
Tuesday 17 January 2017

This, that and a Mouse in a House

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of
'tell me a story', I have a hybrid page. I started with a gorgeous 
grungy background from Foxey Squirrel, and then added various 
elements and photos. Mr Umbrella man is there as
time traveller, and is wondering  what's up -
why are the girls wearing sunglasses? Who lives
in the house? Who's standing behind the window turning 
his back to us? Whose book is that on the steps? 
what's in the barrel? Do you know any answers?

Yesterday I got a parcel in the post. It was sent to me
from Sandy in Florida. She sent it on December 5th 2016.
I don't know why the post didn't 
get it here more quickly, but I was  💗VERY 💗happy
to get it in the end.

Inside I discovered this wonderful little mouse lady from
'wee forest folk':

Then  I remembered that Sandy had sent me a kit for a little 
house a couple of years back, and put it together
to make a Mouse House. It still needs another
coat of paint inside, but I wanted to show you. 
Thanks 💗Sandy💗, you are a darling!

Some views from my balcony:

And my amaryllis has grown 28" in 10 days and
is starting to open:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I suspect the girls are wearing sunglasses to shade their eyes. Other than that, I can't answer your questions. I have nothing clever that would be appropriate.

    Your darling mouse in the house is incredible. Two gifts, years apart come together to make one perfect Christmas for you. How awesome. Your friend Sandy did a great thing.

    I'm SO glad you are taking photos from your balcony and not out in this treachery. Your trees look worse than mine. At least the Rhine is flowing. Please, please, please stay safe and enjoy your new gift, your amaryllis, and your time at home.

  2. I think those girls are spies in disguise and are there to prevent Mr UM from entering the house! Great page and ideas as always, and your Chanukka mouse and house are both adorable. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oooh I love your journal piece Valerie. The background is gorgeous, and I love your Men In Black girls trying to spot the aliens, though I think Mr Umbrella Man would win every time. Beautiful little house mouse too though I'm glad I don't have to dust it lol xx

  4. Oh what a precious wee house mouse!
    That was a long trip from Florida being cooped up in a box ;-)
    Your umbrella man does have a questioning look in his tilted head.
    Just WHAT are those girls up to???
    You do have some lovely views from your house.

  5. Hope you are feeling a little better today Valerie.

    Love the little mouse and the house for it to live in. Can't imagine why it took so long to arrive but one year it took a long time when sent you something.. Could this be something to do with time travel?

    Love all the photograph and you amarylis will be amazing I'm sure.

    Now for the story

    The girls on the step are all the same person at different times and the man with the umbrella has come to deliver a Christmas barrel of beer. It is not meant for the man with his back to the window at all but for his grandson who now lives in the house. Strange things have been happening in the house for decades-----

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Wonderful piece for AJJ today. That is a cute gift from Sandy, love how it fits in the little house. The amaryllis is gorgeous!

  7. Your mouse is precious. What a thoughtful and adorable gift! I mailed one to Paris the week before Christmas. It arrived last Thursday. I guess we can't count on the post to be prompt!

    I love your piece, the use of color and the people in it. Has a great warm feeling and a good sense of curiosity about it.

    I hope you're feeling better with each day.

  8. I adore your mouse and her house, Valerie!

  9. what nice gifts a house for a mouse. Love the view from your balcony. Have a nice day.

  10. What a wonderful piece of art you've created, so many intriguing questions I do not know the answer to... What a sweet mouse and photos and my your plant has been growing quickly!

  11. I don't know why your girls are wearing sunglasses but there must be a rainbow somewhere if they are shading their eyes from the sun as it is clearly raining too! Love it! Your darling little mouse has been in the dark for a long time - so glad she has a lovely little house to live in now! It looks so cold from your window - we just have very grey days here although I do believe the the sun has been shining down south! I am keeping my eye on an Amaryllis too! Take care! Chrisx

  12. I could look at trees in their different states for hours and hours. I love the ones you shared with us from your balcony. Beautiful!

    The little mouse that took a long journey to get to you is too cute. Who knows what adventures took him from Florida to your home. :)

    Have a great day!

  13. I love your mouse and the mouse house! So cute!
    Your art is stunning!! LOVE!!!
    The views from your home are amazing! So beautiful! Your plant is so pretty! Big Hugs!

