
Friday 7 October 2016

Time to Fly South

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, Indian summer, and for Moo Mania and More, drips and splatters, I have a double mixed media page in my second 'new' journal, which is now nearly finished. The background was brayered with left over paint, and then sprayed and dripped. The images were stamped, and are from Lost Coast Designs and Artemio. I gave them some colour with water colour paint. The birds are from a Dina Wakely stencil. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday:

Last week I went on the tram again into the centre of Düsseldorf - not a place I really love - but I wanted to see how things are looking these days. The bridge here spans a stream which used to be part of the fortifications of the town in the old days. Now it flows through the middle of Königsallee, one of the most exclusive and ridiculously expensive streets in Germany. For anybody who has money to burn, this is the place to do it in style! But I do like the view along the water and the lovely statues:

The shops all have security inside and out so that the wealthy feel safe while spending their money there:

There are lots of restaurants where you can sit and enjoy your coffee at twice the price it costs anywhere else:

But I do like the lanterns, and the street has a lot of flair from the trees and the water:

The shops are mostly along one side, the other, quieter  side is filled with banks, lawyers, insurances etc. I was recently asked if we had any big buildings here in the town - this is one:

I like the lion:

And the girl playing ball, from the beginning of the 20th century, is really beautiful:

Is this art? or a giant thing to hang coats on? Any suggestions?

But I do like how old and new has been combined here:

I will show the rest of the photos from my tour in the coming days!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your autumn pages, lovely fresh colors!!!
    I would love to meet you at that sidewalk cafe for coffee!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love your journal pages, and I must admit, this time I am looking forward to flying north again....Lovely to see the pics of Düsseldorf! Have a good weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful flying birds in your art piece, and lovely photos.

  4. Sehr schöne Seiten und tolle Bilder!
    Schönen Abend wünsch ich Dir !
    hugs Susi

  5. What a fascinating place.
    I look forward to the geese flying back:)
    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

  6. Your page for today is a glorious celebration of Autumn, quite simply I love it. XOXO

  7. What wonderful art, I love how it flows so beautifully. Your photos are so nice to look at too, I am enjoying "visiting" places I will likely never see in person through your lens...

  8. A beautiful journal spread, it looks like an autumn meadow, birds do fly an amazing number of miles when they migrate.
    Wonderful photos , my favourite is the statue of the young girl playing.
    I wonder if any one has tried to climb up that tower, it could be useful as a climbing wall training site.
    have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  9. thanks for the charming photos, I love your pages today lovely effect with the birds going south. I love seeing expensive streets, although I am a discount shopper myself!

  10. What beautiful pages! I love the texture of your autumnal background with the paint drips and spray, as well as the lovely bursts of colour from the grasses you have created which are so delicate - superb! The girl playing ball is very beautiful and the lion looks so regal :-). The giant thing to hang coats on made me smile - what can it be? Hope you had a great Friday and wishing you a nice weekend! J :-)

  11. A stunning page Valerie so peaceful and soothing.

    A distinct contrast from the wonderful City photographs that you have shared with us today. No wonder my daughter loves visiting there when she has to go with her work commitments. It looks just her sort of place. We are like chalk an cheese her and me.

    Thank you for sharing the photographs

    Have a beautiful weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. I love the colours on your page. I am not really a city person so dont go into Liverpool much as thats getting too expensive too. I like the bowling woman and the lantern though and its nice being an armchair traveller..happy ppf

  13. A beautiful autumnal page Valerie and fabulous photos. Have a lovely weekend.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Ah! Those geese. Beautiful to look at, and great in art. I love the way you show them flying south to warmer climates.

    I was awe struck by the photos today. They are superb. Loved the one showing the security, the lion, and the girl with the ball. Of course, the giant coat rack made me smile, because I couldn't have thought of a better use for it, either. Art is in the eye of the beholder, though. Hope your Saturday is awesome.

