
Saturday 1 October 2016

Indian Summer

Hi Everybody!

We are starting our new October challenge at

Art Journal Journey 

-Indian Summer-

This time I am hosting, and looking forward to seeing your creations
about this wonderful season, whatever you call it -
Indian summer, autumn, fall, old wives' summer, golden October -
they are all very fitting descriptions. It is my favourite season, with it's 
glorious colour changes, blue skies, falling leaves, conkers, and clear air.
Our weather here has been warm and summery, but the evenings are getting chilly, night comes earlier, and it's fun to pull on a warm sweater again.
As always, you have the whole month to get creative and link to us, so hope to see you there!

I made an A3 mixed media piece. The background was brayered, sprinkled with brushos and sprayed. I did some background stamping into the wet paint to texture it. I painted the blackbird with a mixture of black and metallic brown, and added the text and dragonflies with stencils. The leaves were cut from painted and embossed paper, and I added some of the feathers I got from the moulting goslings at the castle. A little bit of gold stardust finished it off:

Last Wednesday Sabine AKA 'Art Bee' visited me here. I was up early and watched the sunrise, which started my day off well. 
We walked around through Kaiserswerth, chatted, enjoyed good food, coffee, cake and ice cream, and had a fun time. In the afternoon we sat at a restaurant by the Rhine, and enjoyed the happy atmosphere - some people in the beer garden were celebrating a birthday, making music and singing; kids were playing, the conkers were falling off the trees, the sun was sparkling on the water - a really perfect day! 

This is the restaurant at the old ferry:

And the ferry still exists, after more than 700 years:

We enjoyed exploring the castle ruins:

And we looked at the nice shops in 'town':

And of course, we enjoyed eating and drinking:

All in all, a wonderful Indian Summer day, and I hope we can do a repeat performance in the near future!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a  LOT  for coming by!


  1. Looks like you had so much fun with your friend! Wonderful new theme, love your page it's so beautiful.

  2. Wonderful post. Glad you had such a great day with your friend. Enjoy the new theme, the page you made is brilliant, love the colours and the details. The feathers are a wonderful addition. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Absolutely LOVE your page -- gorgeous. How lovely you could meet up with a blogging friend for a wonderful day of enjoyment. hugs, Donna

  4. oooh my,eine wundervolle seite,die farben sind soooo schöön.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  5. Herrlich is die Seite... traumhafte Reflexe in der Textur!
    Was habt Ihr einen schönen Tag gehabt offensichtlich! Hoffentlich könnt Ihr es bald wiederholen. Viel Spaß mit dem neuen Thema!
    Hab einen schönen Samstag! Wir fahren gleich nach Zwettl, WIlli will mir einen besonderen Schnäppchenladen zeigen mal sehen.
    Liebe Grüße

  6. The page is stunning Valerie with the wonderful feathers for texture and the glorious Indian Summer colours.

    Great to have another blog friend to visit you and what a wonderful place you live in to show people around the area and enjoy the delights together. Amazing photographs and I just had to save the one of the the hidden things at the top of the steps-such a great view of the walls etc.

    Enjoy your weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Grandiose Gestaltung deines Herbstbildes, mit all den Texturen und den warmen Farben, und sogar aufgeklebte Federn!
    Und so wunderschöne Fotos vom Rhein und vom Treffen mit Deiner Blogfreundin!
    Ein schönes Wochenende!

  8. A gorgeous piece, the colours are wonderful - lovely photos, I'm glad you had a good day with your friend.
    xxx Haze.

  9. What a fun new challenge. As soon as I can, I'll be joining you for this fun theme. I love your inspiration piece and it speaks nicely of this time of year, with the colors of autumn or Indian Summer.

    Looks like you and Sabine had a fun time. I adore the fact you take all your guests to that Castle ruins statue/sculpture. And of course, it's been awhile since you took reflections in the shop windows. These were fun.

    I so enjoyed "meeting" Sabine, and it looks like the two of you had fun eating and drinking all day long!

  10. Beautiful page. It feels so like Autumn and I love the addition of the feathers!!

  11. What a lovely post Valerie, with your beautiful AJJ piece (I really love that) and what a great fun adventure today with all your fab photos and wonderful to see Sabine too.
    That's amazing that there is still a ferry after 700 years - wow!
    Have a lovely weekend...
    Gill xx

  12. Stunning post of your Indian summer and such gorgeous colours combined . Photos are delightful love them......have a lovely weekend.xx {aNNie}

  13. Einen wundervollen Indian Summer hast Du auf's Papier gebracht. Auch Deine Fotos sind - wie immer - total schön geworden. Toll, dass Art-Bee-Sabine eine schöne Zeit mit Dir hatte.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein wunderschönes Herbst-Wochenende

  14. Such a beautiful tribute to Autumn Valerie, I especially love the colour and addition of the bird feathers. Your photographs really do highlight to wonderful area and how fun to meet up with Sabine too.
    Very enjoyable post. Have a wonderful weekend

  15. Oh how nice to meet Sabine, and it looks like you had a lovely time together. You AJJ piece is delightful with the sweet bird and I like the addition of the gosling's feathers. I've never heard of an old wives' summer, I wonder why it is called that. Yes Autumn is my favourite season too.

