
Sunday 11 September 2016

Having fun

Hi Everybody !

Hope you are enjoying you weekend.
We went to the Stempel Mekka in Hagen yesterday,  and met up
with lots of nice blog friends again, and saw soooooo many goodies there. It was just difficult to choose anything, as there were so man things to choose from. Susi bought me a great stamp from Lost Coast Designs, I will show it later in the week.

For Art Journal Journey, Elizabeth's lovely theme of 
'Back to school'
I have another hybrid piece. I used my heads on a brusho-ed and dripped background. The left head was filled with a collage representing free time and holidays, and the left takes us straight to the reality of school:

The day started off with a beautiful sunrise:

We set out just after nine, took the tram into town, and waited at the Main Station for our train:

The hall was very full, and there was so much to see:

Sylvia (Barnie) was busy on her stand:

Heindesign was one of our faves:

Long queues everywhere, as ladies waited to get their backpacks 
filled up with crafty stash:

My absolute favourite is always Lost Coast Designs:

It was hard to decide about anything....

We kept ourselves going with coffee and  more coffee:

We met up with Rosie

All in all, it was a fun day, meeting friends , chatting,
and seeing what's going on in the crafty world of stamping.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A wonderful back to school creation Valerie. Love the your sunrise photos.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. There you are, at least I think it is you at the Station. You cannot beat a day out at a craft fair can you certainly looks like a good one and a lot of fun. Hour left and right heads certainly make our creative/logical parts clear and easy to understand. XOXO

  3. What a wonderful post, lovely to catch up with friends and crafters and looks like you both had a wonderful day...would love to meet you one day too...great school theme again.xx{aNNie}

  4. What a wonderful time you had, just lovely to hear about this fun meetup. Nice piece for AJJ and beautiful sunrise photos.

  5. Fantastic page, we're off now, stay well, hugs, S arah

  6. First of all, your page looks fab, great idea with those two contrasting heads, and thanks for sharing those fab photos of your day! I look forward to seeing your new stash!Meeting friends old and new is always the best of these kind of events!

  7. That looks one fantastic day out meeting friends, seeing lots of tempting stamps. I think you would both be tired at the end of the day, it was good to see the photos.
    Its a great AJJ school page, a great way to use your heads to show the different ways of thinking between school and holidays.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your hybrid piece is amazing. I am so happy that you and the girls had such a fun time. Making memories with friends is good for the soul.

  9. eine tolle seite und schöne bilder vom stempel mekka,schön euch so mal zu sehen,ihr seht alle sehr nett aus,vieleicht komme ich nächtes jahr mal zum stempel mekka,ich müsste dann mit der bahn fahren und auch übernachten,damit ich genug Energie für den ganzen tag habe,soooo gern würd ich euch alle mal treffen.
    wünsch dir und susi noch einen schönen nachmittag.

    hugs jenny
    hier ist heute sehr heiß und wir waren eis essen,war auch ganz nett.

  10. I adore this hybrid piece. I really MUST learn to make digital entries. I have the software, I just don't seem to devote the time to learning. Yours is fantastic and both heads represent the theme so well.

    I need to tell Susi how much weight she must have lost, because she is always saying she needs to lose weight. She looks fantastic to me, because that diet must have done wonders. Of course, I also think she probably wasn't as overweight as she thought (and kept saying), because she looks terrific and beautiful as the two of you meet up with friends from blogland.

    Valerie, you are a fantastic host. You couldn't have picked a better venue to take Susi to, and the fact you got to meet up with friends whose names I actually have heard of is amazing. You rock as a host, dear.

    Hugs to both of you today. I'll gladly join you for coffee, too!

  11. A very fun journal page and a fun day at the craft fair with Susi. It is a huge plus to meet up with friends at these events. Terrific photos, especially when you stopped for coffee. Enjoy the new week while all of the ideas you captured at the fair will apper in new journal pages.

  12. What a fabulous post! I love your spread - great contrast of scenes! That craft show looks great (especially Lost Coast, who used to come to Happy Stampers then stopped) You and Susi look as though you are having so much fun together and it's great to meet up with others too - one of the best things about craft events! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Terrific page Valerie but couldn't wait to hear about your day out and the wonderful photographs of you all.

    We have had a busy day out with Linda in the car.

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. How bright and sweet your art is, there is so much to see! I love your photographs too.

  15. Phew! Can't keep up with you ... glad you're having a good time

  16. Wow- I am soooo jealous. That stamping mecca looks like an amazing event. I think I would go broke going there. How do you chose? And you know I love your heads- and I will say, your page really touches me today because, as a teacher you know, the change from summer to back to school is huge. You really caught it perfectly! Thanks for sharing these photos. Hugs-Erika

  17. I'd go nuts here! I go crazy in art/book/paper shops...On Sat I bought more than enough art stuff, brushes etc.
    Have a great week!

  18. Looks like you had a great day at the craft fair with your friends. I have never been to anything like that. I imagine you could easily spend a fortune.

    Your depiction of the changing seasons - from summer to back to school - is lovely and very creative.


  19. I always love the pieces you create using the head!

    So much fun that you and Susi had and then being able to meet up with two other friends! Thank you so much for sharing your joy with us!! xx

  20. Oh what fun! So glad you and Susi had a glorious day.

  21. fun back to school art! What a fabulous looking convention and how wonderful to be able to meet up with several other blogging friends too. Can't wait to see what new goodies you and Susie will have to share!

  22. A great journal spread Valerie and you and Susi look as if you've had a fabulous time at the craft event, and how wonderful for you to be able to meet with other blog friends.
    Off for a catch up of what you and Susi have been up to on her visit.
    Avril xx

  23. Another great spread for your journal. The Craft fair looks wonderful (overwhelming) ... but wonderful. I'm sure I would have gone crazy looking at everything. Lots of fun meeting friends too. A day to remember. hugs, Donna

  24. Liebe Valerie und liebe Susi,

    es war sssssoooo schön, dass wir uns getroffen haben.

    Mekka ist doch immer wieder ein Stempelhighlight, nicht wahr ?

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke

  25. Yes summer is over - kids are back in school and my daughter is busy teaching in the 8th grade this year. When I asked my grandson the day before school started if he was ready, he replied, "intellectually yes - emotionally no" I could not help but laugh. He is 12 years old!
    Yes I called you a cutie pie and would do so again. Once more I loved all of your pictures!!!
    Sandy xx

  26. Hi once more.... it's been so much fun looking at your photos of the visit with Susi and you also met up with Rosi... you ladies all look fantastic, happy and healthy :) xx


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