
Monday 6 June 2016

Of maps, men and coffee beans....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has started well. We have had less rain here, although there are  lots of storms about. The Rhine is still high, but hasn't risen more, so that's good.

Today, Tuesday, sees the start of a new challenge at TIOT
It's all about him, so we would like to see you linking your masculine cards, pages, projects etc. All formats are welcome, so please get your thinking caps on and join us - you have 2 weeks to upload your work. I made a mixed media journal spread in my 'new' and already almost old journal:

For Mary's theme of Maps at Art Journal Journey I  made a coffee map (map courtesy of Wikipedia). I added the map to a photo of coffee beans from my stash, and then my fave drink, a cappuccino with Amerettinis - yummy! Today is T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's, where our posts have to be food and/or drink related. So a big hello and  wave to all of the T Gang from me!

This is the 'Schiffchen' (Little Ship) restaurant here by the river. It is very expensive, so I have to content myself with admiring it from outside:

On Wednesdays we have a Dutch Fish Stall, where they sell delicious, fresh fish to take home to cook, or you can eat yummy fishy snacks directly by the stall. They sell wonderful, crispy fried fish, which is my fave, and occasionally I treat myself to a piece, and then walk the few yards to the Rhine to eat it:

On the other side of the market is a nice, pub/restaurant, where you can sit inside or outside, and the prices there are reasonable.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another all round fun and lovely post. Your journal pages are both great, and love the photos. I always wonder where you find all your ideas. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Das Coffe-Map ist witzig - du hast immer gute Ideen! LG Ulrike

  3. I'm amazed that you come up with so many new photos and details about your area. The expensive restaurant looks very fine, but the crispy fried fish from the stall taken to eat by the Rhine sounds terrific.
    Your masculine page looks great, with lots of ideas and it's amusing too and I love your coffee map made with beans and a cup of coffee, how very clever.

  4. The fish is great, I start drooling every Wednesday when I see his fish stall!

  5. Valerie, you made me chuckle with your spread today. It is fantastic and so true. I'd love to have some of that fresh fish and join you on a bench at the Rhine. Your little town has so much going on regularly and being a part via your photos is marvelous. Enjoy your cup of cappuccino. Hugs,

  6. I love fresh fried fish, so I'm drooling, too. Like Sheila, I'm amazed that you find so many wonderful photos to share with us each day. Of course, that coffee map with the beans around it is simply perfect for both AJJ and T day, too. I will gladly join you for a cappuccino, and we can share some fish that we eat by the Rhine.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful post, map, photos, and coffee with us for T this soon to be Tuesday.

  7. You are so talented. I love both of these projects. Now for the photos I really want that door bell. I am assuming that's what it is. Love it!

  8. I love fish, I wish we had a fresh fish stall like that! Love the contrast between the two restaurants, and I love the bell pull on the expensive one. Great page, the coffee map is amazing!
    Happy T day, and I know I owe you another two weeks of comments and you might be the only one who I get to visit this week, but I hope not! Thanks for your previous comments.

  9. Lovely pages for the challenges Valerie! I think that fish restaurant would please me more than the expensive restaurant!

  10. Nice new theme at TIOT. I lvoe all the gears you used and the clock...very nice retro style. After this week maybe I can squeeze one in myself. And your coffee map is great. I think it is perfect for all these themes. I also love the photos. It is interesting seeing the town where you live and walk. Fried fish sounds yummy. Have a piece for me. Any chips included? Or mushy peas? Or whatever they put with their fish in Germany. Happy T day. Erika

  11. Fab journal pages with the masculine theme and layers! I do love your coffee themed piece too. How I'd love to have some of that fish while walking about another charming area-so many beautiful places, and to think you get to see it all right in your own back yard! Happy T day!

  12. Super journal pages and your coffee bean collage sure does look yummy!
    Lovely to see your special surroundings with so many delicious temptations too :-) nom nom nom
    Happy T Day liebe Valerie oxo

  13. Your coffee map is very clever and both pieces are delicious. Lovely photos -- beautiful old buildings - always a pleasure to see. Hugs, Donna

  14. ich liebe ja solche schilder und die amaretti könnt ich dir glatt von der Untertasse klauen;)
    happy t-day, Valerie!

  15. Fantastic male journal spread Valerie. The quote made me laugh and I know Vic would agree with it :)

    Love the coffee and biscuit picture made me want to buy some of the biscuits if I see any today.

