
Friday 26 August 2016

Sunrise, wild geese and a Hitchcock moment

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!
We're enjoying (?) hot and sunny weather here, but I will be happy when
it cools off again. My thermometer showed over 37° degrees today,
and that is too much for me, especially as it also heats up uncomfortably inside. But we have to take it as it comes!

For Art Journal Journey, Gill's lovely theme of  'Nature's wonders',
I have another hybrid page. For this page I used one of the photos of today's sunrise, which I digitally altered to a Van Gogh style 'painting'. I used a stencil to add the bird, and the text is part of the sunrise-sunset song from 'Fiddler on the roof'.

I didn't get much sleep last night, it was just too hot, but it did wake me up in time to watch the sky lighten and the sun rise.

I went out for my walk 2 hours earlier than usual in the hope that it would be a little cooler:

As I crossed the last field leading to the Rhine, I must have disturbed a gaggle of wild geese, who flew up honking above my head, and really scared me. I didn't have time to focus, just pointed the camera and shot - it was definitely a Hitchcock moment:

When I got back from my walk it was 27° inside and 37° outside!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, you've done it again, another wonderful page and photos, and I always love to hear that song. Sorry about the scary geese! We're off to Frankfurt in a few minutes, back tomorrow evening.Have a nice evening! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Happy PPF; luv the sunrise/sunset piece, that bright orange is stunning

    much love...

  3. Love the beautiful sunrise photos, Valerie.

  4. Todays journal page is awesome. The sunrise photos are so so good and the geese, not sure I would have the sense to point and shoot, more like duck and whimper. It is too hot here again as well but it will pass and then we will moan that we want the sun back nought so queer as folk. XOXO

  5. NICE journal piece.
    Sunrise pics are spectacular. I haven't been sleeping either. What a pain.
    Have a wondrous weekend. Hugs,

  6. Glad the geese didn't get you!!! Love your nature photos! Great colors in your pages, quite striking!

  7. Beautiful page today using one of your photos. Oh, it is going to be not for you today if it is 80F and it is early morning. Great story and photos of the geese. I was sitting on our patio last year when the geese took off from the pond and flew over dropping do-do on my head. ugh!

    1. Well, at least they didn't drop any do-do on my head!

  8. Gorgeous hybrid artwork today Valerie - that Van Gogh effect is really wonderful.
    I feel for you and the temperature, I'd like it a bit cooler too. Wednesday was our worse day at 36.2 outside, at present inside its 26.8 and its almost 6pm. Looks like another bad night :( I can't seem to think straight when its hot.
    Oh what a shock that must have been being surprised by the geese like that, your photos came out well considering they made you jump.
    Have a great weekend and I hope it cools a bit and we all sleep a bit tonight.... Gill xx

  9. your pages just get more fabulous every day, this one's a real work of art, and beautiful photos today!

  10. Sounds hot Valerie. It is quite hot here but we have a lovely cool breeze as well.

    Amazing photographs and amazing that you changed one of them for the wonderful page.

    I didn't sleep well either because the rain was so noisy. You and me could have had a party

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Ooooh, your sunrise art is lovely! Your photographs are also very pretty.

  12. Its been a while since I have visited. I have neglected blogger Im afraid. Its lovely to see you are still posting great photos. I hope you are well. :) T x

  13. Love your images! Have a wonderful weekend ♥

  14. dear Valerie your hybrid piece is stunning!!! Yes, that kind of heat can get to you -we are having it yet again but are fortunate to have central air conditioning throughout the house. Beautiful captures of the night sky and sunrise. Hope things cool off a bit so you can sleep tonight :)

  15. A stunning page, love the Van Gogh style background. Beautiful photos from your walk.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Wow, that's amazing! what kind of program do you use for that? Beautiful piece of art!

  17. I love the fiery light in your page and thanks for sharing that song. Fiddler on the Roof is one of the best movies of all time, IMHO. hugs, teresa

  18. Oh MY that is a lot of heat you are dealing with.
    Not sure I could sleep at all.
    Hope you get a break in the weather soon.
    Here in the Wash DC area we are having the third hottest summer since they started keeping records back in the late 1800's...BUT most everyone has air conditioning so we can hide indoors.
    Your digital painting is so beautiful and the words are extra lovely too.
    I visited a sunflower farm recently so your quote spoke to me extra much.
    Glad you didn't get "landed on" by those geese. What a shock to have them lift off like that.
    Stay cool my friend as you can.
    Happy weekend to you oxo

  19. That was a gorgeous AJJ entry today. Ironic that it is a bit like your Hitchcock moment, though.

    It's been hot here, too. It was about 28 C in my office today, even though the AC was plugging away trying to keep all this computer equipment cool. Hope you see cooler temps soon.

