
Tuesday 16 August 2016

Mid-week mix

Hi Everybody!

I had a great time with my cousins on Monday, they are really nice 
people, and we got on well, and have plans to see each other again.
I had 10 minutes time when I collected them from the station, so used the time to take some photos of the square behind the station and the mall inside. Not really my world - too loud and too many people for my taste, but interesting to see
here and there. Some people asked about the recipe for my spice bars yesterday - I will  post it next Tuesday for TSFT.

For Art Journal Journey, Nature's wonders, I have another
hybrid page, using a water-coloured background, an altered photo of the Rhine taken from one of the castle windows, a mask, and once again the photo of my little crow, who seems to live in the ruins:

The square behind the Main Station has a lot of giant metal sculptures, which have unfortunately been defaced with stickers and graffiti.

Can you see the man up on the roof?

The old stone reliefs on the left and right of the entrance remind us of the steel industry which was so important here for many years:

Lots of places to spend money, although not my taste and much too expensive:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your page today, that little crow is a real star! The Station has changed a lot since I was last there. Looks really like a shopping mall. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  2. I love seeing that crow, it's such a great photo and love the way you have used it and created your hybrid page.
    That's very kind to share your recipe - will look forward to Tuesday and tell my chef to be prepared to do some cooking :)
    It was nice to see a different part of your town - the metal sculptures are unusual but I think I liked the old stone reliefs the most.
    Gill xx

  3. lovely page today. Look forward to the spice bar recipe. Beautiful square and a busy station!

  4. and so glad the visit went well!

  5. Your crow took center stage on your page, but the real stars were the beautiful photos of the sculptures. I was shocked at the graffiti, but I shouldn't have been. You took some awesome photos, regardless.

    I was also surprised to see all the same named fast food places there that we have here. I shouldn't be surprised, since they are truly universally known, accepted, and are cash cows.

  6. Wonderful crow page. Too bad the sculptures have been defaced. They are quite wonderful. Junk food is everywhere, sad, so sad. xox

  7. Gorgeous pages, Valerie. Hugs, Teresa

  8. Hallo Valerie
    wunderschöne Seiten, vielleicht etwas düster, doch gerade
    dieses Mystische finde ich großartig.
    Starbucks Coffee wäre jetzt auch eine Option zum Munterwerden ;-)
    Lg Sadie

  9. hi valerie,

    schöne seiten,ich mag das mystische auch sehr.
    tolle bilder hast du gemacht,da gibt es ja nur junkfood am flughafen,das ist so ungesund.
    die kunstwerke sind nicht so meins.
    wünsch dir einen schönen mittwoch,hier scheint die sonne und ist warm,ich muss noch einkaufen nachher,hab gar keine lust.

    hugs jenny

  10. I think crows have a great sense of humour.

    Love the outrageous sculpture! The globalisation of junk-food is strange to behold! Another interesting post.

    1. It's downright scary. People all over the place trying to wipe out other races, religions, nations, but a universal culture of junk food.

  11. Terrific page Valerie and such a true quote. Nice to see the crow in different settings as well.

    So pleased you enjoyed your time with your cousins and that you got on well together. Also pleased that you had time to take photographs of the wonders near the station. Love the sculptures but not the stickers on them. People do have daft ideas don't they.

    Nice that the recipe will be appearing soon.

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Well I guess you were not hungry after seeing all of those food outlets. Fabulous post..xx

  13. Eine tolle Seite Valerie und der Bahnhof erschlägt einem sozusagen mit Edelstahl und moderner Urbanität ... die Moderen Kunst dazu auch aus Stahl - o.k.
    eben eine Stahlstadt... einmal Stahlstast - immer Stahlstadt -lol!

    Fein dass mit dem Besuch alles so super klappte! Schööön!
    Freu mich schon auf das Spice bars Rezept!
    Schönen Mittwoch!

  14. A beautiful page Valerie - glad you had a good time with your cousins. Great photos, I love the sculptures, shame about the graffiti though.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Interesting quote on your handsome crow and dove collage.
    Train stations always make me feel excited with the hustle and bustle of adventure. The popularity of so many of those fast food places escapes me. Never heard of Ida & Frida before. Fun to see the street art around the bahnhof. The old stone relief is especially wonderful. I also think I would have gotten caught snapping lots of photos of the spikey metal sculpture in the reflecting pool ;-). Happy middle of the week. oxo

  16. I love the artwork! That crow is fabulous. Great photos too though so much junk food in one mall! That outdoor art is really interesting though I think I prefer the steel works sculpture

  17. Wonderful art, I love the bird with the soft glow around him! These sculptures are all so amazing!! At first I thought that one with the spikes was a splash pad! Eek, wouldn't want to run through that! tee hee. hugs :)

  18. Aren't those sculptures amazing? Especially the chair!
    Love the crow and the blue in the piece.
    And another great header. You need to use that header in October:)

  19. First of all-LOVE the new header. Owls are a favorite of mine. Your hybrid piece is also wonderful. Has the feel of early fall to it, which I think at least I am starting to think about. I love how you combine all the photos to make something so unique from them. Glad you had a nice visit with your cousins. But I'm with you about the terminal. It could be any place with all those big chains. Kind of sad how they have taken over the place- which was 1 nice thing about Iceland, very very few of those chain restaurants. But still some, unfortunately. Love the other views though. Hope all is well with you today. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, it's a shame that nearly all towns and countries world wide are serving the same stuff mostly overpriced, and so many of the local cafes and restaurants have disappeared and often been forced out of business by the big chains. And yes, we are moving towards autumn.

  20. Good to see the crow in another setting, it is another FAB page. It sounds like you had a nice day meeting up with your cousins, I'm pleased for you that it went well.
    Those shopping Malls look the same everywhere, with food outlets and shops, I am not a fan of theme either,
    Yvonne xx
    Opps nearly forgot those sculptures were good, why do people spoil the look and mess them up, another thing that can occur wherever you live

  21. Love your page -- a great job as usual. Looks like you had a little adventure -- thanks for sharing. Too many people for me as well. Happy you enjoyed the company of your cousins. hugs, Donna

  22. A little late, but wanted you to know how happy I am that you got to visit with your cousins. I had to chuckle at your statement, "They are really nice people." Or course they are, they are your relatives and mirror you too. The photos of the station remind me of the ones at our airport with Starbucks, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, etc. All of them ask ridiculous prices, even for a bottle of water. The city has many metal structures and I was amazed at the number of them. So bad that people don't respect property and leave stickers and graffiti on things. We don't see much of that in Boise, but in California, graffiti was everywhere.

  23. what a beautiful hybrid page and quote Valerie! (just catching up a bit and will post myself next week)Really interesting sculptures and building design. And the shops-well except for one or two that could be anywhere here in the US too:):)

  24. Such a wonderful page! The little crow is a beautiful photo in itself and he definately gets to see some wonderful views and scenery when he visits your artwork! The giant metal sculptures are great - I like the industrial feel and how they compliment their surroundings, as well as how they reflect the sunshine. Have a great weekend! J :-)

  25. Eine wunderschöne Journalseite! Tolle Komposition und die Farben sind klasse. Ich liebe diese blau-grün-Töne!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  26. Such a shame that people deface artwork!!
    I do love those spires in the water!


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