
Monday 29 August 2016

Imagination, children and more....

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT -  
Projects of all formats are allowed, and as always, you have 2 weeks
to get inspired and join us. Hope to see you there!

I started reading when I was 3, and basically have never stopped since - as a child my books were my great treasures. On my page you can see children from past ages having fun - playing outside, walking in the park etc. 
Here in my project, I have used a children's book, and the characters from various books are walking around outside, as I always carried the characters with me in my imagination - and still do! Mother Goose is flying over the scene, and Jemima Puddleduck and Mrs Rabbit have wandered in from Beatrix Potter....
I know a lot of kids have different hobbies these days, but I think 'real' play and fantasy are very important for a child's development, and not just sitting in front of a computer!
Let your imagination take you on a flight of fancy, and join us for our challenge!
(Some images from Mischief Circus)

For Art Journal Journey, Nature's wonders, I have my last hybrid project to show today.
Once again we are back in the dark depths of my head....Cloudy skies, night, and the creatures of the night have always fascinated me, and are here made into a fantasy scene, perhaps a dream.....I have made a mixed media/hybrid piece, mixing digital elements, photos, a nude painting made some time back, and a lot of fantasy. I am also linking to Creative Carte Blanche, as they are a nice bunch of ladies asking for sun, moon and stars this month, which is right up my street!
(Images partly from Mischief circus and Serif)

Today is also T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's blog, so a big welcome to all of the T Gang.
This is a typical meal that I like to eat  - yellow sweet peppers, zucchini, corn, carrots and peas, stir fried with lemon grass and ginger, and then topped with a layer of crunchy fried onions:

Followed by waffles:

And cappuccino:

Who can want more?

The storm on Saturday night was no dream, and brought down a lot
of branches, as well as mounds of twigs, conkers, acorns etc.

But Sunday was hot and sunny for walking again:

I am happy to say that the weather today has been cooler, which is really pleasant.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art, and both pieces so different. You were always a bookstore, that's true! Love the view inside your head,too. Hugs Sarah

    1. Forgot to say how nice your meal looks, great photos too! Hugs Sarah

  2. I feel like I've been on a mystery tour, because I had NO idea what you were talking about when you mentioned a storm. I hope you and your lovely balcony didn't get much damage.

    Imaginary play can be as much fun as playing with real friends, as long as the child realizes it's fantasy and not to be considered real. This is a wonderful TioT entry. Possibly I'll be able to join in, too.

    I think your nature's wonder head is quite clever and lovely. Dark recesses of your mind, huh?

    Wow, I would join you for a meal any day. That stir fry looks wonderful. I could eat that all day long. Maybe one waffle, though, but I would have to wait awhile. Of course, I would love to join your for a cappuccino, too.

    So glad the temps have gotten more bearable. I'll be back shortly to catch up on what Ive missed. Thanks for sharing your art, you lovely photos from your walk, your stir fry, and your cappuccino with us for T this soon to be Tuesday.

    1. A storm here is thunder, lightning, torrential rain, winds and branches being torn off the trees or trees uprooted etc. Some places got hit worse, with hail stones and flooding, here it was relatively mild.

  3. mion valerie,

    juhuuuuhuu,ich habe heute geburtstag,wollen wir nicht cappucino und waffeln zusammen essen???
    deine seiten sind bildschön,besonders die nachtseite,richtig magisch.
    dein lunch ist fast genau wie meiner heute ,nur ohne pears.
    ich bin ja mal gespannt ob ich ein paar karten bekomme,bis jetzt sind nur zwei angekommen.das frustet ein bißchen.
    nachher gibt es bienenstich und cafe.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  4. I am thankful for cooler weather coming in as well! Beautiful work for the challenges and I love your vegetarian meal, although the waffles would be worth looking forward to at the end!

  5. So I love the new theme at TIOT. And your page is excellent. I was and still am a big book reader myself. And you know how much I like our heads. What a great way to wrap up this month's AJJ. Your meal looks delicious. I love eating lots of veggies-especially at this time of year when they are so flavorful and fresh. And wow- that storm did create a bit of damage, didn't it? Has it cooled off yet? Hugs-Erika

  6. oh to live so close to the river and boats....just beautiful and so inspirational. A really super children's illustration art piece! I also love that dark atmospheric scene too! Would love a plate of your meal and then a horseback ride along the Rhine. Happy T day!

  7. Ein Traum heute Deine genialen Seiten -- bin ganz begeistert - von beiden Arbeiten Valerie!
    Oh ja.. das sieht leckerst aus.. das komplette Menue wär was für mich!
    Hoffentlich kommt nicht wieder so ein Sturm, das sieht ja aus mit den herabgefallenen dicken Ästen!
    Hab einen schönen Dienstag!
    Happy TIOT, TSFT and AJJ to you!

  8. Teriffic page for TIOT it took me back to the stand-up book pages when I was a child--I just loved those. Books were a treasure to look after in those days and I still love a real book to read even now.

    The moon piece leaves me with a lot to think about and especially with the quote you added. I always love it when you use a head and add things.

    Nice looking meal and something I would enjoy for sure.

    The calm after the storm looks beautiful as always but the storm seems to have left its usual mess behind.

    Hace a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. ich sammle ja (unter anderem, haha) alte Kinderbücher, ich liebe diese Motive!
    dein essen sieht super lecker aus - und ein paar Waffeln wären jetzt perfekt zum Morgenkaffee! wann kommt der tag, an dem wir essen durch den pc schieben können?;)
    happy t-day!!