  20. hi valerie,

    deine seite ist einfach umwerfend,sie lässt viel fantasie zu,ich sehe feuerdrachen.
    die bilder sind traumhaft und die gänse kennen dich schon sehr gut,sie sind sehr schlau.
    wünsch dir ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  21. That was a gorgeous AJJ entry today. Ironic that it is a bit like your Hitchcock moment, though.

    It's been hot here, too. It was about 28 C in my office today, even though the AC was plugging away trying to keep all this computer equipment cool. Hope you see cooler temps soon.

  22. Wow! What a fantastic post! Love your artwork and all the photos! Happy PPF :)

  23. So schön deine digitale Seite liebe Valerie. Auch das Video mit dem Song "Sunrise,Sunset" habe ich genossen. Ich habe mir auch noch andere Stücke aus Anatevka angesehen, so schöne Musik und Bilder aus einer anderen Zeit. Ich kenne das Stück "If I where a rich man" seit Jugendtagen, habe den Film aber nie gesehen. Danke fürs Erinnern.
    Deine Fotos sind auch wieder super.
    Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende.

  24. Enjoy the heat while you can as soon we will have it over here....can't wait...swim all day...
    LOVE your amazing page and those photos are incredible...have a lovely {aNNie}

  25. Ohhh that is TOO hot! It's in the late 20's here, but it's the muggy no air type of heat. I love your artwork today Val, it's like the sky is on fire! Your photographs are fab too, I bet those geese made you jump lol. Hope you have a fun (and cooler) weekend xx

  26. Keep cool Val!A stunning page, great with the Van Gogh style background. Beautiful photos from your walk - funny geese!
    Sent you a mail!
    oxo Susi

  27. I know what you mean about that heat-its what we had when we went to New York. Stay cool Valerie. I enjoyed the texture your piece had today. Maybe you'll do more Van Gogh style pieces. :) Also fantastic geese photos. It was worth disturbing them for the photo, though I always feel bad when I disturb animals. Stay cool, don't over do it. Hoping your weather is cooling off ASAP. Hugs-Erika

  28. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Journal page!! I just love everything about it!

    I just came in from my walk and drooled over your photos, I wish I had some pretty scenery to look at, as well as photograph, when I walk.

    Hitchcock was always one of my naturally I loved the reference and your photo.

    Have a great weekend!

  29. Oh I hear you about the heat...same here and sleep was horrible...finally cooled down today and I had a short nap trying to catch up. All I can think of is " The Birds' movie....and hear the song " Sunrise, sunset" playing in my head. One I used to play piano and sing to many moons ago!! Thanks for the memories....beautiful artwork and photos! Hope it cools down soon for you too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  30. I love the Van Gogh style page you have created with your photo, very dreamy! I liked listening to Sunrise Sunset song as well, I haven't seen that film in a while :-). Great photos and I can just imagine the noise the geese made, did they "honk" when they took to the skies? Happy Sunday! J :-)

  31. I sure hope it cools down for you - I just cannot function well without my sleep.
    Your journal page is so gorgeous - one of a kind! God only knows how you accomplish this but having a computer that hates me I will leave the knowledge with God!
    Fiddler on the Roof - how I love the music and your your inclusion of the video really made my day. I sang every word.
    Are you feeling okay? For some reason I thought you had Brochitis but am I totally confused.
    Sandy xx

  32. A Hitchcock moment. I love that LOL. It is cold and rainy here. We never get hot in my area. I would like some "hot" As always you have taken us on a journey. Have a great Sunday and stay cool.

  33. I adore this page - love the words you chose to use! Your sunrise photos are brilliant but your meeting with the geese would have scared me for sure!! Hugs, Chrisx

  34. Jetzt habe ich mich rückwärts bis hier her durchgearbeitet... deine Morgenstimmungs-Bilder sind wieder fantastisch. Aber der absolute Hammer sind natürlich die Wildgänse! Wie wunderbar eingefangen, Valerie!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike
    PS. ... die Mücke ist jetzt bestimmt, es gibt einen Nachtrag, wenn's dich interessiert

  35. Beautiful interpretation of the song -- and I loved the photos and your Hitchcock moment!

  36. Beautiful photos Valerie!! I do hope a cool down has finally come your way!
    Love the theme and your piece for this challenge-beautiful!


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