
Friday 14 April 2017

Tiptoe through the tulips

Hi Everybody!
I'm looking forward to the long Easter weekend here,
and plan on catching up on sleep, lots of feet-up time
and some nice walks, weather permitting.
Hope you all enjoy your weekend, too.

For Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, 
Hazel's  lovely 'magical mystery tour' theme
I have an A3 mixed media piece on a 
painted and textured background, made last
week at art group. I used a paper napkin for the tulips,
which didn't show up well because of the dark
background, so I coloured them with pastel chalks,
which is always a satisfying job:

This wonderful encaustic abstract was given me by another participant
in the group, and I love the wonderful colours and
movement in this piece:

Here are the last photos from my visit to the Altstadt last Saturday -
here you can see the carts being driven off:

A few steps further a group was playing
good music:

The heads are up on the courts here:

And the Otto Dix exhibition is still going strong
at K21:

These trees are here on the street where I live:

Love the two different colours on this one:

We had great sun-rise scenes every day:

Saw these little critters sitting on the step today:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. moin valeire,

    deine seiten sind traumhaft,ich liebe tulpen,mir gefällt besonders das satte grün,das ist frühling pur.
    die austellung war bestimmt schön,da möchte ich auch mal hin,und deine sunsetbilder sind einfach hammergenial,da möchte ich jetzt gern sein.
    schöne ostern für dich.

    hugs jenny

  2. Hi Val, another fab post, love your tulip art, really wonderful, and thanks for sharing your lovely photos, which are always a joy to see. Great piece from your friend, too. Enjoy your weekend off, get a good rest, hugs, Sarah

  3. I was in awe of the background as much as the tulips. Looks like you have lots of patience to fill them in and not tear the napkin.

    I so enjoyed the remaining photos from the Altstadt, the K21 with the Otto Dix exhibition, the trees on your street, and the cute chicks on the steps. Of course, I also enjoyed that incredible abstract art. Really lovely.

  4. Hope you get the weather you would like for your long weekend Valerie. I am sure you will enjoy the rest what ever you are doing.

    Beautiful tulip page and the amazing background.

    More terrific photos to show the fun of the day. I always love to hear a band in the open air they sound so different.

    Are those critters sitting on your step? I bet they see how you feed the birds and have come to collect the crumbs.

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Oh, tulips are my favorites to paint. Love yours and that lovely colors background.

  6. The chalk pastels on the napkin worked really well, it really adds a lovely depth and I thought you had painted them - beautiful! Those little critters caught my eye, aren't they adorable and so cheery too - thanks for sharing and they really made me smile :-) . Wishing you a lovely weekend, Happy Easter! J :-)

  7. Flowers are on my mind too Valerie. Those flowers are just beautiful. I like how you dipped their steams so they bend out. Mine always seems a little stiff. And I enjoy your days out. It looks like it was a fun time. :) Happy weekend. Hope it is everything you would like it to be. Hugs-Erika

  8. Your tulip page is awesome. Love the textures and colour. Looks like you had a great day out, too. Nice photos of everything going on. Have a nice Easter.

  9. love the tulips page-and great tip to go over the napkin with pastels to bring out more color! Looks like you had another wonderful day out and about. Happy PPF!

  10. Your tulips are stunning as is that abstract you were gifted. Thanks for the lively town photos and those little eggs are so cute! Have a great long weekend.

  11. The tulips looks amazing with the added colour, its a fantastic page and so is the other
    abstract one.
    Hope you get good weather for your walks, its raining here. The photos from the weekend look good, it nice to hear good street musicians when in town.
    Have you left those critters on the step and not invited them in, or are they visiting someone else.
    Have a good day.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Those are awesome tulips for tip-toeing, Luv the photos too. Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    Happy Good Friday

    much love...

  13. A perfect piece for spring and what a lovely day for a walk.
    Have a lovely Easter weekend, my friend.

  14. It's lovely in your part of the world. I hope you have a peaceful, restful and delightful weekend!

  15. Love your tulips piece and how you enhanced them on that fab textured background. Your photos show that you live in a land of beautiful sunrises.