  10. I love your story book folk page for TioT's and quite agree about make believe and fantasy, maybe this is why I still have a vivid imagination. I can say I enjoy reading now just as much as I did as a child, but hey TV's were not in every home as they are now. I was about 9 when I first saw one.
    The hybrid head looks awesome, the thoughts in the mind for all to see.
    Its a delicious meal you made, I think I can almost taste it, by looking.
    Happy T Day
    Yvonne xx

  11. Two amazing pieces Valerie, I love the first one, I use to read a lot as a child - I loved fairy and fantasy stories and still read a lot of fantasy books when I get the time. Your meal looks yummy and photos are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Wow! So many treats here but I must start at the beginning with this fabulous spread!I too loved to read as a child - I remember waiting for Christmas Day to arrive one year as my Grandma had promised me a new Enid Blyton book!
    Inside your head is of course wonderful!
    That stir fry would suit me fine and a cappuccino of course!
    That must have been some storm! Glad to see that the sun is shining again now!
    Happy T day! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. Your artwork is very yin and yang today and I like both the sweet children's piece and the "in your head" creation too :-)
    Your meal looks just perfect to me and those heart shaped waffles are cute!
    The title of your post made me "hear" Gene Wilder singing who is of course on my mind with his recent passing.
    At least your storm helped clear the air and cool things down a bit!
    Happy T Day liebe Valerie oxo

  14. Wonderful pages, I love the Beatrix Potter images, those stories were my favourite as a child, my old books are on my bookshelf and I have been known to read one from time to time :-). I'm pleased to see Mr. Crow again, this time sitting on the bike, fantastic! Your meal looks delicious and those waffles - mmm! Wishing you a Happy T day! J :-)

  15. The children's piece brought back reading memories. Some of the images you used are so familiar. I liked the images inside your head as well.
    Such a beautiful walk beside the water. I hope the storm damage wasn't too severe.

  16. Gorgeous piece Valerie! Brings some treasured memories. I loved Mrs. Rabbit! Hugs!

  17. Gorgeous piece Valerie! Brings some treasured memories. I loved Mrs. Rabbit! Hugs!

  18. Fabulous creative pieces Valerie - I hadn't heard either of the quotes before, I liked the Pooh one especially. I love real books, although most nowadays are either Daves cookery books or my art or family history type books.
    yummy food and waffles :)
    That storm certainly did some damage. Our temps today are rising again I think, but I still managed a couple of hours in garden working.
    Happy Tuesday..... Gill xx

  19. I so enjoyed our walk by the horses:) Is that the same young lady you photographed before?
    These pieces may be my favorites, especially the first one. I love the childhood images.

    1. I'm not sure, there are 2 or 3 girls who collect the horses to go walking!

  20. So glad you had a cooler day to enjoy. Love the art today... so whimsical and fun. Lovely photos of your world again ♥ Happy T Day!!!

  21. Love the fairytale layout.......I've always been a read too!

    Of course your photos are always top notch and I always enjoy seeing them. Everything is so nice and green compared to our summer brown. The lack of summer storms turns everything a nasty shade of brown.....yuck!

    Happy T-day

  22. Love the children's book page Valerie, some well loved images. I love reading and am never without a book. Love the images inside the head, very atmospheric.
    Great photos and really looks like it was a bad storm.
    Avril xx

  23. WOW that was quite a storm to do so much damage to the trees. My sister was like you, always had her head in a book while I preferred to be outside playing. Now I read a lot and know what I missed over the years. Your page about children is lovely and your journal page a terrific ending for another month. Look forward to your Sept. creations and photos.

  24. I love Beatrix Potter. This will be a fun challenge series.

    That storm looks terrible but all the photos really tell the story. This is such a tricky season weatherwise everywhere, isn't it?

  25. Awesome children page, the characters are so adorable! Your hybrid piece is very creative as always. What a meal so delicious! I also like the vegetables very much.
    Hugs, Mar

  26. What a wonderful magical head and I love that there is a bicycle parked outside it.
    That is a great meal, all of it, I'd love that.
    I never stop being amazed at the amount of reading material that is available to us now. When I was young, I read avidly like you, but all books were from the local library with the occasional hardback presents, maybe three or four a year. Now we can download a book on to our machines in minutes, it's miraculous.

  27. Your children's page is absolutely delightful. You learned to read at only three years old? Wow. That is some accomplishment.
    hugs & smiles,

  28. Wow such a beautiful creation.

  29. Your mischief circus is fantastic, so many fun details and characters! Mother Nature sure can rear her ugly head at times, bu glad to see you're getting nicer weather as well. We've had a bit of rain, but sadly too late for many of the trees around here are dying. sending hugs :)

  30. Lovely artwork. Sorry I'm behind in visiting but better late then never.
    Those sure are beautiful horses!
    Happy T day!

  31. Wow what amazing works of art Valerie, I love these images, and your cooking looks pretty fab too! xx

  32. I so agree with Valerie in regards to children's play! The sitting in front of the computer robs them of their real imaginations- but what do we know!

    I love the children spread- so happy and joyful and pleasing to the eyes!!
    Actually, your whole post today is pleasing to the eyes, I say, as i drool over my keyboard! lol
    Have a super weekend my friend

  33. Very dreamy art, thanks for sharing on Creative Carte Blanche!


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