
Monday 5 September 2016

Tuesday is T Day

Hi Everybody!

Today is Tea Stands for Tuesday over at Elizabeth's blog, so I
will be sharing some of my food and drink adventures later in this post,  and I would like to welcome all of the T Gang.

For Art Journal Journey, Back to school, I have another hybrid piece. The background was painted and textured, the kiddies were taken from a 'back to school' prospect here:

And I would like to remind you that our 'children' challenge at TIOT is still running for another week, so hope to see YOU there!

A lot of people asked me about Erika, and how her life went on, and I have another journal page about her scheduled for Thursday, so will tell more then.

Here are the rest of the photos taken in Duisburg on Saturday. This is the Mercator Fountain, named after Gerhard Mercator, the cartographer, who died there in 1594. Here you can find out more about him:

This was taken on the Kuhstrasse - Cow street. After passing the fountain above, you go through Kuhtor - cow gate, where I suppose the animals were driven along back in the old days. Today it's a busy market, with lots of stalls, street artists, and of course, lots of people milling about. This man was playing wonderful music on his piano::

The lady in white:

A balance act, which was very fascinating. The one underneath was holding the other one just by his shoe. I watched for 5 minutes, and they never moved or wobbled - they must have iron muscles:

And Niki de Saint Phalle's wonderful 'Lifesaver' Fountain was the main reason
for going there. It is HUGE, look at the lady in the background:

Here I have been taking my usual walks, which often end up on the Market Place, even when it's raining:

But I like it better when it's sunny:

And need I say? My drink is always cappuccino. I don't even need to speak - when they see me, they bring me a cup!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful post again, love your happy journal page and the photos are gorgeous. My faves today are those 2 men in yellow and red, and the Nana fountain. Off to bed now! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Such glorious images and photos from Duisburg. I loved the various photos you showed, including the Nana fountain. This one is not just colorful, but beautifully displayed, too.

    Your children look so happy as they play, learn, and grow together. It would be nice if all children had that enjoyable an upbringing. The compliment your other school images perfectly.

    I'd love to join you for cappuccino in the square with the fountain. It would be such a treat, but I know someone else may be joining you for T next week there. Lucky her! Which of you will take more steps each day?

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful Back to School art, the stunning photos from Duisburg, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. I think we will be stepping out together! Pity you can't be here, too! That would be fun!

  3. What a fun, bright page and you saw some very interesting things. That balancing act is so incredible it is kind of creepy. Hugs, Teresa

  4. What a cute piece you made for today Valerie. It is all the fun and cheerfulness childhood should be. And those photos from your little journey are so different from yesterday. So full of playfulness and fun. The balancing act (those 2 men) is really amazing. I have never seen anything like that! It almost looks like a street circus. You must have enjoyed your day exploring. And enjoy your cappuccino. Happy T Day! Hugs-Erika

  5. Cute!
    The balancing act is unbelievable.

  6. Yummy cappucino! What a fun page for AJJ today and thanks for this fabulous tour!

  7. such a delightful page for AJJ-school can be fun , can't it?? :) What an interesting array of photos from your latest visit in Duisburg. I especially love the old architectural photos. And cappuccino- of course, what else would you have? Happy T day!

  8. I so enjoyed our visit Valerie! Loved the fountains and the balancing act was amazing!! I'm so glad you shared your hybrid journal pages with us! Happy happy T day or cappuccino day!!lol Hugs! deb

  9. The page is terrific Valerie and made me have a big smile when I looked at it. Then I moved on to the photographs and the smile got even bigger. Wow to those and especially the ones with the colours and the human statues. Had to have another look and almost lost this comment lol

    Nice place for a coffee and pleased to see lots of others think the same way you do and enjoy their coffee there.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Liebe Valerie
    dieses fröhliche Bild zum Thema "Back to school" gefällt mir
    sehr gut, danke auch für die vielen anderen Fotos, besonders "The lady in White" hat es mir angetan, doch so einem Schlückchen Kaffee wäre ich jetzt auch nicht abgeneigt.
    Sonnigen Tag für dich.
    LG Sadie

  11. Eine wunderbare Seite und grandiose Aufnahmen von Duisburg - dieser Nana Brunnen ist einfach nur spektakulär und die beiden Artisten-Männer sind unglaublich-
    Wahnsinn !
    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susu

  12. ich LIEBE niki´s nanas, deswegen muss ich da auch mal hin! und wie mühelos das bei den 2 artisten aussieht, sie verziehen keine miene...
    ich wünsch dir eine schöne Woche und happy t-day!

