
Wednesday 1 March 2017

Second on the Second

Hi Everybody!

For the next couple of months I will be undergoing a course of treatment
at the Diakonie, the local hospital, where I will be
spending a lot of time, so may not always
be able to keep up blogging every day.

Thursday is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, where we can link things
already shown at some time in the past.
I showed this woven piece 2 years back.
I cut a frame in A4 size from the back of an old paper pad, made
holes with my cropadile, and threaded it with linen yarn. I wove
strips of old linen, fibres, ribbon, burlap etc through the threads.
When it was done I mounted it on a piece of chipboard, 
which had been painted and embossed, and added
the beads at the bottom.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

I wrote the quote on the back:

For Yvonne's lovely theme of 'out and about' at Art Journal
Journey, I have a hybrid piece, using a water-colour background 
painted in 1991. It shows The Kloster (convent) at Sießen near Saulgau.
Bertha Hummel, who created all the Hummel figures, was a nun there.
She did some very fine drawings, which I like better than
the porcelain figures, and they can all be seen in the
museum there.

The pictures were taken at the weekend, some with sun, and some 
without,  where the water looks cold and grey: 

Have a great day, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!


  1. I hope everything goes ok for you Valerie over the next couple of months.
    Loving your textural woven piece and the colours
    x catherine

  2. Very nice art, old and new.Thank you for joining Yvonne's theme.Susi

  3. Love your woven art, very unusual and very clever. Your hybrid piece is lovely, too. I didn't know that Bertha Hummel had lived there. Lovely photos, too, what a difference the sun makes! Take it easy in the next weeks! I think I'll repeat that every day till you start listening! Hugs, Sarah

  4. That first piece reminds me of a dream catcher.
    And I had no idea about the Hummels. Good info.
    The blues in the water are beautiful.
    You have a good one.

  5. I remember the woven piece Valerie it looks gorgeous.
    Thank you for making the the beautiful hybrid page for my theme choice at AJJ, It looks a glorious day and everyone in the scene is having a lovely time.
    Your photos look lovely, lovely that the sun was shining.
    Take care of yourself in the coming days.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Hope your treatment goes well, thanks for letting us know. Pretty textured woven piece. True quote on the AJJ page especially as we get older. The wildlife go about their business whatever the weather!

  7. Oh what a beautiful piece, so much lovely beauty. What wonderful photographs too. I hope the treatment goes well.

  8. Hi Valerie, always love your shadow pics. Your weaved design is beautiful. I love the Hummel and have visited the museum here in New Branfels, Texas with many of the original pieces made by the nun. It is so interesting to see. Thoughts and prayers for your treatments to go well. Have a great rest of the week. xo

  9. I hope your treatment goes well Valerie. It scares me to hear you need treatment and hope it for nothing too serious, but then again, how can it not be serious. Sending very warm thoughts and love your way so everything goes well. And I adore both your weaving piece and your beautiful piece for AJJ. My mother has a whole Hummel collection and I enjoyed your piece and story more than the pieces themselves. Please take care of yourself and stop back as much as you can. Hugs-Erika

  10. deine seiten sind einfach klasse,so fröhlich und heiter,dein genähtes piece find ich großartig und schöne karten hast du bekommen,die bilder sind wieder traumhaft.
    eine schöne woche.

    hugs jenny

  11. I loved this piece the first time I saw it and I still love with the vibrant colours and contrasting textures who couldn't admire it. Pleased that you showed it again. Great idea to add words to the back as well.

    Love the porcelain figure and also your wonderful page of childhood play. We should all enjoy today as much as possible.

    Wonderful photographs of your beautiful walk with the long legged lady you often meet.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. I was just blown away by that lovely fabric entry for Second on the 2nd. I couldn't believe the hand stitching and weaving. It is a thing of pure beauty.

    I was very impressed by the AJJ entry and the Hummel detail. I have a friend who collects Hummels and she has some from as far back as the 1950s or so. They are a passion with her. I will have to tell her about the nun, Bertha Hummel, responsible for them.

    I guess I've danced around the issue long enough that I need to ask if there is anything I can do while you are in the hospital. You have me really worried, dear friend.

  13. What a gorgeous piece with all those ribbons and fabrics, wow!!! Love the quote on the back too. Beautiful photos, the water looks so blue in the last couple of shots!! I'm sorry to hear about your health, I do hope everything goes well with your treatments. Sending hugs :)

  14. WOW! What a stunning piece of textile! I love that you wove the pieces through, how very clever! Beautiful art as ever Valerie!
    Be well my friend xo

  15. I Love this piece very much-but then I am a fiber girl-lol Lovely photos too really enjoyed
    Hoping you feel better soon-hugs Kathy

  16. I do hope your treatment goes well for you Valerie ... sending my good thoughts your way.

    Lovely to see the textile work and your selection of photo's.
    No matter if the skies are blue or grey, it's always nice to be able to appreciate our world.

    Thinking of you,

    All the best Jan

  17. Look at all those gulls!
    Hope your day is going smoothly, my friend.

  18. I'm always amazed you manage to post every day as it is and I'm glad you get a break but I know this probably isn't the break anyone wants. No one wants a break because of medical things or treatment so please know that all my heart and prayers are coming your way for successful treatment.

    Sending hope and love.

  19. How can the water be so blue, so you!!!
    Thank you for my morning walk!
    I shall keep you in my prayers, take care, hugs

  20. Hello Valerie, your woven piece is so very beautiful and meaningful. The quote you chose is so true.
    I also loved your sweet watercolour and your figurine.

    Those gulls are enjoying a great time on the water in the sunshine. Thank you for these gorgeous photos of your walk.

    I hope these coming months go well for you and that you can take time between your hospital visits to nurture yourself in your most favourite ways.

