
Friday 16 December 2016

Weekend this and that

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, light and darkness, I have a hybrid piece,
using an old photo of a street corner in the East End 
of London, combined digitally 
with the grungy background:

I am sharing some more artwork from the K20 museum.
First of all, the one and only Marc Chagall:

This shows a Jewish man dressed in his 
prayer shawl (Tallith), and holding a Lulav 
( a bundle made up of branches of the palm, myrtle and 
willow trees) and an etrog, a sort of lemon,
symbolic fruits and plants which are
used in the Feast of Booths (Sukkoth):

 Ferdinand Leger:

And as a contrast, Joseph Beuys' 'Palazzo', where all of the 
objects in the room belong together:

I found it interesting, and I always love the white space,
but his assemblage is not quite my thing!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The colors in your piece really speak to me, as well as the idea of having hope even in darkness. Thank you!

  2. Another wonderful, arty post. I love the piece yu made, and the intensive blue tones are fantastic, as is the quote. Great art from the museum, too, and the Chagall paintings are wonderful. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely lighting and effects - fabulous artwork Valerie.
    More interesting pieces from the museum - Marc Chagall was my favourite.
    Hope you've had a good week... Gill xx

  4. Beautiful piece! I love how the light radiates to the outside, and the combination with the grungy background. The quote makes it perfect. Well done!

  5. Love how the light is shining from the center of your journal page, a great quote about light bringing hope.
    Super photos Marc Chagall paintings caught my attention from todays photos.
    Yvonne xx

  6. beautiful use of light in your page no doubt inspired by your museum visits. Enjoyed the tour today!

  7. Love the way the light is just barely there in your piece. Very well done and perfect with the quote. Great work!

  8. That street corner is something from another era as you have depicted it. The light shining through the scary darkness is truly hopeful. I enjoyed this and the wonderful manipulated photo, too.

    Ah, Chagall. Always a favorite. But I'm with you on the assemblage. Possibly it's because I don't quite understand it, but more importantly, I guess it's something I wouldn't have much interest in. Thanks for sharing these, though, especially Chagall!

  9. Such an amazing page Valerie with the wonderful old street corner. You created so much atmosphere with the effects.

    Weird and wonderful the things in today photographs. I am sure if we Googled the pieces there will be an answer to the question 'WHY? I do love the open spaces and the ceiling shape but things here and there in cabinets wondering.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Dein digitales Werk beeindruckt mich sehr - ich höre Schritte in der Ferne verhallen und dann wieder Stille ... Die Lichtreflexe nach außen hin ziehen den Blick direkt ins Bild hinein.
    Ich wundere mich schon lange, was so alles als "Kunst" im Museum hängt und liegt ... sehr interessante Fotos!
    Ein schönes Wochenende! LG Rike

    1. So ist es - interessant, lustig, skurril - aber Kunst?

  11. Hi Valerie, your hybrid page is gorgeous and mysterious, the quote is fantastic with it. The art in your museum photos is quite interesting, I don't really get the Palazzo art. Have a wonderful weekend, Shirleyxx

  12. Die digitale Light/Darkness Stimmung ist toll und wieder eine beeindruckende Museumsführung heute! Danke für's Mitnehmen!
    Schönen Samstag Valerie!
    oxo Susi

  13. Your AJJ page offers a lot of hope-that there is a lot of light to be found, even in such darkness. And I really enjoyed your art photos today as Marc Chagall is one of my favorite painters. Hope its a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. The Chagall paintings are wonderful, I can never get enough of them.

  14. A fabulous journal page Valerie and a wonderful quote.
    Wonderful photos, lit looks a very interesting museum.
    Avril xx

  15. Hi Valerie! Thank you for sharing the beautiful artwork from K2O Museum. WOW . . . all so beautiful. And speaking of WOW. Your work of art is spectacular. I absolutely LOVE the way the light is depicted here. And your quote is perfect. Thanks so much for all you do and for stopping by my humble little blog, too. HUGs and Merry Christmas wishes to you and your family.

  16. So many ideas - they spin in your head constantly. Always interesting to see and study and of course the best quotes!
    I love the Marc Chagall paintings.
    Sandy xx

  17. wowow fabulous work my friend, love that vibrant blue and the framed work of art, looking awesome.xx{aNNie}

  18. Cor Blimey, luverly grub. Plenty to look at and hold one's interest today.

  19. Love the art today and that is one of my favorite quotes ♥♥♥♥ The photos from the museum are beautiful . I really wanted to go to the art museum today but we have had our first winter storm with ice and snow so it's a stay at home day with the fire burning bright. It's only 5° F out there so no walk that isn't a necessity today.

  20. Zu deiner so eindrucksvollen Digicollage fiel mir spontan der Song " I saw the light" ein, kenne ihn von Johnny Cash. Toll diese Straßenecke, wirkt wie aus alten Sherlock Holmes Filmen genommen, man wartet darauf gleich einen Bobby um die Ecke kommen zu sehen. Klasse was du damit gezaubert hast. Chagall mag ich auch,schon wegen seiner schönen Farben. Aber Beuys muß nun wirklich nicht sein, die Räume jedoch sind sehr schön.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox

    1. Thanks. Corners like that are often used in films. You are so right about Beuys - I thought I would like to live in rooms like that, just not with his art!

  21. Brilliant digi piece, very atmospheric, has a real wow factor and love the quote.
    As far as Chagall and Beuys are concerned, I love them both in their own way (unlike some of your other visitors it seems), I am actually a huge fan of Beuys and his philosophy on art and life.... He was way ahead of the Wabi Sabi trend, so popular in some corners...

  22. The paintings are fabulous!! Again, thank you for bringing us along!
    I love your hybrid, looks like a scene out of Ripper St. until you read the quote, well done !

    1. It's near where I was born and grew up and is really in Jack the Riper Land!

  23. I love your art piece so much Valerie!! I have to admit, just this morning, I was crying and asking for guidance and then I went to the gym. It was like I was sent an angel. A very nice person started talking to me and I was so grateful for this!!! Big Hugs!

  24. Thank you for sharing the other art pieces! Very interesting!

  25. I love your piece and the base of it. Very moving. And Marc Chagall is one of my all time favorites so thanks for including him in your art gallery visit!


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