
Saturday 15 October 2016

More big birds in Autumn

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Indian summer, I have a hybrid piece, made with one of my misty photos. When I took the photo my tree outside the window was still standing, you can  see  a branch at the front. I used a digital frame and some embossed paper. The verse from John Keats is always one of my faves:

Last week I hopped on the tram and went into town while the sun was shining.
There are lots of new buildings, which do look smart, but I think 'ancient' is more my taste than modern:

This is one of the old and traditional hotels, and it is very exclusive and very expensive:


The water that flows through Königsallee flows into the lake
in Hofgarten, a large park. The geese, ducks, swans and other birds
are happy to eat all the food that people bring for them. The swans kept trying to push the others away with their long necks:

Wonder what they're watching?

This goose evidently liked my currant bun, as it waddled after me
when I tried to leave:

I had to part with the rest of my bun to make a getaway:

Does anybody know what sort this one is?

This giant, rusty nail is art:

Hope you enjoyed your trip to the town centre!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love Keats too; you set his stanza nicely in your creative piece. To my surprise, i quite liked the building in the second photograph ... perhaps I'm having a funny turn.

  2. Lovely journal page with the misty photo, and you know I love Keats. Great photos again, those modern buildings are very impressive if not really my taste, and the birds, ducks and swans etc are wonderful. Have a good Sunday, look after yourself. Hugs, Sarah

  3. What a beautiful art piece, I love the quote you've paired with it too. The birds are lovely to see as well!

  4. What a stunning new header Valerie.

    Love the page and the wonderful words.

    The photographs are amazing and the close ups of the birds are amazing and so special. Nice to see the contrasting buildings as well. You see such a variety of places and things along life's way.

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Love your hybrid page and how you used one of your misty photos. The photos are super, not sure about the nail as a piece of art.
    The birds look amazing, sorry don't know the name of the one you asked about.
    Have a good Sunday
    Yvonne xx
    Its a great new blog Header

  6. was für ein toller neuer header,deine seite ist ganz zauberhaft,ich mahg all die enten und schwäne,schöne tiere sind das,das gebaüde ist mir zu modern und das mag ich nicht.
    ein schönes we dir.

    hugs jenny

  7. Beautiful page today. Thanks for the tour. The birds are so tame, not at all intimidated by people. We have some seagulls here that are just the same.

  8. What beautiful architecture!! Your pictures are stunning - and I LOVE the two birds watching something - perhaps they are people watching! xoxo

  9. Cool hybrid piece. It is a very relaxing piece. And love the photos of both of the buildings and all those birds. What a mix. Here usually swans don't mingle with the ducks and geese. Actually the geese keep away from the ducks too. They're great photos though. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs-erika

  10. I enjoyed your lovely hybrid AJJ entry which included a view of your old tree. It may no longer be around, but the memories and photos are still there.

    OH WOW. I'm in LOVE. I like both the classic hotel and the modern building. No wonder I can't decide on a specific style for my art! You have picked some great photos of both these. An d that nail was out of this world. Yes, I'm drawn to art like that. What a lovely set of art pieces today.

    BTW, I don't know geese from quail, but I think that bird is a duck (GRIN)! Sorry, can't be more helpful, but had to throw that in, since I'm still a bit out of sorts. It's like when you stand up too fast and get all dizzy. That's how I've been all day. Hard to get much accomplished when you are too dizzy to do much except fix a meal and cuddle with two fur babes.

  11. Love your Autumnal piece Valerie. I do remember this from school. The colours are so stunning. Your town centre looks like a great place to visit, with so much to see and do. Take Care. Hugs Rita xxx

  12. Wow Valerie, love this page, a new favourite for sure!!! Stunning, clever hybrid work. The background looks so amazing!

  13. ♥ Love your gorgeous page, cheery, and sweet...hope your weekend is good for you.xx {aNNie}

  14. Eine traumhaft schöne Seite und tolle Fotos Valerie! Bin ganz begeistert!
    Liebe Grüße und einen schönen SOnntag!

  15. I'm with you on the architecture. The modern building is striking but very unappealing to me, while the traditional hotel gives me a sense of warmth and stability. What wonderful birds!

  16. What a great walk! I loved the beautiful pictures of the fowl. Especially the one, after your bun. Ha ha.
    Lovely piece and header.

  17. The blue glass modern building is pretty amazing and I really like it, although I know what you mean about the traditional buildings.
    Lovely AJJ piece with the gone-tree branch and the leaves and embossing, it has a wistful look of Autumn.

  18. Your page is just marvelous; so beautiful. Hugs, Teresa

  19. Lovely page and photos Valerie. The birds were my favourite of course and that was so sweet how the goose followed you. No idea what the other bird is, could it be a winter migrant maybe?
    Gill xx

  20. Stunning art representing that beautiful poem Valerie!! Thanks also for sharing your visit in town. Like you I prefer the old buildings but even the modern ones are interesting. Glad you didn't have that duck follow you all the way home:)

  21. Beautiful page Valerie, I love your hybrid work. The old hotel is very imposing, and you have to admire the new one too. Have a great week xx

  22. Yes Valerie, Keats is Autumn as is your page! Love seeing the birds! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. Valerie, I agree with you on the ancient over the new designs!!

    Oh, it made me sad to read the photo was taken while the tree was still there"( I do hope your beautiful birds still come to visit you!
    A beautiful spread and I am happy you had the photo to use! hugs


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