    Warmest good wishes dear friend :D)xx

  21. So glad you brought the woven piece back for a view as I had not seen it previously. It is ingenious and beautiful. The nature views are great, the birds on that blue, blue water make me think spring may come soon. Hope your coming course of treatment at the hospital has a great outcome and isn't to difficult.

  22. All die verschiedenen Materialien, die du verwebt hast, ergeben ein außergewöhnliches
    Kunstwerk. Dein Landschaftsaquarell sieht klasse aus und bekommt durch die hinzugefügten Figuren noch mehr Lebendigkeit. Interessant, daß Frau Hummel auch gemalt hat,ich kannte auch nur die Figuren. Deine Möweninvasion sieht beeindruckend aus,super Fotos wieder.
    Für deine Therapie alles Gute,möge sie gut anschlagen.
    Liebe Grüße

  23. I love your textile piece too Valerie -- and you really made me smile with the page fir AJJ - I love the drawings by Bertha Hummel - such sweet children with fabulous soft colors. For a long time I collected Hummels.
    What in the world Valerie!!! WE are going out of town next Tuesday and will be gone for a couple of weeks.
    As always, I wish you the best Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  24. I hope your course of treatment goes well, thinking of you and sending you healing thoughts! Your woven artwork is amazing, such a beautiful creation :-). The little figurine caught my eye too, she is so adorable and there is so much beautiful detail with her plaited pigtails, sunflower, little kitty cat and the flowers in her hair. Take care dear friend! J :-)

  25. Lovely display today my friend and will keep fingers crossed for you in regards to good treatment results.x♥[aNNie]

  26. you certainly did a fantastic job on the woven fabric piece, nice that you could show it again. The seagulls made me laugh, because the paint was pealing off the metal bars they're standing on it looks like they're leaving footprints in red! Visiting from PPF.

  27. Sending good thoughts! This weaving is really lovely.

  28. have enjoyed catching up with you whilst drinking my fruit tea - it's tea for me, coffee sends me a little crazy :-) I love the woven piece, and the words you wrote on the back. I was quite pleased with myself that I could understand a good portion of the blue flower poem before scrolling down for the translation, I only need another 20 years and I'll be able to have a conversation in German :-) !! I hope the hospital treatment goes well, and that you have a good weekend. Thanks for continue to inspire me. Theresa xx

  29. Wonderful weaving and I always connect pieces like this with the "fabric of life". Sending you positive thoughts as you begin your treatments. Happy PPF

  30. Your fiber art piece is really wonderful -lovely colours and textures and the addition of the beads is a great idea. I seem to overlook fibers and just use them on tags.
    The gulls look a bit fed up - I should imagine that despite the lovely blue skies in some of the photos that its still pretty chilly.
    Hoping you are having a good day Valerie and wishing you a wonderful and relaxing weekend.
    Take care.... Gill xx

  31. wow your textural piece is just amazing dear Valerie!!! Delightful scene for the new AJJ theme. And your scenic photos along the Rhine are always a delight! Whatever you are going through with treatment I am sending love and healing thoughts. Happy PPF!

  32. Gorgeous texture art! Love it. Have a great weekend, xx

  33. Sending healing energy for you during this time of treatment. Love and prayers too. I do remember this piece of art. The dimensions of it is so beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend.

  34. I hope your hospital stay goes well and that you can continue to amaze us with your wonderful art and activities through the week.

  35. Hello, I had a lovely visit filled with your beautiful art, photographs and fiber art. Thank you so much!
    ~~ Irene

  36. Valerie your weaving and the words you wrote for it are beautiful!!!
    Always love your photos and your!!!
    You are so multi-talented that I don't have enough words to express how I feel!

    Big Hugs

  37. I hope everything goes well with your treatment Valerie! Sending you big hugs!
    What can I say about your art, that I haven't already said?? You are magnificent and so talented!
    Love the photos! Much Love!

  38. Valerie your weaved piece is stunning!! I have seem many a home with loads of Hummels and never thought another thing about it! So interesting to see her artwork! Very thrilling!! Sending love and light healing, hope all goes well!!

    Big hugs Giggles

  39. Such wonderful texture and color! I love the photos - especially the gulls with their bright orange feet! Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way :)

  40. One of my favorite on-line artist friends from around the world. Your work never disappoints. I will be thinking of you and praying for your complete recovery. I hope you have many sunny days. Stand tall like your shadow in that photograph today.

  41. I hope your treatment goes well for you! Hope it won't slow you down too much! I love your second look - such lovely colours! Your journal page is such fun to see! The porcelain figure is lovely so I would love to see the drawings! Hugs, Chrisx

  42. Interesting and beautiful post.
    You have spring already - we'll get new snow later today, sigh. I was so ready for green grass days - we had a couple sunny days, it was so nice.

  43. Lovely!! First thing that caught my eye? That small feather on your weaved piece of art. Beautiful!
    I sure hope that you are getting the treatments and attention that you need dear Valerie ♥ and that you feel better soon. You always put so much love and detail into your blog posts. And although I don't find the time to pop in every week I hope that you feel well enough to start up on your beloved blog again soon in the near future
    Lots of love and healing thoughts headed your way ♥ prayers to you my sweet friend
    xo Michelle ♥

  44. Another lovely post, Valerie. Love the birds in the water. Your woven piece is beautiful!

    I hope all goes well with the treatment...sending lots of healing vibes your way. I do hope it's nothing too serious. Take care. (((Hugs)))

  45. I know I am late visiting.
    Sure hope all is well now liebe Valerie!
    I am sending lots of Love and healing your way.
    Your weaving is beautiful and the hybrid piece you created is beautiful with a powerful message.
    Take care my friend.
    Alles Liebe oxoxo


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