
Monday 3 April 2017

Tuesday is T-Time

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at
Tag Tuesday, chosen by the lovely Joan
-Things with wings-
As our last challenge was about birds, we are asking you not
to use birds this time, but anything else with
wings - let your imagination fly free !
Tags of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks
to link to us. AND you can win a prize - all details
on our blog!

I made an 8" mixed media tag, once again stitching the layers
 together. The image is from Gecko Galz, and is one of my faves. I
used a mix of dried twigs and textile flowers as 
embellishments. The butterfly is from LaBlanche.

I am also linking to Go Tag Thursday, vintage.

Tuesday is also time for Tea Stands for Tuesday over
at Elizabeth's blog, so here a hearty welcome to all of the nice
ladies of the T-Gang.

Today there are chocolate muffins on offer, 
please help yourselves:

And my drink is, as always, cappuccino in my fave mug:

The trees are rapidly turning green:

Most days have been warm and sunny:

Today started out cool and misty, but the sun came out later:

I had to move the hyacinths from the kitchen to the
balcony as the smell was beautiful but rather

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another beautiful and elegant tag, and great photos. Love the misty ones, too. And I wouldn't mind a couple of those choccie muffins! But with tea, please! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Such a pretty tag Valerie and exceedingly yummy looking muffins. Love your photos especially the floral ones.
    Fliss xx

  3. Its a gorgeous tag Valerie, love the vintage lady, the beautiful trimmings you added
    make it look so feminine and romantic.
    Wonderful photos of the misty morning, they look so atmospheric.
    Happy T day and yes please to one of those delicious looking cakes.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Lovely winged tag today. Your muffins look so good! No green leaves here yet, just overcast and rainy.

  5. Such a beautiful tag! There is so much lovely detail - the background paper and the image of the lady is so pretty and your use of dried twigs, textile flowers, netting and lace makes it looks so elegant! I would love to join you for one of those yummy chocolate muffins - Happy T Day! J :-)

  6. Everytime I see your gorgeous tags I think "Valerie can't make another one more beautiful than this one!" And everytime I'm wrong!!! Fabulously beautiful as are every one of your photos!!!


  7. Oops!!! I got so carried away that I forgot to tell you how delicious those chocolate muffins look :)

  8. A gorgeous feminine tag, it's a lovely image.
    Love the misty morning photos, they look very atmospheric. The chocolate muffins look yummy - yes please.
    Avril xx

  9. These tags are simply gorgeous, so feminine, and I love the colourways.

    Chocolate muffins look very yummy!

    Hope the new week has started well for you.
    Good wishes

    All the best Jan

  10. What a gorgeous dimensional tag, Valerie. You outdid yourself :D

    And your fog and flower photos are absolutely dreamy. What a nice visit.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  11. I love this gorgeous tag Valerie! Love how you added the flowers…speaking of which - we had to banish hyacinths to our balcony too - T was sneezing too much! Love your photos - the misty ones are great! Trying to ignore your yummy looking buns!!! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  12. really beautiful tag Valerie! My hubby would love those muffins:) And I will take the pretty flowers blooming about town:) Happy T day!

  13. Beautiful tag Valerie. And YUMMY-those muffins look really delicious. I think mine would taste good with a big glass of milk. :) I'll be by for breakfast. Especially since you have so much green. :) Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  14. Your tag is SO beautiful and romantic. It looks like you recycled a few things, too. I am always impressed when you sew. SEW much better than my wonky sewing (grin).

    I love the mist. To me, it's the hardest thing to capture. Your photos are incredible.

    I want a chocolate muffin. How did you know I am craving chocolate, even before I visited. Now my mouth is watering. Thanks for sharing your cappuccino (and that lovely mug) and muffins with us for T this Tuesday.

  15. This tag is adorable, so nice with the vintage feel and that gorgeous butterfly.
    Beautiful pics of those flowers and I have already put on weight looking at those yummy food.xx ♥[aNNie]

  16. What an amazing post - gorgeous as always.

  17. The tag is stunning and what a wonderful hat with all the additions and the bright colours. It cheered me up instantly.

    The muffins look amazing and how you find time to cook such wonders, with all the other things you have to fit into your life at the moment, is beyond me.

    Great photographs and I could smell the hyacinths from here.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  18. How creative! And wow, the muffins got me craving.
    Beautiful shots of the majestic skies and pretty flowers.