  16. Love your tulips creation ~ beautiful and colorful for Spring ~ wonderful post and photography ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  17. Love the tulips ♥♥♥ and the one your friend gave you is priceless. Great photos of your world and I still love those little carts. I think they would be fun to drive of course someone would have to get a mechanical lift to get me out of the thing :) Hope your weekend is enjoyable.. I'll be working but that's ok with me. I don't have to work many weekends and since we don't do anything for Easter I'll let someone who does have the time off.

  18. Your art work is so very gorgeous Valerie - the colors so rich and vibrant. I love your background - what a talented friend you have. I have missed something - what art group?
    Sandy xx

  19. lovely tulips and cute little race cars happy easter

  20. Hello Valerie, I’m so impressed with everything you do and today’s tulips are no exception, beautiful. The carts made me smile as did all the lovely photographs and the Easter chicks.
    Have a lovely Easter, enjoy your rest. Hugs Barbara

  21. Valerie, I love visiting here! You always have such beautiful artwork to see and gorgeous photos that are out of this world!!! Love that last photo cute!!!

    Happy Easter!!!

  22. Oh, I love your tulip piece. The napkin background is so appealing. The encaustic piece is so lively with movement! Your photos are beautiful as usual. It is interesting how the heads are coming out of the one building. Happy Easter! Thanks for sharing again!

  23. How I love these fresh Spring art pieces, they feel so like Spring with those fresh breezes and new light, they make my eyes dance!

  24. Lovely A3 page - beautiful ! Thank you for another great entry linked to Hazel's theme at AJJ- a fab background made by your art-friend and great photography!
    I wish you a happy relaxing Easter weekend and thank you very much for your lovely e-card!Susi

  25. Ach wie schön dieses Tulpenbild, der Hntergrund mit dem feinen Muster gefällt mir auch sehr. Das andere abstrakte Bild scheint Enkaustik zu sein und sieht super aus.
    Tolle Fotos zeigst du uns hier wieder. Das knallrote Dix-Gemälde sieht fantastisch aus auf der dunklen Hauswand. Aber auch die drei kleinen Hühner auf der Treppe zaubern bestimmt so Manchem ein Lächeln ins Gesicht.
    Liebe Grüße und frohe Ostern

  26. How very beautiful your spring art is! I love it. That encaustic piece is impressive and I love your photos, your tree with the two tones of flowers is especially lovely.

  27. Oh, those little critters are so cute! AND your art is so pretty - I love all the bold color! Happy Easter! xoxo

  28. Looks like you are enjoying good spring fun, getting out and about.
    Your quote and tulips are lovely.

  29. Your tulip piece is brilliant, love the colours.

    I've so enjoyed seeing all of your photo's from your visit to the Altstadt.

    Wishing you a Happy Easter Weekend

    All the best Jan

  30. Love the tulips and your gorgeous pics....just a quick one as I am getting ready to go away for a couple of weeks......see you upon my return.. xxxx

  31. Beautiful make with the colour you have used for the back ground really makes the tulips pop...Hugs Lozzy x
    fab photos

  32. Beautiful post! Love that you added color to the tulips- they are beautiful!

  33. I love your journal page, the tulips are so lovely. I have some tulips in my garden, the flowers are lovely but never seem to last long enough - love your photos too.
    xxx Hazel.

  34. This is such a beautiful piece of art with the loveliest of sayings. Happy Easter to you and all the resting time you will get. LOL The photos are wonderful and looks like such a fun time. Your eye for photography is as good as your eye for art.

  35. Oh those tulips are beautiful. I also love your night sky photography.


  36. your tulips are brilliant! may you enjoy your long weekend, walks, resting time and may you feel peaceful! xo

  37. I hope you're having a relaxing Easter weekend my friend!
    Love the beautiful art piece you created and the piece that you were gifted is amazing!
    I love those carts! Great pictures!! Truly beautiful!
    Big Hugs!

  38. Wunderbar kommen die roten Tulpen auf diesem grünen Hintergrund zur Geltung!
    Wunderschöne Fotos - die drei kleinen Hühner auf der Treppe gefallen mir besonders gut!
    Liebe Grüße, Rike

  39. Lots to see here - loved the tulips especially - that was really lovely.
    Didn't have a single tulip in our garden this year so must get some new bulbs for next year.
    Enjoyed your photos - the little cars looked fun!
    Gill x


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