
Monday 24 April 2017

All the Ts for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT -


As always you have 2 weeks to link your creations
to us, and projects of all formats are welcome.
I'm looking forward to seeing YOU there.
I made a mixed media wall hanger using recycled cardboard and 
some brown burlap given to me by Chrissie. The vintage
photo was printed out onto canvas, which gives a great
added texture. I added a ticket, made using 2 TH 
stamps and some metal cogs. The cardboard was peeled, painted 
with gesso and partly embossed with Frantage. I used 2 rows 
of sewing to hold it all together:

And before I forget, you still have a week to 
join us at Tag Tuesday, where the theme is 'heritage'.

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a big welcome
to all the nice ladies of the T Gang. I didn't have time
to bake cake or cookies, as I am just exhausted when
I get back from the clinic each day, so I'll just share my
cappuccino with you!

I had a wonderful surprise on Saturday when a parcel from
Jackie came - thanks so much Sweetie, it made my day. Saturday
was a sad day for me as it was the anniversary
of the day my husband died and also our wedding anniversary, 
and this lovely present really cheered me up.
This wonderful Frida tag will have pride of place in
my arty kitchen:

Even the wrappings are wonderful, tissue, cheesecloth and fibres:

 Lots of gorgeous crafty goodies:

  This large and beautiful piece will be used on the next journal 
cover I make:

Thanks so much for your kindness Jackie!

And some photos taken on my Saturday walk:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh how I love your transport piece, it is so wonderful! Your photos are so beautiful too. What thoughtful gifts from your friend, I am sorry for your loss.

  2. Lovely work for the challenges, and a most wonderful time of year evidenced by your photos. Beautiful gifts from Jackie glad they helped cheer you up.

  3. LOVE your beautiful vintage piece, really gorgeous. You got some lovely presents from your friend, enjoy! Great photos, as always. Have a happy T day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Very classy project for a Try it on Tuesday with lots of wonderful sewing and ideas.

    The tag looks so clear and crisp and good enough to drink. Happy T Day

    How wonderfulto get happy mail from Jackie just when you needed cheering up. Lots of great things for you to use on you artwork..

    Great photographs as always the ducks looks so colourful.

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Your photos are lovely. Your travel page is fantastic! Lots of creative inspiration. Very sorry for your loss, but you have kept his memory alive with this post. Sending a hug your way. Nan

  6. mensch hast du tolle geschenke bekommen,einfach wunderbar,viel spass damit.
    deine transport seite ist klasse und die schönen fliederbäume duften bis hier her,ich liebe flieder.
    eine schöne woche für dich.

    schöne grüße jenny

  7. I know I'm late posting today. I was gone and the time simply got away from me.

    I had forgotten about your sad day as I celebrated half way around the globe. I won't forget again. I adore the tag and wonderful gifts you received. Just when you needed cheering up the most.

    Your TioT entry is out of this world. I love it. The burlap adds that special touch to the cardboard and sewing. This is out of this world. Very vintage and old school.

    What I wouldn't give to have my lilac bush back. It died a few years ago. Your photo brought back fabulous memories.

    But of course, what can I say about that coffee tag? It's ME! I am like you and get grumpy if I don't have my coffee. I adore it and the poem. Thanks for sharing your incredible art, fabulous photos, and coffee tag with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. I had to smile at the coffee poem you used for your tag - it's perfect! I'm so glad Jackie sent you this beautiful and thoughtful gift at such a poignant time, sending you heartfelt wishes! The tag and all the crafty goodies are lovely,the ravens on the chandelier seems to have been made for you and will make a wonderful piece for your next journal cover :-) . Happy T Day dear Valerie! J :-)

    1. Just wanted to stop by again and thank you for inviting me to join you as a Guest Designer at TioTs! It had fun creating my transport page and there are some great projects being posted :-) . Wishing you a great weekend! J :-)

  9. Beautiful how the transport printed so well on to canvas and then transformed by you. Gorgeous flowers and delight in your surroundings
    So glad you had that pick-me-up from Jackie at the right moment... hugs and warm kind thoughts to you xx

  10. Stunning post for my return to the PC world.xx
    Thanks for taking time to comment while I was away on my scheduled posts. Greatly appreciated.

