old tags, using lots of layering, stitching,
collage, structure paste and stencils:

Media challenges, anything goes.

We had some wonderful clouds again:

I was surprised to see poppies already in spite of the
bad weather:

 Lots of hungry birds needing to be fed.

I am linking the bird photos to 2 crafty critter crazies

Have a great day and a great weekend,
take care, and thanks a lot
for coming by!


  1. Have a good rest, your tag is beautiful and your photos made me happy today!

  2. Love the wonderful tag and the gorgeous photos, your flowers look gorgeous, and those birdies are so tweet!! We'r going to my Mum's this evening. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful post and photos ~ Love the creative tag art, the cloud photos, poppies and our delightful feathered friends ~ thanks,

    Happy Day to you ~ ^_^

  4. The tag is terrific Valerie but the photographs today take the prize. Vic and me have just been looking through them with wonder at the content and quality in all of them..I think any poppies here would have lost their petals in the wind. Thank you for sharing all the wonders.

    Enjoy a really good rest because you deserve it

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Your tags are so fan"tag"stic Valerie!!!
    I can see the love, thought and care that you put into each and every one of them!!!
    Love the photos!...gorgeous!!!
    Get some rest.
    Big Hugs~

  6. Your tag is lovely. I like all the texture and the colours. Great photos of the birds, too. Excellent work.

  7. Love your photographs and the art tag is superb, I love everything about it.

  8. I love the combination of colours you used on your tag. I didn't know there were poppies already! we had lots last year, but this year I didn't see them yet ... Enjoy your weekend rest! xxx

  9. Amazing tag and photos - enjoy your weekend and relax!

  10. Great to see the birds, a lovely colourful variety.
    Love your colourful tag (lucky friend) and the great cloud pictures.
    Have a pleasant restful weekend doing just what you like to do.

  11. What wonderful shots of the birds and flowers! Love your tag.

  12. Gorgeous tag Valerie and love the pics, especially the birds.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  13. PS: Forgot to say how much I LOVE your bunny header! xx

  14. What a lovely tag, I think the butterfly in the lower right hand corner is really wonderful. The photos are beautiful too.

  15. Its a fabulous tag and great textures. The photos were awesome, I especially love the ones with the birds.
    Have a good weekend and get lots of rest.
    Yvonne xx

  16. What a beautiful tag! The colors on the person are so intriguing.

    Love the pictures! I don't think I have ever seen poppies out in the wild. How pretty!

    Have a lovely weekend. :)

  17. I do so love your tag - such fabulous colours ……..but…totally distracted by the bullfinches…and green with envy! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. We have a lot of them here just now, I love watching them.

  18. Love your tags.
    Love all of your photographs ... especially the poppies.

    Good wishes for the coming weekend

    All the best Jan

  19. You've created a beautiful tag and thanks for the closeups - always beaut to see.
    How about all those delightful Poppies - wow! I love to see them, as well as the birds and magnificent clouds!
    Take care, rest yourself... most important to refresh :D) xx

  20. This is a fantastic quick post Valerie. Your tag is great. Very artsy. And those bird photos-wow! Happy weekend! Hugs-Erika

  21. Wonderful Springy post and art!! Take care!!

    Hugs Giggles

  22. Great texture on your tag and the clouds sure look interesting. Love the gorgeous pics.xx ♥[aNNie]

  23. Sehr schön und wieder mal ganz tolle Fotos :) Schönes Wochenende...

  24. Wieder ein richtig tolles Tag liebe Valerie. Mir gefallen die Texturen auf der Figur und die Farbkombination von Rost und Türkis sehr gut. Schöne Fotos auch wieder, die kleinen Vögel sind so schön.
    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende.

  25. I just love the look of the blue diamonds on your art piece. I love the color to begin with and the shape brings lots of texture and color. And oh, those poppies! They're the best!

  26. AMAZING tag, wow, what an artistic look. Love the paper beads. Your wildlife shots are splendid. Hugs, Autumn PS. Happy National Scrapbook Day!

  27. Awesome tag, Valerie! I so enjoy seeing all your wonderful pics! You have a super weekend too :)

  28. Wow Valerie! What a gorgeous mixed media tag! I love it! All the photos are amazing! Such cute birds and pretty poppies! Happy PPF :)

  29. Hi Valerie, Love your pretty detailed tag. Great sky pics and flowers. The bird captures are amazing. Hope you got some rest. Have a nice rest of the weekend. xo

  30. Very lovely mixed media tag. Lots of wonderful details. Thank you for joining us at Creative Artiste this month. Hope to see you back here again soon. Judy DT

  31. Cool tag!
    Great cloud photos but my favourites were seeing the Bullfinches - wow you are so lucky to have them Valerie - thanks for showing them :)
    Gill xx

  32. I am sure your friend loved your tag - I never thought about hanging beads (especially home made ones) from a tag and I love that idea!
    Your bird pictures are amazing - such wonderful colors. I had to laugh when I saw the little bird that looks like he is chirping - "fuss, fuss, fuss, that's all you do!" My bird quote for the day.
    Sandy xx

  33. I am always so intrigued by your art. There is always so much to take in. Your cloud photos are amazing and I love the poppies.

  34. So many things to l7ve here! Your mixed media tag I love so much, brilliant colors! Beautiful well-known birds and lovely clouds. And those beautiful flowers!

  35. Your bird photos are stunning. I am so glad to see you entering some of your beautiful photography in our challenge at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies.

  36. I hope you've got some rest my friend! I love your tag!! Very cool! And, I love your photos! Love the poppies, clouds and birds! Big Hugs!

  37. What a gorgeous tag! I just love those colors and elements together! Superb Valerie!!
    The Poppies and white flowers...ohhhh! the photos made my heart soar- gorgeous!
    Yes, my dear, please do get some rest do not overdo!!

  38. A gorgeous tag. Wonderful colourway and design.
    Thank you for joining in with our May challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media and good luck x


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