
Friday 8 July 2016

Life began in a garden.....

Hi Everybody!

For Yvonne's lovely theme at AJJ, in my garden, I have another hybrid page, using a painted background, various images from Mischief Circus and my own photos:

We have had some blue skies these past days, not always, but quite often:

The ship that goes between our little town and Düsseldorf had a huge
TV screen on the side so that people could watch sport - I would rather watch what's going on along the river, but tastes are different:

These hydrangeas are in a street I walk through on my way home:

This one is on my balcony. First the little 'bud' in the middle is closed:

And then it opens to show these tiny flowers:

And if you look under the main flowers, there are lots more of the tiny ones:

Have a lovely day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a bit funny and a bit creepy!Is that a bird's nest round her neck? Creepily good! Great photos, lovely flowers, hugs, Sarah

  2. A fabulous selection of images and they all make a wonderful collage, I often wonder how the first garden did actually look, probably not what we read in our histories.
    Loved the photos and those beautiful flowers.
    Yvonne xx

  3. beautiful page and I love your flower photos, stunning!

  4. I've never seen a tv on a side of a boat. Its very different because it doesn't look like people on the boat can watch it. Maybe it was advertising something, like the sport it was showing. Hmmm. And I love your piece today. You used some wonderful images. Glad you didn't have pouring rain. We need it. We are officially in a drought now. Its suppose to be cold and maybe tiny bit of rain this weekend, but we shall see. Hugs-Erika

  5. What a sweet journal page today. The little girl's face is so lovely. The flowers are out of this world and I agree with you; I'd rather watch the scenery than TV on the ship. Hugs,

  6. Collage at its finest. I love the disparate images you used in this AJJ entry. It's so original.

    Blue skies and lots of color make this a wonderful post. Those flowers on your balcony are SO unique. I've never seen any like them before.

    I guess I would also prefer to see the view rather than the TV, especially tennis, which I've seen just about enough of for one season (along with soccer/football) which plays 24/7 here in the states, too.

  7. OMGosh. Am I really all caught up? Hope I didn't miss anything! Loved all the photos and the various art challenges, too.

  8. Those hydrangeas are little works of art aren't they ♥
    Your collage is fabulous.
    The colors and design elements!
    The birds nest collar is a clever touch too.
    Happy Weekend liebe Valerie

  9. Love all the interesting bits that make up your fabulous piece of work for today. Photos are gorgeous - the hydrangeas are stunning! hugs, Donna

  10. A wonderful collage Valerie with amazing images used in fabulous ways. Yoiu are so creative.

    Love the photographs and, at last, bright blue skies for you.Never seen anything like the huge tv on the side of the boat--very strange. I like sport but not just a glimpse as a boat passes by.

    Have a lovely weekend

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  11. Beautiful photo's and love those hydrangeas they are so pretty. LOVE your fabulous page...hugs.xx {aNNie}

  12. Sehr schöne Collage und die wunderbaren Fotos gefallen mir sehr!
    Liebe Grüße!

  13. I love your page Valerie, there's such a lot to look at and as always your photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Fab fun page would never know how to start a graphic art piece and never ever get the idea of the small statues ruff. Not at all sure about the big screen on the boat side but perhaps people get more exercise following the boat along the river banks so they can watch the action! XOXO

  15. Interesting and fun page and as always beautiful photographs. Happy Weekend, xx

  16. Wonderful collage Valerie! You have combined the different elements beautifully! It's nice to see vibrant blue skies on your photos and the hydrangeas are gorgeous. Happy weekend! J :-)

  17. I love your quirky altered art garden piece Valerie as I love this type of style. Lots of lovely details and things to see and smile at.

    The TV screen on the side of boat is very unusual - why? - might be ok if you had a dinghy tied to the side by the screen maybe and got towed along.

    Love the Hydrangeas they are such bold and beautiful plants. Ours are only pink, so it was lovely seeing all the various shades.

    Gill xx

  18. Oh I really love the art today Valerie!!! You are consistently so creative ♥♥♥♥ I wouldn't see the need for the giant TV either but there are those that have to have one going constantly. Those Hydrangeas are amazing and I want them :) I have planted 3 new bushes this year hoping for a grand show next year. ALso hoping to add more of them to the back gardens. You know I don't have enough to take care of now LOL!

  19. I am still pondering your vision with the "Life Began in a Garden". The only thing it lacked was something in Hebrew!
    Sandy xx

    1. I did think about it, but next time I will do it specially for you!


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