
Tuesday 14 February 2017

This n That and a makeover

Hi Everybody!

This little wooden lady was sent to me a couple of years back by Chrissie.
She had blond plaits, a green dress and a yellow shirt. She's
been hanging about over my stove for a couple of
years, and the other day I heard her complaining
that she felt neglected and dirty. She was indeed
a bit greasy and dusty, so stringent measures were 
necessary - I ripped off her 'wig', gave a
her a good scrub, and then painted her anew, with
a blue dress, pink blouse, and shiny shoes. I made her
a new wig -her hair looks better than mine just now -
and gave her a fresh bow. She said she was fed up with hanging
out in the kitchen, so I gave her some arms and some knitting
to keep her busy. 

 Then she said she wants to stay in the living room, and the iron
frame of the mirror really magnetised her:

Now she can talk to me when I'm in here:

And a quick look at another little tag I made for a neighbour:

 These booklets were made from the last batch of marble paper I
made. The paper is all home made - just not by me - and the booklets were sewn with a simple brochure technique:

Today I enjoyed a walk through the grounds of the old Diakonie here,
the hospital where Florence Nightingale did her training. I love all the
rather shabby Victorian buildings, and the rusty adornments everywhere.
Elizabeth, look, lots of rust:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oodles of goodness from you again. Love the wooden doll makeover, and the tag and books are great. Lovely photos of the Diakonie, that is a place I know well. Hugs Sarah

  2. So many lovely pics today Valerie, I do love your knitting friend with the crazy hair ! Thank you so much for the lovely e-card, it made me smile! Love your romantic header too. Gee, that's a lot of 'loves' I've typed, ha, ha, xx

  3. You have done a fabulous job Valerie with giving the doll a new make-over-she look fabulous and love her knitting! Great tag too. Love the pictures from your walk and all those fabulous buildings
    x catherine

  4. Lovely ! The doll looks fresh and nice and you as well and a happy tag did you create - beautiful and fabulous little journals!
    Amazing photos - love the rust!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Well Dolly looks very posh now and so good to see you in the mirror with her. I was pleased to see the camera as well as the one I bought looks like yours. I am still learning how to use yet but I love it.

    Everything today is really interesting with lots of different ideas to inspire us

    The photographs are terrific and it looks like a wonderful place to take them. I couldn't resist saving one of them.

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Love your doll makeover and glad she is happy now in her new dwelling place! Lovely little tag and I totally adore your little books (and their covers)! Those hospital grounds look a wonderful place to walk and how amazing to think Florence N actually trained there....

  7. I'm glad your doll is happier now, it was sweet to see your face. I love the tag and the books are lovely. What a wonderful place you photographed too!

  8. Your wooden doll looks great after all the beauty treatment you gave her. What's her name? I think she needs one especially if she had re-homed herself in your livingroom.
    It was good to see you with the camera as well.
    The tag and those handmade books are fantastic. The marble papers make great covers.
    Super photos, it looks like it was a lovely day for a walk today.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I've named her Donna! She wanted to be called 'Eglantine', but I thought it was a bit much!

  9. Hello Valerie, you've given Dollie a wonderful make-over... she looks quite spiffy and her smile says she's most satisfied to have knitting as her new hobby. Your selfie with her is lovely :D)
    The tag for your friend is very pretty.
    I was so very interested in your walk - all that gorgeous wrought iron and gothic windows! Plus the association of Florence Nightingale.
    Oh, yes, I nearly left out mention of the beautiful handmade paper. I really like how it has been made into booklets.
    Enjoy your day (evening ;D)) Bye for now đź’–

  10. Lovely refurbished doll and beautiful tags. Thanks for the photos of the beautiful grounds.

  11. Valerie, Love seeing your lovely photo with the sweet knitting doll. How cute she is and to keep you company is fun. Love your walking pics too.
    Happy Valentine's Day and have a nice rest of the week. xo

  12. It was a lovely smile Valerie, and I smiled back to you and blew a kiss...did you get it... Love the make over, she is so cute and refreshing looking...
    Great pics again my ♥{aNNie}