    Fantastic photographs of the beautiful place you pass and some where you can get a snack. I like the sound of fresh fish cooked at a stall. A bit like out take away fish and chip shops I guess.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. Your mind must run a hundred a day if not more, what you come up with inspires me so much. Love your journal. Super quote as well. The photos and coffee looks delish.xx

  17. A fantastic journal page. Its a great quote. I think men have the ability to be 'Selective Deaf' especially when women speak to them.
    Wonderful photos, I would be visiting the fish stall, it looks so inviting.
    Happy T Day.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Deine Doppelseite ist super.. der Spruch gefällt mir - und Deine Kaffee Landkarten Collage ist ebenfalls ganz toll gemacht! Heißen Backfisch würd ich auch gern haben..ja...das ist sicher lecker und die Gebäude sind richtig schön elegant - tolles Schiffschild auch wenn das Resatuarant teuer ist.... der Backfisch schmeckt sicher uriger als die feinen teurenSachen im Lokal!
    Hab einen feinen T-Day Valerie
    Liebe Grüße

  19. Fabulous masculine journal pages, Valerie. Love all the great elements on them. The coffee map is a fantastic idea.
    Hugs, Mar

  20. I love your manly journal pages. It's a good idea. It must be difficult to come up with original ideas every time.
    Your photos are wonderful. The Schiffschen is a beautiful building, I imagine lovingly restored. I love the details. The Einhorn is a nice building too and it looks like a great place to stop for a beer.
    The Dutch fish stall reminds me of home of course. Although I am not too keen on the raw herring, I do like a fried fish (We call them lekkerbekjes).
    Thank you for showing things from your area. It's often the ordinary things that make an area interesting to foreigners.
    Happy T-Day,

  21. I love both maps and coffee (having a cup right now)! So this coffee map is delightful to me! So creative!

  22. I love your journal page and the quote!! Great coffee map page too! Thanks for the foodie trip around your town! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. Love all the layers of the background, very cool. Always love seeing you photos, too.
    Hugz, Z

  24. Love all the layers of the background, very cool. Always love seeing you photos, too.
    Hugz, Z

  25. Oh, those coffee beans! I can actually smell them :)

  26. Hi Valerie, your journal page is beautiful. The quote is great!! Great coffee beans framing your design too. You give everything the perfect details. Great walking pics. I enjoy seeing photos of the area around where you live. Hope the water recedes soon. Have a great week. xo

  27. What fun projects!
    Those restaurants look wondrous. Seems like every day you do something that makes your day gratifying. It puts a smile on my face.

  28. Lovely art journal pages! I like the steampunk look that you have created with all those cogs and industrial images. Your home town looks wonderful too. I love fish, so would definitely stop by to try those yummy fish snacks! :-)

  29. How much of what men say can we believe --
    Love all your pictures - would absolutely love to get some fried fish from that Dutch fish stall - I bet it is good. Yes Valerie, I am a foodie. I wonder if I can finagle a trip to your neighborhood. You have made it most appealing to this woman who feels like she should live in Europe. I love all of our pictures and he village in which you live - you are indeed lucky!!
    Sandy xx

  30. Your collages are the captions on His Pages! lol...always enjoy your photos different from the U.S. and we get a little 'armchair travel!' Happy T day! ♥

  31. Fantastic masculine pages, love all the wonderful detail. Your photos are lovely as always, you have an adventure every day! Shirleyxx

  32. Love your pages and the photos of all of the eateries are great. Here we have to drive to everything which is ok because I love living in the country ♥

  33. Fabulous journal pages Valerie and I love the quote on the TioT pages. The fish stall at your market sounds good, I'd probably join you there.
    Have a great day.
    Avril xx

  34. Fabulous journal pages Valerie and I love the quote on the TioT pages. The fish stall at your market sounds good, I'd probably join you there.
    Have a great day.
    Avril xx

  35. Hi Valerie,

    I loved your coffee bean page with the map ... genious!! And i enjoyed the roof lines of the restaurants you showed... Thanks so much for this T day! Hugs! deb

  36. Love your masculine page Valerie, that sentiment made me giggle. A fresh fish stall, how wonderful that must be! hugs :)

  37. Beautiful masculine page, so much to look at.

  38. I'm so impressed with your work. Very nice page! And I loved the restaurant and other photos of your area. Perfect.

  39. Haha I love these, great fun piece, and the coffee looks wonderful xx

  40. I'm late to the party but wanted to say how clever your coffee map is. I enjoyed the views around your town as well.


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