  13. I've just spent the weekend with my children ... and their children ... and their children (4 generations) ... your picture they would love.

    The usual excellent gallery of photographs started my day nicely; thank you.

  14. Another wonderful hybrid page, and yes, that's what back to school shoud be all about...

  15. Those kids sure look like they are having fun on the FaB hybrid school page.
    Loved the photos, that white lady looks a bit ghostly but I bet she kept every ones attention for a while.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Lovely post today, Duisburg looks facinating, I love the statues and 'Lifesaver' Fountain! It reminds me of the Superlambananas sculptures that they have in Liverpool, so bright and cheery :-). Wishing you a Happy T day! J :-)

  17. amazing and colourful post, gosh those guys are incredible for your page and hope you are having a good week.xx

  18. Cute school kids for your AJJ page liebe Valerie.
    Your cappuccino looks very inviting with the amarettini cookies.
    Wonderful town pix.
    Those street performers must have been mesmerizing.
    Happy T Day.
    I was unplugged over the long weekend and think I now have catching up to do. oxo

  19. Super cute art! Looks adorable! And I really love that colourful statue. So cheerful!

  20. Wow! What a fascinating place! Everything's so bright and cheerful :) Happy T Tuesday

  21. Duisburg looks like a fascinating place to visit.

  22. Your AJJ page had me smile and want to giggle..........such a HAPPY page...LOVED it!!

    I was totally fascinated by the both LARGE! And the second one is so colorful, looks like somebody Zentagled it!

    That balancing act must have been something to see. They say it is all about the center of gravity......still fascinating to see.

    Thanks for the T-day far I only use my Ninja for protein I said I like my veggies slightly steamed. I like to bite my food too!

    Happy T-day

  23. was für eine süsse seite und schöner bilder,die beiden akrobaten sind ja klasse,wahnsinn.
    einen schönen abend noch.

    hugs jenny

  24. beautiful children's piece -- i'll have to try to play along this week at TIOT if i can! and love all your photos and travels, such fun! xo

  25. I love your fun page - what happy faces returning to school! Your continuing journey in Duisburg is wonderful! I would love to see that colourful fountain - I hope that Susi get to see this IRL! You two are going to have so much fun! Looking forward to next weeks photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. Hi Valerie! Great artwork for the kids! Something that would look great in all classes. It does make learning look fun! As always, I love your walks and pictures around your world. What an exciting town. I read your post twice to make sure I saw it all. Those two men, one holding the other up by his shoe, is amazing! I think I would watch that for a bit too. The old statue, the colorful statue...and that delicious cappuccino. Your town has now been added to my "bucket list". Such beauty and history. Thank you for sharing that every post. It's great to see an area of the world that is so different from mine. Hugs, Rasz

  27. I love your artwork today Valerie, such fun! Great street performers too, I've been racking my brains trying to work out how they do it lol xx

  28. I'm back tracking, Valerie, because I didn't want to miss one of your posts and view your journal page for Monday. The background reminds me of a sweater which turns out perfectly for the back to school theme. And I am so glad I did because I would have missed the famous fountain by Niki de Saint Phalle and the gorgeous Mercator Fountain -- two completely opposite styles. For me, I love the old statues and fountains found in Europe and I had never seen most of them you photograph. Thank you so much! The magic balance act was incredible to read about. I can't imagine holding that position like the man on the ground for even one minute. Amazing!
    Love hugs,

  29. Love your art - that's a fabulous background and such cute characters - a lovely happy piece.
    Great photos - the balancing act was amazing - and leaves me wondering - how did they do it?
    Gill xx

  30. Love your page !!!!! Great photos again and they are all do interesting. The fountains are fantastic and those people doing those freeze poises make me hurt just to watch. Thanks for sharing and have a great week !!!

  31. What a fun - fun journal page and so colorful!
    Loved your pictures on this post. I would love to go there - you know I would!!
    The guys in red and gold - what can I say - they are definitely in a trance especially the guy on top! Fascinating
    I am hoping to post by tonight - I have to finish my spread - really quite simple but it just has to sit right in my gut to me --- I am going for funny.
    Sandy xx

  32. WOW! Such cool photos!! That colorful fountain is amazing!! And that balancing act- omgoodness!!!xx


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