
Sunday 7 August 2016

Snails and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend. 
We had good weather here, not too hot, not raining, just pleasant summer weather - great for walking and looking at nature's wonders! 
Talking of wonders - this time of nature and technology - I wanted to give a report about my knee, as several people have asked how it is progressing. I had my last physiotherapy session last week, and now have learnt enough daily exercises to be able to keep up the  good work myself. And I know lots of tricks to be able to get rid of nasty pains when they turn up, which they still do - sometimes here and  sometimes there. But on the whole it is really good for 5 months since the OP. I can ride my bike, run, jump, walk and swim, and I am back to walking my 15000+ steps each day, so I am very satisfied. I don't need to go back to the orthopedic specialist till next year, one year after the OP when it is will be xrayed  and examined again.

For Nature's wonders, Gill's lovely theme at Art Journal Journey, I am
sharing my 'down to earth' page today. Last  week as I walked home I met this snail on the pavement:

And it reminded me of this drawing I made some time back:

And that inspired me to this not very serious journal page, made with a floral background onto which I digitally magicked my snails. It's always good to aim for the moon and the stars, but we need to come back down to earth, too:

It reminded me of Patricia Highsmith's rather horrible stories about snails, especially 'The snail watcher', which gave me nightmares for a long time!

The day started off again with sun:

We had blue skies, the Rhine was blue, and I walked for nearly three hours altogether, and will show more of the photos tomorrow. Here are just a few of my natural wonders from today:

I keep sneaking back to the dandelions and graffiti by the subway:

Have a great day, and keep your eyes open for all the wonders that are around us everyday!
Take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Val, I love this, what a fun page, well done. I know Highsmith's snail stories, they are really rather ghastly. Lovely photos, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  2. I have to smile at the fantastic journal page and the Mobile home, its a real fun piece.
    It was good to read that all is going along well with your knee and you know how to get over the painful times.
    Beautiful photos, I especially liked the last ones with the dandelions and graffiti
    Yvonne xx

  3. So glad to hear of how well your knee surgery has gone, you have done the hard work required for success. It's great the weather has cooled down. Cute capture of that snail and a wonderful inspired page! Enjoyed your lovely photos today.

  4. So glad to hear about your recovery and I'm in awe of your 15000+ steps a day, that's fantastic! I was intrigued when you hinted yesterday about your page and it's such fun! I love Martha and that background is so cheery! Your Nature's Wonders photos are beautiful to behold, especially those dramatic looking clouds and of course the dandelion graffiti. Wishing you a happy week ahead! J :-)

  5. Really enjoyed reading about Zons earlier to today very surprised how small the population is especially when the place is so historically fascinating. Thank you for the link. Your post today is really fun and cheerful, good to know you are doing so well. XOXO

  6. ooh das tut mir leid mit deinem knie,aber die op wird aalles gut machen,ich wünsche dir alles gute für die op und danach,du kannst aber stolz auf dich sein 15000 steps ist fantastisch.
    deine schnecken sind sooo süüüß,die seite ist großartig.
    tolle blumenbilder hast du gemacht,und der vogel sieht mystisch aus,das mag ich ja.
    ich war heute auch draussen und habe an den rosenbüschen geschnuppert,sie duften herrlich zart und fein.
    ich werd auch mal ein paar bilder machen,denn hier ist es auch sehr schööön.
    ich trink jetzt noch cafe und dann geh ich schlafen,gute nacht,schlaf gut.
    wünsch dir eine schöne woche.

    hugs jenny

  7. Congrats on the knee results. Glad to hear everything is working out so well! Sounds like you are able to be active and moving- no sedate lifestyle for you :) And your snail sketches are really fun. Great inspiration photo too. I don't know the stories but I don't think I will read them if they practically gave you nightmares. Sounds like a good weekend, mine was too. Happy Monday. Hugs-Erika

  8. I am thrilled to hear about your knee. You are doing a lot for just 5 months out. The snail, art and photos all amazing.

  9. Fabulous progress on your knee, and keep what you are doing and it will always be on the up and go....just been for a long walk myself but forgot to take my camera. Lots of ducks out in the pond and all but well, maybe tomorrow. Great display of the snail and love the shell on the photographed one...hugs.xx

  10. Happy to hear about the improvement in your knees. Nice to see the snail clipping and it's drawing.

  11. Du warst wirklich absolut tüchtig und hast mit ganzer Kraft an Deinem und für Dein Knie gearbeitet und siehste wie toll das Ergebnis! Congrats on this Valerie! Eine so süße Zeichnung und wie Du sie auch noch hybrid bearbeitest hast - sagenhaft!
    Bin auch ein großer Schneckfan..( nur die Nacksschnecken mag ich nicht wirklich---"Zigeuner!") Patricia Highsmith ist eine meiner Lieblingsautorinnen überhaupt...
    kennst Du das Interview mit ihr?