  11. Your poem is fantastic. And please be sure to have a mug or cup so you don't get mean! I like how the image looks printed on canvas. Funny, I was just thinking today that I should do some image printing on fabric. :) And you have blooming lilacs-they are my favorite. Enjoy those wonderful new toys...can't wait to see what you make with them. Hugs-Erika

  12. I am so grateful to Jackie for her thoughtful way of helping you at this moment in your life. I am very sorry Valerie.

    Your image printed on fabric is outstandingly​ beautiful!!! Love the poem! Did you write it? It's great!!!
    All those gorgeous Flowers in your photos...Wow!!!

    Big Warm Hugs~💕

    1. Yes, I wrote that poem some years back. I really need my coffee!

  13. So lovely - I always enjoy seeing what you create as well as your photos>

  14. Your fabric hanging is outstanding!!! Love it so much! So glad you received that beautiful tag just at the right time.... (hugs)
    Oh and wonderful spring time photos!

  15. A beautiful mixed media wall hanger and fantastic gifts from the lovely Jackie for you. I am happy with you- Happy T-Day, Susi

  16. The transport piece is so interesting. I have to figure out how to print on fabric. Your gifts are unique and so suited to your work, I hope they made a hard day a little easier. Enjoyed all the flower pictures very much,

  17. Love all your "T" art, Valerie!

    Have you heard from Lady D lately?
    Hugs, Yvonne

  18. LOVE the transport piece so very much. Beautiful photos as always too!
    Happy T day!

  19. I love the shape of that cute cup :) and those Spring flowers! Lovely!

    Happy T Tuesday

  20. OH Valerie, what a tough day you had. Clinic and a grieving anniversary as well as your own. That's sort of a double whammy of a really great day and a really rugged and sad one. I'm glad you had a little surprise to brighten it.

    Those gorgeous lilacs and wisteria certainly brighten my day! Two of my favorites -- and fabulous!

  21. Your 'transportation' piece is truly stunning, love the stitching and all the texture! really cute poem on the coffee tag made me smile...and always enjoy your photos. Happy T day!

  22. love those crows and the fabric piece is amazing

  23. Hi Valerie, Your new creation is really a treasure. I love the theme. The coffee tag is so awesome along with the cute poem to go with it.
    I'm sorry you had a tough day. Happy mail like you received had to be the perfect lift of spirits. Everything is a treasure to enjoy and create with.
    Lovely walking pics too. The lilacs are gorgeous!!
    Wishing you a great last week of April. Hugs and joys my friend.

  24. Just love that top image of the horses and what you did with it.....all the flower photos are just gorgeous...loving those lilac and wysteria photos.... Happy T day!! Hugs! deb

  25. Your 'transportation' piece is beautiful. What a clever idea to print the vintage image on canvas. I don't know if my printer would do that.
    How kind of Jackie to send you some happy mail on a sad day. Lots of nice little 'thingies'and the good thought of course.
    I love your photos as always. That wisteria is beautiful. I dream of having one on my patio one day. (I don't know if they would withstand our harsh climate of hot summers and cold winters). And being Dutch, I am partial to a bunch of tulips.
    Happy T-Day,

  26. Fabulous vintage transport hanging Valerie, the printed canvas looks fabulous.
    Enjoy your new goodies. Your photos looked lovely, we have had hailstones and snow today, happy caravan weather.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  27. I love your beautiful wall hanger Valerie! Perfect take on our theme! Warm hugs to you from

  28. Days like these are not easy ... it was so lovely of Jackie to send those beautiful gifts, and I am so pleased they did help lift your spirits.

    I do like the vintage transport piece, looks fabulous.
    Your coffee rhyme is so good. I'm a tea drinker first, coffee is my second choice but I did enjoy the rhyme.

    Fantastic photo's as usual, thank you. Isn't the lilac wonderful.