  19. Always a treat to visit your blog..and this time I get to have one of your muffins too..delicious...
    I love Hyacinths too, their smell as you say is lovely,but intense... your is beautiful.
    Thank you for playing along in this weeks challenge...xx

  20. Another fabulous tag, and lovely photographs. I'll decline on the muffins as I am bordering on Type 2 diabetes. :(
    Hugs Wendy

  21. What a beautiful tag! I love the way you put the flowers on her hat. Gorgeous!
    Thank you, I think I will have a muffin. I'm supposed to be on a diet but those muffins look so yummy, I can't resist!
    I love hyacinths but agree with you that their fragrance is somewhat overpowering. In Holland I could sometimes smell a field of hyacinths from miles away!
    Lovely photos of the trees in the mist. I'm glad you have had some decent weather. Spring is here.
    Happy T-Day,

  22. What a beautiful tag, I just adore that big butterfly and all the flowers! Wonderful photos, I think I love misty mornings more than anything else. Sunny days are so boring! lol. Lovely flowers, didn't realize they had such a strong aroma, all my plants are foliage only. have a great week :)

  23. Absolute Brilliant tag! So beautiful!!
    and those are such a tease!!
    those hyacinths, mmmmmm I can smell them from here-the smell of Spring!

  24. Such a pretty lady on your tag with her lovely blooms and the butterfly too!
    Oh you had me at chocolate with your yummy muffins...I can almost smell them.
    It is always fun to stop and smell the flowers too...lovely closeups!
    Happy T Day liebe Valerie oxo

  25. Hyacinths smell wonderful .... LOVE them! but they could be a tad overpowering in a small space.. And those chocolate muffins Valerie...YUUUMMM!!! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  26. Those hyacinths are fabulous. I love pink hyacinths and the smell (most of the time, sometimes a bit much but it's always worth the try. I bought a few cut ones for my kitchen window this week!) And your tag is lovely. All mkes me hungry!

  27. Your photos are great. So many wonderful things, the muffins look scrumptious, the flowers beautiful. I love the vintage lady. Can't make up my mind which is my favorite, but I think if I could smell/taste the muffins that would seal the deal!

  28. I love how you embellished the lady's hat :) I'm enjoying the chocolate muffin with my coffee, thx! The nature photos are lovely. The atmosphere can change so much through the day. Happy T Tuesday!

  29. Your tag is so pretty Valerie - love the image, stitching and flowers especially.
    mmm..I can imagine your scrumptious muffins and coffee and the flowers are lovely - but I see why you had to move them - they make me want to sneeze! :)
    Hope your week going well... Gill xx

  30. Hi Valerie, WOW I love your wings tag. The 3D effect is beautiful!! Your muffins look so delicious!! Love your walking pics and your flowers are gorgeous. So nice to catch up with you this morning. I'm back from spring break and enjoying getting around to everyone!! Have a great week. xo

  31. your tag is utter vintage loveliness and the little bit of netting just makes it so extra special! i'm jealous of your muffins and cappuccino! and love all your photos as always. xo

  32. You can't possibly eat all those muffins by yourself! Oh if only I could help myself to one!!!
    Valerie - your tag is outstanding - once again you have hit the jackpot.
    Beautifully designed and made. I think I am more of a romantic than I thought for!!!!
    Always enjoy your pictures Sugar!!
    sandy xx

  33. Gorgeous tag. The butterfly on the woman's hat reminds me of the fanciful hat creations you see at place like Ascot. those chocolate muffins are to die for. Oh, my! The hyacinths are so beautiful, but I find their scent a bit overpowering. thanks for sharing your Spring. I wish the season would get started here. Happy T Day

  34. love the gorgeous art and the muffins look delicious xx

  35. A wonderful tag, love the image and the beautiful flowers. Lovely set of photos!

    Kim ♥

  36. was für ein wundervoller Tag, so hübsch die Gestaltung ich bin so begeistert davon. So leckere Muffins hast du gebacken und das Wetter ist so unterschiedlich gewesen bei dir und die schönen Blumen, da sind alle tolle Fotos!
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  37. Oooh how elegant Valerie, your lady looks wonderful (and so do the muffins) xx

  38. Ein ganz zauberhaft romantisches Tag, Vintage-Look vom Feinsten. Gefällt mir sehr.
    Oh wie lecker sehen deine Muffins aus, da möchte man gleich eins mopsen und reinbeißen.
    Ja nach dem Regen mit darauffolgendem Sonnenschein explodiert das Grün, ein herrlicher Anblick.
    Liebe Grüße

  39. Your tag is gorgeous - love that image, along with the flowers you added. And the butterfly too!
    The muffins look delicious and your photos are always top notch - have a good week!

  40. Such a beautiful tag, Valerie.... elegant, and artistic! And the images on your blog are just so inviting - attractive to all the senses.

  41. I'm still drooling over the chocolate muffins! Actually, I'm trying to eat them through the computer! LOL! Big Hugs! Love your art and your photos!!!


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