
Monday 5 December 2016

Another busy Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

This is another busy Tuesday. We are starting a new challenge at


As always, you have 2 weeks to join us and projects of all
formats are welcome.

I made a mixed media/hybrid piece, which is
also meant for Art Journal Journey, 
light and darkness. The winter birds usually sit on my
window ledge and keep me company. I combined their photo with
a painted background and added some digital pieces
from Serif:

It is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday,
so welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang.

Last week I visited the Hetjens museum for ceramic and porcelain,
and they had some wonderful table displays there. These are exhibits from Russia:

This is a travelling tea set from the 18th century, in a special, padded suitcase - perhaps for stylish journeys, or picnics? 

This table display was in the glass museum:

I don't think the cake is real:

 But my cappuccino is very real:

This vase was one of my faves at the glass museum:

 And the wonderful Roman glass and table ware would
not look amiss on a table today:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad you have these sweet birds to keep you company. The picture is a nice mix, I like the lamp and the robin with his presents and the bird's hat.
    I'm enjoying your visits to the museums and galleries, love the vase and the glassware.
    We got some hard frosts too in the last few days, it's very welcome at last.

  2. Love your sweet journal page with the birdies. Have you still got the telephone box, too? They always looked so nice together. Love all the photos of the museum treasures, they have so many lovely things. Have a fun day tomorrow, hugs, Sarah

  3. What a charming and whimsical art piece! I love it. The museum pictures look amazing too.

  4. Such a sweet page and so enjoyed viewing all the photos.
    Sorry for being absent for such a long time.

  5. What a welcome celebration. It was wonderful to see the lamp was guiding those birds from darkness into the light. It's a beautiful entry.

    Each of those table settings were incredible. I was especially fond of the one with the tablescape with the baubles. Of course, I also liked the traveling tea set, with the tea container and everything you need to have tea wherever you go. Not sure what those two tiny round containers were for, but the entire set was very well put together.

    I would love to share my hot chocolate with you and we could then enjoy a fun cappuccino together. What fun we would have. Thanks for sharing these beautiful tablescapes, the tea set, your lovely art, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  6. Your hybrid piece is wonderful, I really like all the different festive elements you have used and your winter birds are adorable, I love the one with the crown :-). The table settings and glass pieces are stunning, the richness of the colours combined with all the gold is so amazing and looks so opulent! Enjoy your coffee and wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  7. What a sweet journal page with the little birds.
    The table seetings are exquisite. I love the dark blue table with the baubles. Beautiful. And the travel tea set is brilliant! It is in perfect condition (from what i can see) it has survived all those years probably because it was in a suitcase.
    I am intrigued by the table setting with the cake. You say it is from the glass museum. Are the cups glass? Anyway, I was looking at the table cloth more than the cups or the cake.
    The Roman glas is fascinating. What skills they had 2000 years ago. The blue is still as vibrant as it (probably) was when it was made.
    Thank you for showing those beautiful things,

  8. I love you journal page with those birdies standing under the lamp! Oh Valerie ! Those tables look amazing! I love the one on the dark blue cloth that looks as though it is specially set for Christmas! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. Always so much fun to read your blog full of art. Your hybrid page is so cute, and the Russian china is amazing.....I would love a set of each please! Beautiful glass pieces too......oh so much beauty to see.
    Thanks for sharing and Happy T-day

  10. The glass museum sounds like a place I'd truly enjoy. :) Thx for sharing those photos. Happy T Tuesday!

  11. beautiful Christmas page today! Thanks for sharing the ceramic exhibits and your real cappucino, yum!

  12. I love your sweet little birds. Did they come with their winter garb or did you make them? And wow, what table settings! The china is gorgeous. I would love to have a beautiful table and have a dinner party, but if I did, my husband would pull out some ugly old dish and that would be that. Not that he has bad taste but he doesn't get the fancy table. :) Have a great T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. They came like that. They are from a shop near here that makes a new winter bird every Advent.

  13. I love the real cappuccino!! AND wow - those Russian table settings and porcelain pieces are just gorgeous. Such opulence! AND I LOVE your little birds too, such a sweet representation of the season! xoxo

  14. Deine Vögelchen hast Du perfekt insziniert - sehr süß und das Glasmuseum ist sensationell! Bin ganz begeistert!
    Happy T-Day Valerie!
    oxo Susi

  15. A stunning project and the little birds are adorable Valerie.

    More amazing crockery and glass creations as well. The big table in the case is a show stopper. How well set out everywhere is that you visit.

