
Friday 17 March 2017

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

This has been a good week, but a very strenuous one,
and I am looking forward to a restful weekend.

For Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, Yvonne's lovely theme 
of out and about, I have a mixed media A3 page. The background was 
painted and textured with a patterned brayer, and the image 
was cut from a magazine called Geo. 
I added some painted strips and
feathers to her headdress, and more painted strips for the quote. I used
a stencil to paint the dots with a sponge.

At Go tag Thursday the theme is to use a quote or
verse. I made a mixed media tag, using an image from Gecko Galz, 
and some natural materials as embellishments. I am also linking to
Tag Tuesday, hats and headgear:

The photos were all taken 'down by the riverside'
in the past days:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a bright, bold and beautiful page......I didn't know my style of makeup was so popular *grin*
    Gorgeous always!

  2. Wonderful journal page and tag, and I love the photos, too. It's weekend, and all the kids are sick again, aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Hugs, Sarah

  3. I love your very strong wild woman! Let's be brave and free! Even though its snowing outside and I'm feeling a little COLD.
    Happy PPF

  4. A fantastic and thought provoking page with a wonderful background

    Wow to the tag.. It is just amazing with such beauty with the face and the very beautiful work surrounding it.

    Lots of wonderful bird images.. You are so lucky to see so many regularly. Thank you for sharing them

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. I love the words you used on both your pieces. So empowering and the tag -- well, super wow.

    Every one of your photos makes my spirit soar. Those fabulous birds and wonderful sky. Terrific.

    I hope you do have a restful weekend, take it easy and know you are in my thoughts.

  6. great collages and I love the bird photos

  7. Hi Valerie, you are one amazing artist. Love the colourful mask and the colours of the second one are so rich and beautiful too. Love all the pictures you take, especially the birds. Enjoy a peaceful and relaxing weekend. Hugs Rita xxx

  8. What a wild woman, but i like her !
    Impressive photos in your post, wonderful bird-pictures.

  9. your tribal looking piece is so striking! Love your beautiful tag. Always lovely to see all the birds you capture so wonderfully in your photos. Happy PPF!

  10. Enjoyed your photos today, the wildlife are ready for spring! Lovely page and tag too.

  11. Cool tag! I noticed you posted swans too, so I guess great minds think alike. Blessings!

  12. Very powerful and lovely at the same time!!!
    Have a lovely peaceful week.
    Thank you for the "swan lakes"!

  13. Brilliant collages and great bird photos! Thanks a lot for joining Yvonne at Art Journal Journey again! Much appreciated! Happy relaxing weekend! Susi

  14. Your art is amazing! Your tag is gorgeous!!!
    Theses beautiful photos are extraordinary!!!
    A post filled with talent!!!

    Big Hugs 💕

  15. Oh how wonderful your art pieces are, I love how strong and beautiful your women are. I very much also love the bird photographs.

  16. A very powerful jounral page and mystical tag - beautiful! Loved the walk on the wild side by the river too - grin! Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend dear Valerie! J :-)

  17. Wow, the woman [I hope it was a woman] on your journal page looks awesome, its a great bright page.
    The tag looks fabulous love the headwear on the beautiful image and all the texture details.
    Great photos from your walk, I loved seeing the birds.
    Have a restful weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  18. What an amazing tribal woman. I have never seen anything like it. I hope the object in the middle is a giant piece of jewelry and not a part of her body that is bulging....
    Your tag is fabulous.
    And I enjoyed the photos of the river wildlife. Beautiful.
    I was reading of an art exhibition in Düsseldorf called Stencils Only. It is about street art made with stencils. It will be on view at Pretty Portal (in Dusseldorf) from March 17th until April 28th, 2017. I love street art and this exhibition would be just up my street, but of course I can't go. In case you go (I know you often go to museums) please blog about it (If it is worth while of course).
    Have a lovely weekend,

  19. Fabulous artwork this week, Valerie. The tag is especially beautiful with the natural elements added on.

  20. A stunning image on your journal page Valerie and I love the tag.
    Lovely riverside photos, especially the one of the heron.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Avril xx

  21. Love the quotes you used in your artwork this week. So creative!

    I love all the nature shots today. I am surrounded by snow right now, but I know that spring and walks outside will be coming soon. :)

    Happy weekend!

