
Monday 6 March 2017

Tuesday post

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at
Hats and headgear.
Michele has a surprise for you this week, so be sure to look!
I made a mixed media tag, with a partly 
peeled cardboard base which was painted and collaged.
You have two weeks to join us there, and conventional hats
are also very welcome, I just couldn't
resist these birdies:

Today is also T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's blog,
so a hearty welcome to all of the nice
ladies of the T Gang. The ice parlour has opened it's doors
again and the cappuccino tastes as good as I remembered:

I baked a chocolate chip cake, the photo was taken
before I added the frosting - help yourselves:

My Sunday walk was sunny:

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So cute!
    OMG, that cake looks scrumptious. I'll be right over.

  2. Another lovely post today. The tag is really funny, those birdies are so cute. Gorgeous photos, and I would LOVE a slice of your choccie cake, but preferably with tea! Hugs, Sarah

  3. I just love those birds. They are so cute!
    No frosting required on that delicious looking cake, I would enjoy a slice, thank you.
    Have a lovely week, hugs Barbara

  4. Love your tag! The stitching makes it even more special!!!
    Can I have seconds on your cake...I love chocolate :}
    Loving those photos...gorgeous and those birds, love, love!!!
    Wonderful post as always~

    Big Hugs

  5. I really like this tag. The birds are great but the hat excellent! Hmmm the cake looks wonderful, recipe???? Lovely photos too. You live in such a wonderful place.

  6. Terrific tag Valerie with a fun take on the theme

    Pleased the ice parlour is open for your coffees again. Happy T Day to you

    Amazing photographs. Where do you wander to find the amazing walls, arches and tunnels. I hope it is somewhere safe as the places look so hidden somewhere mysterious to me

    Hope you sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. OMGOSH! that tag had me giggling!
    Love the silhouette of the trees against the blue sky and white clouds.
    I did sneak a taste of your cake.....thanks for sharing
    Happy T-day

  8. YUmmm the cake looks so good and I am so hungry!!!! Love the tags... those birds are a real hoot or should I say Tweet :) Beautiful photos of your walk about. It's still supper windy here but warm. Just too windy to be outside much . :( So I'm going to enjoy my new oven and bake some stuff today :)

  9. Cute spring tag and a delicious warming cappuccino! You are such a good baker. Thanks for sharing your sunny spring walk too.

  10. What sweet birds wearing hats, I love them! You go such beautiful places, thanks for sharing them with us...

  11. I am so pleased you used those fantastic cute birds, I love their hats, its a wonderful tag.
    The photos look awesome, I love the arches, brickwork and stones.
    Your cake looks delicious, I can miss the frosting. the chocolate is my idea of heaven in a cake.
    Hope you have had a restful evening
    Happy T day for tomorrow.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Hi Valerie, Love this art piece and had to smile at the verse. My how delicious your cake looks. Oh my now I'm hungry!! Great photos your share from around town. So many beautiful areas to see and enjoy there. Have a great week. xo

  13. What a fabulous post dear Valerie! Those birdies with their hats on are so cute that they made me smile and I had to admire them some more :-). Glad to hear the icecream palour has opened again, so nice to see your coffee and those pretty biscuit wrappers. Your chocolate chip cake looks so delicious, I'd love a slice please :-). I enjoyed joining you for your walk in the sunshine too. Happy T Day! J :-)

  14. Oh my, your tag really made me smile! How delightful. Predictabley I thought, "Don't you need a head before you get a hat?" The question then went in chicken-egg type circles. lol.

    Lovely photos as always, I enjoyed this little walk-about. Thanks, Valerie.

    And please save me a slice of that chocolate chip cake. Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. Your tag is lovely with those birds and the funny sentiment.
    Yes, please, a slice of that choc cake would be great. My mouth is watering.
    Beautiful photos as always (and more birds...).
    I couldn't read the plaque on the wall to see what sort of building/ruin you were visiting. It looks very interesting.
    If the ice salon has closed during the winter, they are probably Sicilians who go home for the winter months. I don't blame them as it is sunny even in winter in Sicily.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. Brilliant tag - those birds are certainly irresistible! Pleased to see that the Ice Cream parlour is still serving your favourite coffee! Your photos are fabulous - the Rhine looks so blue with the reflection from that lovely sky! I hope you don't mind if I don't help myself to your yummy looking cake - I have to shift a few pounds! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Oh! WHAT a cute tag!! I love your birds and the hat quote is brilliant!! AND all that brick in your pictures make me swoon! xo

  18. What a beautiful sunny walk. Looks lovely with all the spring flowers. :)

    I adore birds- and this tag is just awesome. Fantastic colors too!

    Thanks for sharing the cake too. :)

  19. What an awesome tag. Those birds put a BIG smile on my face, and their hats were over the top!

    The ruins were particularly lovely today, with the bright blue sky. I also adored the crow (at least I THINK it's a crow) you found along the way, nestled in the ruins.

    It was nice to see the Ice Parlor has reopened and your cappuccino looks as great as ever. It's a great photo with the biscuits, but the cake is what made me swoon. I don't need icing on a cake that rich and beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing your tag, your lovely walk along the Rhine and ruins, and your cappuccino and cake with us for T this Tuesday. I hope your hospital visits are going well.

  20. sweet tag-and yes i will get a tag in too:) Mmmm that cappuccino looks heavenly and I know a few chocoholics in my home that would LOVE that cake! Love the photos with all the sunshine and shadows surrounding the subjects. Happy T day!

