
Friday 3 June 2016

Swinging London Ladies

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!
Thanks to all those who sent me get well wishes - I am feeling less groggy
so your good wishes helped!

My hybrid collage for Art Journal Journey, maps, led me once again to London. I made some templates from some images from a prospect that arrived in my mail box, and used them to map out some ladies. I was inspired by thoughts of 'Swinging London' back in my youth, and made them into swinging ladies dancing over the Thames. The background map is courtesy of Wikipedia, and once again shows the area where I grew up, went to school etc. I'm afraid there will be more London collages coming this month!

Here is has hardly rained today, which is good, as the water in the Rhine is still much too high, although it hasn't yet reached the danger mark. The rain and storms should be abating by Tuesday, so hopefully all shall be well. Some places have been badly damaged by the floods, I feel so sorry for the people who have lost everything this way.

The cormorant now has an island all alone:

The jetty is almost at the same height as the embankment:

There is still more than a yard before the water spills over the wall:

These pigeons drive me crazy. They like visiting my balcony, land on the flowers, pull them out,  knock down the feeders, make themselves comfortable on MY recliner, and eat everything if they get a chance....
and they look so sweet and innocent!

The poor jay got soaked again yesterday evening, and came back for a feed just before it got dark:

My wellies are my best companions just now!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your swinging London ladies! Very cute! And the photo of the little wet bird is adorable. But the river is looking very full and a bit scary. I hope it goes down very soon.

  2. HI val, glad you are feeling a bit better, take care and take it easy. Love those swinging lades, really good one! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hope that the rain does leave you a lone for a while! Love the Art!!!Those ladies are wild for sure :) Great photos and I feel for my squirrels the way you do the pigeons. Cute but a big pain in the behind!!!!

  4. Hello Valerie, glad you are feeling a bit better. That rain certainly looks fierce. (We are very dry here).
    I see the cormorant is posing for you again, I think there is a lot of competition in German Birdland for a place on your blog. Poor Jay, he does look miserable. Your pigeons sound a bit aggressive, ours are nothing like that, they come and potter around and are very polite to the smaller birds. We allow a maximum of three, one lost her partner so she is allowed to do anything she likes.
    These are lovely colourful ladies in Swinging London.

  5. Sorry to hear you haven't been well Valerie and hope you recover very soon.
    I love those swingy ladies, they look so smart in their bowler hats.
    Great pics too and I have to say that German pigeons look quite skinny compared to those in my back garden and we're not feeding them!
    Fliss xx

    1. They're probably trying to get fat and I keep shooing them away!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lovely swinging London ladies! Hope the rain abates soon, everyone's wet.

  7. Ooh I love your jazzy swinging colourful and unique! Good job! Glad you feel a touch better! Take care!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. Hi Valerie, I missed a day literally. I thought today was Thursday and it is really Friday in the US. The Rhine is really full and muddy in appearance. Hope it doesn't rain more as parts of Europe have suffered badly. Love, love your dancing ladies. I need to make me some stencils of women for my journal, thanks to your inspiration. I never made it to London so I enjoy all of your stories and maps and there is no place like home. Have a wonderful weekend. Hope you are back to your normal self soon.


  9. Delightful art journal spread, Valerie! Looking forward to MORE London maps coming this month!!

  10. Beautiful and brilliant design, love the colours and those London chicks. You get up close and personal with your gorgeous birdies, love seeing them. Hope your weekend is going well.xx

  11. Eine super tolle Idee und Umsetzung und dieses viele Wasser - meine Güte- schlimm.... ich hoffe das Wetter bleibt entspannt und das Wasser sinkt überall. Ich wünsch Dir einen feinen Tag - gut dass Du Dich ein wenig besser fühlst!♥

    Lass Dich von den Täubchen nicht ärgern !

  12. Another wonderful London page Valerie with such a great female shape and wonderful designs you used to make them individual. I just love the London pages and will never tire of seeing our Capital.

    Pleased that you are feeling a lot better and also that the Rhine is safe for now--hope it stays that way, the Seine looks in a sorry state. The birds look a bit fed-up of it all.

    Sun forecast here for later--:)

    Have a nice day

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Ja wie cool ist die Seite denn ?! Deine Ladies sind der Hit, ich bin begeistert. Deine letzten Werke gefallen mir alle sehr gut.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes und sonniges Wochenende.

  14. One of my very favorite pieces. Simply smashing! Do hope your weather clears soon -- this is not funny. hugs, Donna

  15. Don't apologize for loving London. I look forward to many more London visits this month. I think your swinging ladies are wonderful, too.

    I've been seeing destruction in Germany and how some have lost everything. I'm glad you are high and dry right now. It's good that you and the birds seem to be taking it all in stride, too. At least the river isn't at flood stage where you are and that's a super good thing.

  16. These ladies are spectacular. They look right out of Austin Powers! Lots of fun Valerie. Hope your weekend is going well and that you are feeling better? Hugs-Erika

  17. Love your swinging London ladies, so fun!! Great shots today, seems we are having opposite weather at this week. hugs :)

  18. What a cool collage. I love your colourful ladies. hugs, Teresa

  19. I just love love love your Swinging London Ladies, it is so colourful and fun! Glad to hear the rain is finally subsiding and I can't wait to see your next London inspired page.:-)

  20. Wow Valerie was für eine geniale Seite mit Pep, das swingt richtig. Ich bin total begeistert. Eine originelle und fantasievolle Gestaltung, das muß einem erst mal einfallen,superklasse! Deine Regenfotos sind auch wieder schön, der arme pitschnasse Eichelhäher sieht zum Erbarmen aus. Hoffe es wird bald wieder trocken bei euch.
    Liebe Grüße

  21. I heard about the floods and am happy to see that you are doing o.k.
    Beautiful ladies :)

  22. Your London Ladies piece is really cool! Wonderful and thoughtful design! So nice to know that soaking wet little bird got a nice dinner. :)

  23. Hi Valerie, I love your swinging ladies ! I'm sorry if you've been unwell. take good care xx

  24. Hopefully rains are gone...We had heat wave while central Europe was suffering rain and floods. Now it's cooler here, like normal for time of the year.
    Have a better week ahead!

  25. Love your swinging ladies!

  26. There is a lot of flooding here in the US -- I am sure you have seen the pictures of Paris.
    My favorite journal page (or spread) so far. A lot of personality and spirit and such joy!!!!
    Hope the rains are easing up all over the world. Some places get too much and some not enough. We have had several deaths here due to flooding. We are expecting a tropical storm to come through here tomorrow.
    Sandy xx

  27. Love those swinging ladies, Valerie. Hope the rain stays away. We are having the same trouble here in Australia at the moment - storms along the east coast and flooding in Sydney. Thankfully I'm in South Australia where we're having lots of rain, but no flooding.

  28. Goodness me! You really have had a soaking - and the jay! We have been seeing pictures on the news about the floods in France but less so in Germany! I love your Swinging London ladies page! Chrisx


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