    Take care and rest if you need to

    All the best Jan

  29. What a nice surprise from Jackie on such a sad day. I'm glad someone was there to let you know you are not alone.
    Your wall hanging is gorgeous. It has such a vintage look. I love the stitching and all the gears.
    hugs, Teresa

  30. Your transport hanging almost looks like x-stich. Very cool. I don't drink coffee, don't like the taste though I like the smell especially the smell of ground coffee beans. Your poem made me laugh and made me think of my Eldest as she loves her coffee. I'm sorry for your loss and hope happy memories ease the sadness. Such beautiful flowers on your walk even the ducks are very colorful. Happy T Day

  31. Your picture looks fabulous printed onto the canvas Valerie and that's a great quote with the coffee tag.
    How lovely of Jackie to send you that fabulous package, I'm glad it cheered your day.
    Love the photos, epecially the Lilac and the Wisteria, haven't seen any ready to bloom yet.
    Avril xx

  32. Oh I so enjoyed all the photos, so pretty and love your gift tag surprise very much-glad it came on a special day for you-hugs Kathy

  33. Your "transport" wall hanging is gorgeous, Valerie! I love the elemenets you put together so artfuly. In close-up, I can see how perfect your stitchwork is - even across the corrugated cardboard. Wow!

    What amazing timing that the wonderful package of goodies from Jackie should arrive on a day you really needed a pick-me-up. Sorry for your loss.

    Your coffee poem is delightful! I should try to write one about diet cola because if I don't have mine, I too get grumpy ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  34. Your fabric wall hanging is stunning, Valerie! Love the fantastic design, textures and sewing. A great present from Jackie, the Frida tag is fabulous.
    Lovely photos too!
    Hugs, Mar

  35. Hi Valerie! WOW! I love the photos that you took on your walk. The flowers are absolutely gorgeous and I love that they are blooming everywhere. And what you created for "transport" theme is spectacular. The textures alone are gorgeous, but your special touches make it amazing. Thanks also for visiting my blog. HUGS!

  36. What a fabulous canvas creation! I love how you have mounted it! How lovely that Jackie sent you these lovely gifts on your sad day! The Frida tag is fantastic! I love your Spring photos - Lilac is one of my favourites! We loved seeing how far ahead the flowers bloom in Paris! Hugs, Chrisx ps Apologies for being so late! Will come back for a catch up later!xx

  37. Hey Sweet lady! Where do I start!!!! How in the world do you print on canvas!!! Love your wall hanging. You can have your coffee and I will take my tea for tea makes be sweet just - as sweet as I can be!
    Sandy xx

    1. You are a poet and I hope that you know it! You cut the canvas to the size of normal paper and put it in the machine. Either it works, and you will be happy, or the printer breaks down....

    2. I had to laugh when you said either it works and you will be happy or the printer breaks down! LOL!

  38. I really like your transport piece Valerie, the Frantage amongst the stitching looks amazing! You have some lovely goodies there, I'm glad they helped to brighten your day xx

  39. Your art piece with the picture printed on canvas is stunning! I love it Valerie! And, I loved the coffee poem! Too funny!
    My friend, I am so sorry for your loss!! Sending you Big Hugs! The gift you received in the mail, is priceless! Love the tag and all the goodies!!
    Gorgeous photos!
    Big Hugs!

  40. A beutiful transport Project.

  41. Dear Valerie,
    Your transport piece is so very cool! I think you should do a tutorial for printing on fabric! wink wink!
    Omgoodness those flowers in bloom are incredible!! I cannot believe the Wisteria is in such bloom already! Outstanding photos in this post- I especially love the dandelion waiting to be blown away!
    I am soooooo happy that you received the package when you did, although I had no idea about the date. And yes, you are a strong, fearless woman in my book and I am ever so glad to be friends with you!
    love & hugs,

    also happy you liked everything in the envie!!

  42. The coffee one has me written all over it! I love coffee and I need it every day. :)

    I found the stage coach TAG fascinating. I find it so hard to imagine traveling that way! I would rather ride the horse I think. :)


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