  14. I think maybe it was some kind of future knowing karma why the package took so long. It was waiting for you to home and needing a little post-injured pick me up. How cute is that little mouse in its little house? Love your piece today. So many stories to tell from those questions. I love how you use those images of Erica and yourself...Hope the recouping is going well.Hugs-Erika

  15. Love the mouse in the house, as you know I love Mouse House images too. Loving your pages and wow, the view from your balcony is beautiful...take care lovely lady and glad your parcel arrived in the time when best needed to cheer you up.xx{aNNie}

  16. Ich hoffe es geht dir besser heute!Einen schönen neuen Header hast du! Ein super Hybrid Kunstwerk,denke sie brauchen die Sonnenbrillen um nicht von Umbrellaman's Attraktivität geblendet zu werden! Sieht etwas angezuckert aus bei euch , hoffe es ist nicht glitschig! Ich schreibe nicht, dass du lieber drinnen bleiben sollst, denn du gehst sicher raus,auch mit lädierten Rippen!Schoene Amarillys und zuckersuesse Geschenke hast du bekommen.

  17. Love your umbrella man piece! Fabulous pics, a little snow looks great in your world. Your flower is growing so quickly, how wonderful! Have a great week. hugs :)

  18. Great post..and intruiging piece Valerie... I think the girls maybe Erica, You and not sure about the 3rd... the man with his back in the window is the umbrella man - as he can time travel and be in two places at once but is not allowed to interact with himself or the 'Dr Who' time thing will go very weird...
    Hope you are feeling a bit better each day...
    Have a good day... Gill xx

  19. That little mouse lighting the Menorah is simply precious and looks cute in that little house you assembled. I don't know if Sandy planned it, but her 2 gifts worked perfectly together. Blessings!

  20. Fabulous page and so many interesting things to look at and ponder over.
    Lovely wintry photos too.
    The little mouse from Sandy is so sweet, she looks perfect in her little house.
    Take care,
    Avril xx

  21. Is that little mouse and house not the sweetest thing.
    Love the way you wove a story into your piece.
    Wondrous pictures.

  22. Let's go with your questions first -- The girls are wearing sunglasses because the sun is quite bright - too bad the smallest child does not have a pair because the glasses do help protect from the harmful rays of the sun. As Mothers often do, the youngest child is overdressed but we want to protect them from getting a chill. The girls are leaving their home to go out and get some air. The man at the window is a bill collector - he thinks he is quite important and that is why he does not take off his hat. The book has been left there accidentally by one of the older girls - she has no idea the Mr. Umbrella Man is predicting rain and that is why the barrel is there to collect the rain water for fresh water for baths.
    What wonderful pictures of "Fannie" and her new home. I think only those who have one of these wee mice really know the artistic effort that goes into making them. So small with so much detail. I love her and know you do too. I hope she helps brighten your days -- I know you will get well with time - keep the faith Sugar!
    Sandy xx

    1. Nice answers! Those little figures are truly treasures.

  23. The little house must be so happy to have its own resident at last and little mouse and possessions are adorable.
    That is an interesting story-picture. I think that is one of your relatives (?) on the top step who is also a time-traveller. She used to keep something precious to her in the barrel and is wondering how to get it back.
    The girl on the bottom step was reading the book and was told to stand up and be photographed. They are wearing sunglasses because they don't want to be face-recognised on this new-fangled thing called the Internet.

  24. Its a lovely house for your sweet new mouse and the photos do look good, I was pleased to read they were from your balcony and you were safe and warm.
    On to the fabulous page. I think that the house now belongs to Mr U's grandson and it is he, we can see in the window.
    The grandsons' children know they can see their great grandpa if they look through sunglasses. But, they have yet to see the girl [their grandma] who always appears on the top step to see her dad [Mr U] when he steps back in time.
    The barrel is waiting to be collected by a deliveryman and the children have to get him to sign the book when he picks it up.
    Oops imagination goes wild, I will stop now. This family history is getting complicated.
    Yvonne xx

  25. What an intriguing journal page today :) I'm thinking that Yvonne's story fits perfectly and we should all go with it LOL! Love the photos from your balcony♥♥♥ Hope you are feeling better!!!

  26. Ach wie schön ist diese Collage. Ich denke der Umbrella-Mann hat den Mädchen die Sonnenbrillen aus einer anderen Zeit mitgebracht, er ist ja ein Wanderer durch die Zeiten und Welten. Das Buch stammt wohl auch von ihm, damit die Mädchen etwas hineinschreiben oder malen, als Erinnerung an diese Zeit. Der Mann am Fenster ist auch ein Zeitenwanderer und wird gleich hinausgehen und den Umbrella-Mann ein Stück des Weges begleiten. Das Faß dient wohl zum Regen auffangen.
    Deine kleine Maus ist so süß und paßt perfekt ins kleine Häuschen,ein zauberhaftes Geschenk. Die Fotos sind, wie immer, sehr stimmungsvoll.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox


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