    Tolle Impressionen von einem wundervollem Sommertag!
    Schöne neue Woche!!!!

  12. Wonderful news about your knee Valerie and so good that you can do the things you love doing. Amazing that you aim for 15,000 steps a day I am proud to aim for 10,000 and don't always make that.Well Done.

    Love the page and your sense of fun. The flag on the top had me laughing out loud.

    Beautiful photographs of the wonders you see on your walks.You turn a simple flower into a work of art.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Oh my gosh, your snail is too fun!! Love the real snail photo, wow cool! Beautiful flower shots and that horse is so majestic, just love horses. have a great day :)

  14. So happy to hear of your progress Valerie!! And back to your stepping- great job! Keep up the good work!
    I love that photo and love your drawing even more! heehee

  15. Glad to hear your knee is doing well. DH is just 6 wks post hip replacement surgery. I think he is doing well, he's frustrated that it isn't going faster.

    The real snail is so colorful. Ours are just beige/grey. Your drawing is great and the digital page you made with it is so colorful. Enjoyed all the wonders in nature that you shared with us.

  16. I was really surprised about your therapy. When Sally had knee surgery, she got one week in the rehab hospital and four weeks outpatient rehab. I was surprised how much more rehab you got. No wonder you are able to jump and swim and do all kinds of things Sally will never be able to do.

    Your mobile home is a hoot, but the beautiful flowers and scenes around your town are wonderful. Now I'm off to see what else I've missed.

  17. I love that snail page - I made my grandson jump with my laughing -he is here waiting for hubby to get ready to take us up to the caravan - we are picking up GS no1 up on the way so won't be around for a while! I love all of your fabulous photos. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Hope there are not too many snails on the streets holding up the traffic!

  18. Die Wäscheleine auf dem Schneckenhäuschen ist ja zu lustig!
    Schöne Fotos wieder, liebe Valerie. Beste Grüße von Ulrike

  19. That's brilliant news about your knee Valerie - hope the pain decreases over time. You are sounding super fit now! :)
    Fab fun page - that mobile home made me smile, especially with the washing hanging out too.
    Great photos - was wondering what the bird was - it looks quite small is it a crow?
    Will you be watching the Perseids meteor showers? I understand its suppose to be a good year. I think its 11/12th it peaks. I saw one a couple of days ago so hopefully by 12th there will be more of them. The best shower I ever saw I gave up counting after seeing 100.
    Hope your day has been good.... Gill xx

    1. I hope the weather will be good so I can see them! The bird is a young crow.

    2. I've not seen a young crow before - thanks for answering that xx

  20. Hi Valerie, such great news about your knee. Walking 15000 steps a day is a huge accomplishment. So happy for you to be doing so well.
    Love the little friend you saw walking home. Your artwork is so cute!! Love your walking pics too. Glad you're having such good summer weather. We are hotter then hot!!
    Have a great week. Happy Creating!

  21. Ha! Can I bum the snail for Wacky Wednesday?
    Especially love the bird and horse pic. The bird looks like a young one doesn't it?
    So glad you are doing well with your bionic knee.

  22. Great page!!! Love the photo of the snail and the art from the past that you shared with us :) Lovely nature photos too. Have a great week!!!

  23. Love your mobile home! AND, the photo of the thistles where they have burst and show their fluff, so elegantly. Your header is ideal for this month's theme. Hugs,


  24. I'm so glad you are through with your PT and that you are well recovered. I know it never ends, really -- doing the exercises and all -- but at least the appointments are finished. That is good news.

    Your snail page is simply enchanting! I love it as much as anything I've seen!

  25. Your snail drawing really makes me smile.
    L♥ve the washing hanging out ... very practical and fun!
    Great news with your post OP report liebe Valerie.
    Five months ago already... gosh tempus fugit!!!
    You have worked hard to make the surgery have the very best outcome.
    Here's hoping there will be no more pain.

  26. I don't think I see any prettier nature pictures than what are on your blog!
    Your clouds are spectacular!!
    You are so disciplined, I am not one bit surprised about the fact you have been set free from physical therapy. I guess walking 15000 + steps a day keeps one in shape too!!
    Sandy xx


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