    Have a happy T day

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. Its a wonderful snowy hybrid page, love the sweet birds dressed for the weather.
    Wow to the table settings in the museum. The value of those pieces must be an insurance nightmare, no wonder they are carefully guarded behind glass.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  17. Valerie always love the little trips you take us on. I love seeing all the pretty things and the things we learn along the way. That Russian table setting was amazing! I love your hybrid pieces... I'am not so techie Happy Happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  18. Great hybrid piece. My attention got stuck on the birds knitted hat. I'm in a wintery knitting mood. Enjoyed this trip to the museum and the table settings. My choice there is the table with the swag of roses around the edge. Stay warm and dry and enjoy your Tuesday.

  19. Beautiful pieces from Russia, my mum was born there, so it is interesting to me to view. Love your Page, it's always awesome..hugs.xx{aNNie}

  20. Your bird page is gorgeous and how wonderful they visit you on your window ledge! The photographs are amazing, wow. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  21. Love your art today♥ Those winter birds are just so darn cute♥ Thanks again for showing more photos from the museum. I do so love glass objects . I think the Roman glass would look great in my cabinet behind the glass doors. ♥♥♥♥

  22. I really like how you combined your birdies into your hybrid piece.
    That museum looks really wonderful. Gorgeous tables.

  23. Love the festive journal page Valerie with those sweet little birds nice and cozy in their winter coats.
    Museum looks interesting, and the Roman glass, amazing how it survives the centuries.
    Avril xx

  24. Your winter birds make an adorable holiday greeting. The deep blue of the Russian table is very striking. I'm partial to that color so loved all the blue glass pieces. I enjoyed my trip to the museum. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day!

  25. I love your journal page, especially the little birds and how you blended them into the painted page. Such a unique look. Thank you for the tour of the Düsseldorf, Germany. Fascinating!

  26. Ach wie süß, deine kleinen Vögelchen hast du zauberhaft in Szene gesetzt,würde mir als Postkarte schon gefallen. Das russische Porzellan sieht fantastisch aus, so schön arrangiert der Tisch mit Kugeldeko. Klasse Fotos sind das wieder. Ich glaube du bist glassüchtig hihihi. ;)
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  27. Where do I start - this has to be my most favorite post Valerie! Love your art journal page - you are indeed creative.
    That table setting from Russia is so elegant. I am reading a book about Catherine the Great right now. Those Roman glass bottles are breathtakingly beautiful. Wouldn't I love to have them!! That cake really does look real.
    Your post just came into my mail box and would you look at the number of people that have already left comments.
    Sandy xx

  28. Love your hybrid page Valerie! Especially the knitted bird's hat! Crafty hugs!

  29. Really enjoyed everything. Your hybrid piece is so chirpy. Love it.
    And those plate settings. Gorgeous, but could you imagine dusting that display? Yikes

  30. It is so nice that your museums let you take pictures. Many Canadian museums do not. Those table settings are gorgeous.

    What a happy, whimsical page you created. It is perfect for this time of year.

  31. What a super hybrid page, Valerie, your little birds are really cute.
    The museum looks very interesting!
    Hugs, Mar

  32. Oh, those table displays are too fabulous! I would have loved to have seen those in person!

  33. Your birds are so sweet.
    Hugz, Z

  34. Love your page with your sweet birds. The vase with the birds I would have been drawn to at the museum also.
    Great photos from the museum - the table settings are gorgeous, especially the first one with the interesting baubles decorations.
    Gill xx

  35. Your art piece with the two little birds are so cute!!!
    Love the table settings!! Wow!!! And, the vase with the birds is amazing!

  36. Hi Valerie Anne, I love your mixed media piece, it is so clever! Those china displays are gorgeous too, and that vase you love is beautiful! Thanks for visiting me, sorry to be late replying but at least I managed it!
    I really hope it will all work out, and I found out that Luna was tied up by her owner outside before she was rescued, and is not going to house trained at all.

  37. Whoops, sorry I called you the wrong name!


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