
Saturday 16 July 2016

A corner of paradise

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, in my garden there is - Yvonne's lovely theme - I have another hybrid piece. The main part of the picture is the side entrance to Schloss Kalkum, a moated castle near here. I love going through that door, which is really like an entrance to another world, a corner of paradise. I placed it on a background made with a piece of canvas and some floral images. I added more of my bird photos, and some digital elements from Mischief circus.

Yesterday we had blue skies as well as grey,  as well as clouds and sunshine:

I love to peek into this entryway to one of the houses here:

The crow was sitting patiently waiting for breakfast:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your beautiful page Valerie and your lovely photos too, especially those gorgeous flowers.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Fliss xx

  2. Wonderful journal page, really one of your fave corners there, and love the photos. The bee on the thistle is great, and I love that house entry, too. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh the journal page is beautiful, your birds look great there! I love the quote too. I also very much enjoyed your photographs.

  4. your page is stunning, love the depth you created and I love the quote, the idea of a secret garden. You have such an appreciation of nature, lovely photos.

  5. Your new header is stunning, so fresh and summery and it's great how you have made your garden picture from your gate photo and your "own" birds. The blackbird looks as if he owns the garden, but then blackie's have a way of looking like that.

  6. What a wonderful piece and love that you used the castle gate in it. One of my favorite places you visit and share with us. ♥ Love seeing the sun shine on the newly harvest wheat :) So glad they were able to save it from all of the rain. I always love coming to your blog and seeing your world and art. ♥

  7. This is a beautiful piece of art. I love all the aspects of it. Your photos are fab too. Have a great weekend.

  8. AH, you have discovered the secret garden. I'm still looking for mine. Yours is beautiful and seems to be guarded by a couple of your dedicated friends.

    Is that a bridge? I'm sure I've never seen it before. It certainly caught me by surprise. As always, you take the most enjoyable and unique photos. Have a super Sunday.

    1. The bridge is about 3 kilometers up the Rhine from here. Mostly it's just visible in the background of some photos.

  9. The page is truly amazing Valerie with such a variety of flowers and your wonderful birds.

    Love the photographs today and especially the wall and bike ones. Such interesting walls you find on your travels

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. I know you like the walls, too, the old stones and bricks are so lovely.

  10. Lovely fantasy garden page, really struck today by your fabulous photos. XOXO

  11. Really beautiful AJJ page Valerie and that's such a lovely quote.
    Lots of fabulous photos, loved the one with the entryway and all the bricks and cobblestones.
    Have a lovely Sunday
    Gill xxx

  12. Ein toller Spruch auf der fablehaften Seite und super Aufnahmen! Schwärm!
    Schönen SOnntag Valerie!
    oxo Susi

  13. A stunning page Valerie, love how you opened the door with one of your lovely photos, to see inside the garden.
    Fantastic photos again.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Oh my goodness, Valerie! Your hybrid page is simply amazing! I love, LOVE your doorway to your secret garden! This brings me to a place of solace, refuge, and beauty! Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us! And your gorgeous photos, too! And thanks again for your wonderful visit to my blog, too! HUGS!!

  15. Thank you for sharing this beautiful garden refuge which is needed more than ever in our mad mad world.
    Beautiful liebe Valerie.
    I always enjoy walking with you along the Rhine.
    Oh SO lovely through your artist's eyes.

  16. Wonderful piece today Valerie. I love your photos and when you use parts and combine them it creates such a rich piece. Today's feel almost like a tapestry. It makes it very unique too. And you have some spectacular photos today. I love the thistles and the crows. Hope it was a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  17. Your page is lovely! The door with the flowers and birds is beautiful. Wonderful idea and work. I wasn't quite sure where Schloss Kalkum is, but it rang a bell so I googled it - this is actually an area I used to visit as a child when my cousins were living there. I remember spending a week with them and going to the zoo. I have a couple of photos where the three of us (the youngest wasn't born yet) are sitting on a bench in the zoo and we're wearing Kopftücher which was the normal thing to do back in the day (early 60s). Thank you for taking me down Memory Lane!

    1. I loved reading your story! I came to Germany in 1972 and the kids often wore little headscarves to school then!

  18. What a wonderful page Valerie!!! Your hybrid collage is totally amazing, and the photos are very beautiful today! Hugs, Mar

  19. Oh, Valerie, another terrific journal page with the perfect quote for the entrance to Schloss Kalkum, photos you have shared previously and I enjoy each and everyone one of them. The blue sky really sets off your photos and the close up of the flower and thistle are marvelous. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  20. Lovely composition, it's nice to escape once and a while to a secret garden! Great photos too, I love exploring with you, the Rhine always has something to see and you capture it beautifully! J :-)

  21. Oh, that is a wonderful door and does seem to promise and magical world on the other side. hugs, Teresa

  22. Gorgeous garden piece Valerie, love the birds on the steps!! Wonderful photos, I am a huge fan of those thistles, such a beautiful plant! hugs :)

  23. Such a wonderful digital Valerie! I love the wording with the most perfect place to go! Beautiful!!! hugs

  24. I love this piece too! It's like a picture out of a fairy tale.

  25. Oh how I would dearly love to walk through that garden gate into that lush garden - or go through that walk way to visit the people who have parked their bikes outside. Do you think they would ask me in for a coffee? I love old wall be that brick or stone!
    sandy xx


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