  22. I like the journal page today Valerie. Its a different, and caught my eye for sure. I seem to be drawn to quotes about being brave or strong lately myself. Beautiful tag too. And those birds certainly look happy. It must have been beautiful day because they seem to be relaxed and just enjoying the day. :) Hope your weekend is that way too. Enjoy. Hugs-Erika

  23. The tribal woman looks fierce and I suspect she is wild and free as a result. It's a great page, and the addition of feathers made it even more special.

    That tag, though. THAT is out of this world. I'd love to have a hat like that, all natural and beautiful with seeds that foretell spring. I really like the green corrugated cardboard, too. The entire tag is fabulous.

    And what can I say? Your photos have gone to the birds!!!!

  24. your journal page is magnificent! wow! wonderful additional entry to the hats and headgear challenge as well! xo

  25. There is a sadness in that tribal woman but a very fitting quote... Stunning bird photos and so many of them!! The second piece is so introspective, also another perfect quote!! Beautiful work, very impressive!

    Hugs Giggles

  26. Such great images, both created and captured on camera. have a great weekend .... I'm watching Rugby!

  27. The tribal lady looks awesome. As I have a big screen here the photos filled it, they are absolutely fantastic.xx ♥[aNNie]

  28. What a cool page! What is the tribal woman wearing around her neck? It looks like a large shell, or half an egg? Very cool!
    Your tag is gorgeous!! Love how soft your image is then to be framed by nature- perfect combo!
    Lovely to see the birds are back!!
    hugs,Jackie xo

  29. Luv the bold colours in the first collage

    Have a nice weekend

    much love...

  30. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the art today ♥♥♥ The quotes on both are great too. So nice to see Mr. Heron again...ya know he's my favorite water bird. Have a gran weekend although your's is half over now.

  31. OOHHHHHHH this is stunning. I love love love this piece.

  32. Wow! So many wonderful wildlife in your photos today. I love the two women with such different feeling in each piece. One somewhat defiant and one subdued.

  33. *wow* fantastic wonderful this Posting with the two women and the Birds!
    Have a nice Weekend

  34. So pleased that you have had a good week, please try to rest and relax over the weekend.

    So lovely to see all of the wildlife photographs, they are lovely.

    All the best Jan

  35. Genial ist sie wieder diese Collage-Seite von dir, diese Frau mit der einfallsreichen Natur-Deko am Körper ist aber auch originell. Dein schönes Tag paßt eigentlich zum Herbst mit seinen Farben, den getrockneten Blüten und dem ersten Schnee auf noch grünen Blättern. Die kleinen Motten darauf flüchten gerade in ein sicheres Winterquartier. Erzählt eine ganze Geschichte dieses Tag mit dem schönen Frauengesicht darauf. Gefällt mir sehr.
    Deine Vogelparade ist auch super. Wer braucht da einen Vogelpark, wenn man so eine Vielfalt an Vögeln vor der Haustür hat.
    Liebe Grüße und geruhsames Wochenende.

  36. Wow, your tag is amazing ~ love the texture and the images and the color. (Also enjoyed all the waterbirds :-D

  37. I hope you're ok! Please take care of yourself! Both your art pieces really touched my soul! Beautiful!! Gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!

  38. More great collages and photos. Love your post.

  39. You have so many creative ideas - love that tag - it is gorgeous!
    Your birds are out and about - great for this months theme!
    sandy xx

  40. Fantastic wild woman. Love it. xox

  41. Love the image on your page and the way you have added to it! Great choice of quote too! Your tag is so beautiful and calming! The river shots are brilliant - love seeing the swans and the geese! Chrisx

  42. Hello, I love your tag and mixed media piece. The photos of birds is one of my favorites. Happy PPF!
    ~~ Irene

  43. Such a wonderful selection of photos...and what an awesome tag, just perfect for the challenge at Go Tag Thursday...

  44. Beautiful art today. The tag is just wonderful, I love the real bits of nature you included! Fabulous shots today, so many different water fowl, wow!! Love the Swan, what an amazing bird. The Cormorant is here for only a couple days a year, last year it was the first week of June so I will be watching. hope you got your relaxing weekend. :)


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