
Tuesday 13 September 2016

School photos

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well!
We had fun again yesterday and  today, but the time has flown by, and Susi goes home again tomorrow - all good things must come to an end!

For Art Journal Journey, Back to School, I have another
hybrid piece, using a fun background and an image from Gecko Galz which I masked with a filter. My fave part is the quote, I just love it!

Yesterday we went by tram and bus to Grafenberg, a wooded and hilly part of Düsseldorf. First we discovered this spring:

Then we climbed up and up.....

Till we got to the top and were able to enjoy the view over Düsseldorf:

We headed for the 'Wildpark' - a nature reserve in the woods where you can find deer, mouflons, (wild sheep)  boars, wild cats, owls, bees, and much,  much more. The boars did not show themselves, so we had to be contented with riding on this one:

We saw various sorts of deer:

The 'bambis' were very sweet, and enjoyed being fed by the visitors:

The wild cat was having a midday sleep in her enclosure:

There are lots more photos which I will show another time. Suffice to say that the way home was interrupted by visits to restaurants and the ice parlour....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a wonderful art piece, I love the quote too. I enjoyed your photos as well, the deer look very sweet.

  2. The page is wonderful Valerie and such a funny quote you Paul Murton.

    Another great place you found to visit and so many wonderful photographs again. All good things come to an end and I hope Susi has a good journey home

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. A fantastic piece and such a brilliant vintage photo! It looks as if the two of you have had such a great time together (and got lots of exercise in too! Fabulous photos of what looks like a super day out!

  4. A LOVELY PIECE WITH A GREAT QUOTE; LOVE THAT PHOTO! (Oooops, sorry!) Glad you had another great day out, what fun you had together! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Fabulous way to display that vintage photo! Love these pics of your day out - and you both deserved your ice creams surely! Chrisx

  6. you and Susi seem to have so much in common! The time has passed quickly. Lovely school piece for AJJ!

  7. ja,alles schöne hat auch mal ein ende und susi muss wieder nachause,ihr habt doch eine schöne zeit zusammen gehabt.
    deine seite ist klasse,find ich ja toll,das du trotz das susi da ist deine seiten machst.
    einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  8. I laughed and laughed when I read that quote. Sounds like you enjoyed it, too. It was a fun and beautiful entry for AJJ.

    I have SO enjoyed the photos of you and Susi playing together. I will be as sad as you when she goes home. It's been a fun week, and I've really had fun seeing all the things you two saw and accomplished while she was/is here. Again, I think you are the PERFECT host!

  9. Eine sehr schöne Seite.

    Richtig tolle Fotos habt Ihr gemacht, danke für's Zeigen. Mir scheint, Ihr hattet viel Spaß

  10. Zu schön die Seite und die Fotos, da hattet Ihr eine wunderbare Zeit zusammen.

    Liebe Grüße
    von Anke

  11. The quote on the fantastic page really appeals to my humour, I just had to laugh when I read it.You have both had another super day out and it looks like the visit has been fun for all of the days, again great photos. Have a safe trip home. Susi.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I wish I could be like that wild cat and go back to bed this morning:) What great view from up on that hill and the nature park looks like a great place to visit. You ladies look like the fun isn't ending. I am also loving your school piece today. I'm with the you, nice quote. Hope its another fun "last' day. Boy has the week gone fast. Hugs-Erika

  13. Another wondrous day! How big are those cats?
    That quote is priceless.

    1. They looked to be a little longer than 'normal'cats, and the tail was very long and thick.

  14. Hi Sweetie! Eine tolle Collage mit den lustigen Punkten!
    Bin wohlbehalten wieder zu Hause!
    Es war wunderschön bei Dir!!!
    Schönen Abend - bin geschafft und geh gleich zum Krimi!

  15. I think this is my favorite "back to school " entry of yours so far Valerie!! What a perfectly wonderful outing you and Susi had-and those views of Dusseldorf are spectacular! Thanks for sharing your art and your time with Susi.

  16. Fabulous page. I love those girls linking arms in the front. What a lovely visit you had with your friend. That park looks wonderful. Thank you for sharing it all with us.

  17. Your journal spread as usual is pretty nifty! Love that quote and I had to laugh -
    What is this - have pig will travel?
    We had plenty of deer when we lived in the mountains. Those babies in your pictures are not old enough to leave their Mama - they still have their spots.
    Love that kitty kat. I do think cats are beautiful animals.
    Sandy xx

  18. Love that photo, but such a sad kinda quote "(

    More fun photos and you two made me lol with your boar rides! heehee


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