  15. *schwärm*
    Das sind wunder-wunderschöne Seiten und von Deinen Fotos bin ich wie immer hellauf begeistert.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  16. This is a gorgeous page Valerie. It feels so much like autumn. (Looks it too!:)) I was waiting to see when someone did a birds flying south page. I love all your whispy plants...beautiful. Cool photos from Dusseldorf. That street looks pretty and almost kind of touristy. I'm sure the wealthy and the want to be impressed kinds like to have their coffee there. I was wondering if that tall spiky tower was some kind of climbing "thing" to get on the roof? Probably not, looks rather like a painful phallic symbol, but its certainly different. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. We are off to go "leaf peeping" today. Driving north a couple of hours into the mountains. Hope to have some photos tomorrow. :) Hugs-Erika

  17. Oh yes, loving the new blog header too. :) Erika

  18. Love your blog header -- and your journal page. Yes, it's truly fall -- here too -- lots of rain. Your photos look very inviting - such a lovely place to explore. hugs, Donna

  19. Another wonderful new header Valerie - love the geese.
    And really love your AJJ artwork today - that's a really beautiful autumn scene.
    Enjoyed seeing your photos and like Yvonne, wondered if anyone has climbed up that unusual structure. It looks like one of those electric brush hair tong things.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend. Gill xx

  20. Oh your "Flying South" piece is full of melancholy and such a quiet beauty, it is striking and touching, perfect for this month's theme, how I love those end of the day colours when that magical glow is cast about full of pink warmth and magic, it truly delights!
    Thanks for sharing your photos, I especially love that statue, it too is quiet and whispers of days gone by.

  21. Hi Valerie,
    I LOVE your header, and your journal pages are beautiful.... love the geese flying south.

    The photos of all the statues intrigued me.....the lion is magnificent. Now the "coat rack"......not so much...LOL! It could also be a giant bird perch or a cat climbing post too....*grin*

    Have a great weekend

  22. A very autumnal feel to your post today Valerie, I love your geese and autumn leaves.
    Sets the scene very nicely.
    Your journal page is beautiful too. I feel rather sad that we have lost the swallows for another year. It's always sad to say goodbye.
    As for that piece of art. I would hang bird feeders off them all. Imagine how many birds would come to visit!
    Gorgeous photos of the city too. Thanks for sharing ;D
    Happy weekend to you

  23. I love those grasses. I never would've thought they are stamps. Love seeing the pictures of Düsseldorf too. Great statue of the girl.... The giant coatrack is quite a sight .... ;-)

  24. LOVE your journal layout and the colors are so me ♥ I'd like to fly south for a bit but not until the hurricane mess is over :( Love all of the statues.

  25. I am in awe of the gorgeous seeing the world from your perspective! We have a few stores and streets like that in Vancouver..and loads of buildings like the tall one! I do prefer the older art to that new spikey thing... seems a bit to simple! Beautiful journal page too!! Can't wait to see the rest of your photos. Love the store window fronts too! The argyle tights are pretty fun!! Do you feel artfully inspired when you visit places like this?

    Hugs Giggles

  26. Your pages are a glorious celebration of the end of summer. Happy Altweibersommer!

  27. Your beautiful art page layout is so serene. I love it. hugs, Teresa

  28. oh what a gorgeous page- so colorful and yet so peaceful Valerie! My experience in Germany many years ago was limited and not so good but oh my- you have me dying to have a revisit thanks to the beautiful glimpses of the towns and sights thru your eyes:)

  29. Your art is fabulous and free. I love it. Ooohhh Düsseldorf, I had good friends from there. It feels busy there from your photos. I like the energy of a city like this. Old and new together. Have a great Sunday.

  30. Hah that spikey thingamajig looks like it is waiting for some frisky young man to try and climb it (after he's had a few too many perhaps LOL). It does beg the question "What is art?" Now to me there is no doubt that beautiful statue of the girl playing ball is ART and makes me swoon! Great shots from behind the statue looking down the waterway. I liked the red blankets the cafe offers on the backs of the chairs to keep guests warm. High price name brand shops are not my cup of tea or coffee ;-)
    Beautiful art piece you created as always liebe Valerie oxo

  31. Lovely journal piece Valerie, you do Autumn so well. I love your photographs, these expensive shops are another world aren't they. I have a hairbrush a little bit like the statue, but I do like the old and new building xx

  32. Love your birds heading South. The do pass over my farm so low sometimes that I think I could reach up and touch them.

  33. Such a beautiful journal spread. And since it's been a while since I've visited, it was nice to wander your world with you too!


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