  13. I've stopped by for another catch-up!! Always great inspiration - love the marbles booklets, and today's tag is super. You know I love your walk photos :-) It looks like you got more snow than we did - I was hoping to get some snowy photos at Bernkastel-Kues, but it got washed away by rain by the time we arrived. Yesterday was lovely, and it was great to get out into the forest for a walk. No photos, but the smell of earth and freshly cut pine was wonderful. Dare I say, it felt like Spring! It's a frosty morning here, but already the sun is out - I hope it is over there on the Rhine too. Happy Wednesday. Theresa

  14. So many wonderful pieces to see here! Your wooden ladies looks very happy with her new outfit! I like the lovely tag with the wings, too! Thank you again for your impressive photos and the very inspiring bloppost!
    Hugs, Annette

  15. Does your sweet little knitting lady have a name? She is cute and looks perfect with some knitting in her hands. :) I love the purple marbled paper. Its really pretty. You have lots of new journals-you can mount some of those wonderful tags in them. And your photos today are really interesting. I'm with you, I love the old brick and rusty metal. And I love the snowless ground. I think its time for me to move-we have MORE snow coming today. Maybe even a lot. GRRR. Have a great day! Hugs-Erika

  16. Hi Valerie, I thought of Chrissie when I saw the 'kitchen angel' maybe I've seen her before at her blog? Great make over, love your tag a booklets as well. The photograph of you in the mirror is fantastic :) I hope you are doing well, xx

  17. A lovely post, and especially lovely to see that photo of you too!

    I enjoyed the photo's from your walk, so much to see, especially the different shapes in the wrought iron and Gothic windows.

    All the best Jan

  18. All kinds of goodies today.
    Fascinating about Florence Nightingale.

  19. Your little lady looks so happy with her makeover Valerie. wonder what she's knitting?
    Great photos, it looks a fabulous building with lots of interest and you had a lovely bright day.
    Avril xx

  20. Your little doll had been made over to resemble most members of my family :) Wild hair with knitting needles in hand. Great photos of all of the glorious rust too ♥

  21. I love all of your pictures today - isn't the rust beautiful!
    How delightful - a redo for your doll - I am sure she is much happier. And such a cute picture of you too! The piece of knitting with the doll is the perfect touch to make her a happy camper. Your marbled paper is so pretty and made such fantastic book covers!
    Sandy xx

  22. I love the updated doll. She certainly seems to enjoy being with you. And of course, I enjoyed seeing a peek at your home, too. You have beautiful glass everywhere.

    The tag is fantastic. You have a lucky neighbor. Too bad I can't say the same about your mail to me. It still hasn't arrived, and now I'm starting to panic.

    I was in hog heaven when I saw all that rust. What fun I would have taking photos of it. The photo of the hinge is amazing. Thanks for thinking of me when you took these beautiful shots. Sorry I was not here sooner to see your lovely art and rust, but I've been gone all day and evening.

  23. Your doll looks fabulous after her makeover, if only it was this easy to get new hair! Your tag and marbled papers are lovely too. It's weird isn't it how we now celebrate rust lol. Have a great day xx

  24. Your little wooden lady looks beautiful after her makeover and I love your marbled paper and tag. The photos are fabulous - I love rust too.
    xxx Hazel.

  25. Your dolly looks very happy after her wonderful makeover - a lovely photo of the pair of you :)
    Great photos - love the wonderful buildings and colours of the brickwork.
    I heard that Florence Nightingale spent most of her life in bed.. do you know if that's true?
    Gill x

  26. I love the makeover and your selfie with the doll even more. And oh, that marbled paper. I've done that before, not for ages, but nothing prepared me for how beautiful that was. All that and the wonderful photos, too. What a glorious post!

  27. I didn't realise I was sooo far behind! Your lady looks very happy to be dressed up and in your living room! I think both the makeover and the knitting must have cheered her up! Love the tag and the books! Your photos are fabulous - wonderful rustiness and architecture! Hugs, Chrisx

  28. Nice makeover on your little doll and beautiful photo of you Valerie!
    Your architectural photos are awesome, so many great designs in this post- loving the rust!

  29. Nice to meet you Valerie! I love your smile!!! Your make over of the wooden doll was fantastic! She is so sweet! And, I love your tag!!! Truly love the booklets! I want to come over to your house and play! LOL! Florence Nightingale! Wow! Gorgeous pics! Big Hugs!


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