    1. Old wives' summer because of the long, silvery threads from spiders that often hang from trees and are like the hairs of old women - perhaps before the times of hair colour!

  16. Its a gorgeous page and the sprinkles of gold look magical.
    Its a great new theme for AJJ.
    Loved the photos you shared, I think you both must have enjoyed the walk in the autumn sunshine.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Wonderful photos and I love the spirals and dragonflies and feathery additions to you autumn piece!

  18. Fabulous new theme. Perfect for October. I love the texture on your page with the painted bird and adding those feathers. That's clever. And you and Sabine looked like you had some fun out on a walk. That Poseidon painted on the side of the ferry is actually rather interesting. A little scary and fierce but also makes you feel the boat would be safe. Glad you had such a nice visit and enjoyed your day. Hope your weekend is great too. Hugs-Erika

  19. How fun! Looks like you and Sabine had a wonderful time.
    Love the dragonflies and bird in your piece.
    Have a great weekend.

  20. Lovely autumn header to complement your golden page today which is so elegant. The photos of the old castle ruins are marvelous and the first one in particular. It is fun to walk along with you and Sabine in the village town and few the reflections in the shop windows. The reflections are some of my favorite photos. Oh, I liked the yellow cat you photographed earlier this week. Enjoy the weekend; and, the theme you selected for October will bring some amazing pages at AJJ. Hugs,

  21. This is a beautiful fall piece. I know why people come to visit you, your photos make it so inviting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  22. This is a terrific theme and your image captures it so well. Very nice!

  23. Lovely artwork, lovely photos. Fall is definitely on its way.

  24. Beautiful art, love the textures and fall theme, it's my favorite season as well. How wonderful that you can visit with Sabine, looks like a great time. Take care, Shirleyxx

  25. Ach ist das ein schöner Herbstfarbenrausch und dann noch die tollen Blätter und Federn dazu, einfach super. Deine Fotos sind auch wieder so schön. Die toll bemalte Fähre und die Schaufenster mit der Spiegelung der alten HÄuser sehen fantastisch. aus. Das muß ich beim nächsten Mal unbedingt auch noch auf die Linse bannen. ;) Eine schöne Zeit hatten wir zusammen, ganz entspannt mit Wohlfühlatmospähre, danke dafür.
    Liebe Grüße

  26. I cannot choose my favourite season Spring or Summer. The temperatures are just right and the colours for both are gorgeous. Terrific theme enjoy your hosting month.

  27. How lovely to see Sabine in your photos liebe Valerie.
    Makes me smile because I know what fun Sabine is and I can just imagine how famously you both got along with so much in common ♥
    Lovely photos and I learned a new word "conkers" = had to look it up :-)
    Your stardust bird creation is wonderful.
    I know how much you enjoy your birdies (I do too!)
    Another wonderful theme for AJJ.
    Many thanks for the fun and inspiration.
    Happy October!

  28. Looks like you have had some REALLY good times lately.
    Your page is quite magical and makes me think of all the birds that are getting ready to fly south. I will miss Autumn and Winter - my favorite seasons. But living here in Florida it is like one long season all year long - mostly summer! But living here in Northern Florida, we will have some cold weather and will even have to turn on some heat.
    My computer was in the hospital for a week and of course I am behind - I can't even catch my own tail but will try.
    Right now I am trying to get a package to go in the mail this Monday for a Tea Cup exchange. The first time I have participated and it does seem like fun. But what could be more fun you ask? Halloween of course!!!
    Sandy xx

  29. Great page and theme. I love those feathers. hugs, Teresa

  30. love your autumn piece. Love both the bird and the dragonfly

  31. First of all what a fabulous Autumn page! Of course your photos of your day out with Sabine are brilliant - it looks as though you had a great time! Hugs, Chrisx

  32. What a gorgeous page Valerie! I love the gold and feathers added! perfect!
    How nice to have Sabine visit as well! ")

  33. Wie schön! Deine Indian Summer page ist wunderschön. Da habe ich mir gedacht was braucht eine Indian Summer Seite? Herbststimmung und Federn... und was sehe ich hier?!? Hihihi.
    Vielen Dank auch für die tollen Eindrücke !
    Alles Liebe


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