  21. dein tag sieht großartig aus,und die ruinen sind ja klasse,das würde ich mir auch gern mal von innen angucken.
    yummy,dein schokikuchen duftet bis hier her,hebst du mir ein stück auf??
    ich hab auch mal versucht im juornal zu nähen,hat gut geklappt,ist mein erstes mal.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  22. I'll have a piece of that cake-YUMMY- and then I think I better take a walk along with river with you to walk it off. It looks like it was a nice day. And your birdies have beautiful spring bonnets. Really cute. Hope all is well and happy T day Valerie. Hugs-Erika

  23. First, some cake with my coffee please. Love your tag it looks awesome and bright.xx[aNNie]

  24. i adore your darling tag. it looks like the birds you saw on your Sunday walk made their way into your tag! xo

  25. Your birds are so very adorable Valerie - love their hats!
    The cake looks yummy - but it looks like there's a fish embossed into the top :)
    Loved your photos of the brickwork and arches especially.
    Hope the sun is shining today - have a great day
    Gill xx

  26. Good Morning Valerie. What beautiful work you have produced with this one. Love those birds with their hats. As usual your pictures are always so amazing. Sorry for my lack of posting recently as life just got in the road. Hugs from Scotland Rita xxxx

  27. What a wonderful piece! I love the corrugated cardboard for a background, and your birds with their hats are just too much fun!! Wow, that chocolate cake looks so delicious! Your photos are so lovely, spring is arriving in full force for you! I love the character your home has, so interesting and beautiful! hugs :)

  28. Your lovely bird tag made me smile with your fun play on words liebe Valerie!
    Your cappuccino looks perfect and your chocolate cake too ooh la la!
    Thank you for taking us along on your nice and sunny Sunday walk too.
    Happy T Day oxo

  29. Die 2 Vögelchen sehen total putzig aus mit ihren lustigen Hüten,klasse gemacht.
    Deine sonnigen Fotos machen gute Laune, hier regnet es seit Tagen.
    Die kleine Amsel ist auch so nett getroffen.
    Big Hugs

  30. Love your tag Valerie! They look so dapper in their hats! I loved going with you on your walk too... all the rocks and bricks... Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  31. Love your colourful tag with the hat conscience birds. The photos are fabulous, you do live in a wonderful area. I'll leave the cake for the other ladies, as I baked a chocolate cake to take to my daughter at the weekend. hugs Wendy

  32. love your Sunday walk photos. Isn't it nice to see the Spring flowers. The snowdrops are finally opening their petals, and I've seen crocus, and even a couple of daffodils on the way to town. My daffs might be open in time for Easter! I still love how the shops dress the pavements outside their premises for the seasons - I will miss that for sure. Theresa xx

  33. I love taking a walk with you! gorgeous photos, scrumptious looking cake, and a fantastic tag...wonderful texture with the stitching and cardboard, cute birds and sentiment! happy T day!

  34. Those birdie hats are just a hoot and a half. They're so cute.
    Looked like beautiful weather for a walk.
    Hope when you get home today you can just put your feet up and relax.

    1. At the moment I am so knocked out when I get home that I'm not capable of doing anything else!

  35. oooo, I _love_ hats! The chocolate chip cake looks like a real treat, and I'll gladly join you, thx :)

    What an enjoyable walk: spring flowers, interesting sculpture, and a resting spot with a great view. Happy T Tuesday.

  36. Terrific art and photos. Happy T-Day, Susi

  37. Oh your Sunday walk was lovely, so many good photographs ... thank you.

    Simply love your tag too.

    All the best Jan

  38. Your tag is just enchanting! And so is your walk. Much more spring there than here, but we'll be along.

    I hope things are going well for you with the treatments and such. I'm going to be checking out for a few days and a road trip so I'll check in when I can.

  39. I love your tag! The picture and the quote made me laugh! So cute! LOL! I will join you with the cappuccino and cake! You really do no good for my diet! LOL! Love the photos!!!!! Big Hugs and Be Well!

  40. I love,love,love your birds in hats, Valerie! The photographs are so beautiful with all the sunshine and flowers. That cake looks yummy!

  41. Hello Valerie, your birds are gorgeous and so resplendent in their hats :D) Oh yes, now you're talking ... cake, thank you !!
    Again, so nice to go on that walk with you, aren't those flowers so pretty as you pass by! Catching that cheeky little Blackbird as you went, so lovely.
    Happy days :D)xx

  42. What a fantastic Tag Valerie x love those birds and the super cute hats xx
    Wonderful photographs as always
    Sending my best wishes
    Annie x

  43. Love the hats on the birds. Made me laugh. I'll have a piece of your cake and I enjoyed your walk. Thought the bird in the photo needed a hat, too :-D My favorite image was the dark trees set against that vivid blue sky. Gorgeous! Happy Belated T Day

  44. heehee Your bird tag is so tweet! ooops sweet! ")
    Beautiful photos from your walk and yay for the sunshine!

  45. I love the blackbird. Very special birds. In parts of England and Wales they used be known as Merlins. Wise, mystical birds. T, cake and magical bird life .

  46. Love the bird tag - a very creative take on the challenge!! Your photos are fabulous; such interesting places to see on a walk.

  47. Good morning and Happy T day but on a thursday lol just now getting to the computer this morning.
    I love love the tag you made-I tried a little paper art and enjoyed the process a few years back. Yours is very cool.
    Loved all the photos too-looks like it was an awesome walk
    Enjoy Kathy

  48. Love this happy post. The birds on your tag are just wonderful - great way to interpret Michele's theme.

  49. Love your beautiful colorful whimsical tag!

  50. Your tag is so much fun and it made me laugh. Your walks are also fabulous and it seems that you always take a new angle on things. Love your pictures.
    Sandy xx


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