
Tuesday 28 June 2016

Moo Mania and this and that on Wednesday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at Moo Mania and More, and our theme is Paris. Projects of all types are allowed, and as always, you have 2 weeks to link your work to our challenge - hope to see you there!

I made a journal page in my 'new' and already full journal using paint, scraps, stamps and stencils.

And a quick reminder that you still have almost a week to join our challenge 'I believe I can fly' at TIOT. I made a hybrid page on a painted and collaged background using an image from June at Dezinaworld. The bird is from my balcony, and the b/w flowers are also from June, the map  decorations are digital add-ons. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, maps.

Today started off well

But the clouds soon tried to cover the sun:

It didn't rain, so I stayed dry, went to my physiotherapy (yippee, I was allowed to jump on the trampoline!) and then walked along the Rhine and to the market after I had had my breakfast. The market was rather empty today, probably because the school holidays have started and lots of people are away.

This stall sells the most wonderful bread:

Here you can buy poultry and game:

And the flowers are always tempting:

The 'spice man' always has a great selection of herbs and spices at reasonable prices:

They are still working on the Rhine:

Not many people about:

And I wonder if it's a good idea to leave a  ladder against the house....

My quote for today:
'It takes considerable knowledge just to realise the extent of
your own ignorance'. Thomas Sowell

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Both Journal pages are wonderful, and both so different, and the second one is dark and mysterious, looks like the queen of the night! Great photos, too, those clouds look very threatening! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely work for the challenges, wonderful themes! Hope the sun comes out and stays soon! Enjoyed your market photos, wish I could taste the bread!

  3. Oh good. Paris sounds like a fun theme at MM&M. I hope to find time to join in. I also like your lovely angel and bird. Lots of challenges met today, and both art pieces are beautiful.

    I loved the market photos and was intrigued by the spice man. I was really delighted that you got to jump on a trampoline. It's been years since I've been on one.

    I'm off to sort a few rubber stamps I found in the basement. I can't believe how tacky they are, but I had no idea what I was doing when I first started making art. They don't fit my style, so they will probably go to the charity shop. Back then, I had NO idea what my style was until I found mixed media. Hope the rest of your day is grand, sunny, and bright.

  4. Very beautiful spread Valerie for the Paris theme and a fantastic page for TIOT. The bird looks wonderful peeping out at us.

    How terrific to go on a trampoline. I am sure it felt so free to up in the air.
    Good that the there was no rain and you could enjoy your walk. It all looks very interesting.The plant stall looks wells stocked I would have spent my money there I'm sure.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. I always have problems passing the plant stall!

  5. Eine wunderschöne Doppelseite und auch die hybride Arbeit ist super!!
    Wunderschöne Fotos yon Eurem feinen Städtchen!
    Schönen Mittwoch!
    oxo Susi

  6. Love your Paris piece, the vintage colours work well with the postcard and stamp images. Great photos, so glad you got a day without rain! hugs :)

  7. Fabulous page Valerie... awesome photos as always, full of interest. I did not know you love HM stamps....thanks for the lovely comment on them. xx

  8. Brilliant artsy pieces today Valerie - love the imagery and especially your sweet Blackbird.

    wooo hoo would have loved to see you on the trampoline -brilliant fun! will you be progressing to somersaults next??

    Fab cloud photos.. Hope you get another dry day and that its sunny, so you can get out and about.

    We spent yesterday sorting out a new pc for me which hopefully will be arriving tomorrow ..yippee :)

    Have a lovely day... Gill xx

  9. I think trampoline jumping sounds like fun. I think last time I went on one I was a kid. They have better things as therapy in Germany than here I guess. Love your piece today. All your bits on the Paris piece really make it feel Parisian. And what a great angel. Lots of depth in that page. Hope your sun is shining. Love seeing the market. Way better than the big stores. Hope your sun is out and it is dry. You've had enough rain I think. Hugs. Erika

  10. Beautiful pages with fabulous texture and detail. I love the angel. It looks like a lovely walk as well :) xxx

  11. Ooh, I especially like the I Believe I Can Fly piece.
    The sky photographs are amazing.
    And....I love homemade bread.

  12. great pieces, Valerie. The second piece is very striking - love it! The image you used is stunning. So many beautiful places for you to walk, sit, enjoy. Always enjoy your photos. hugs, Donna

  13. Love the Paris journal pages and I think the page for TioT's I believe I can fly is awesome. Love the images and the main image does just pop off the page. Super photos of the market stalls they all look to good to pass by without a closer look.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Love the new theme and your fabulous page! The TIOT reminder is brilliant! I love the tour around the market! Chrisx

  15. your art is so beautiful! i love both pieces. the cloud photos are outstanding! xo

  16. Love today's quote!!!! Both art pieces are really good too. Those skies did get awful nasty looking but glad they didn't rain on you again.

  17. Love today's quote!!!! Both art pieces are really good too. Those skies did get awful nasty looking but glad they didn't rain on you again.

  18. Trampoline jumping? Sounds like therapy is fun :) I would enjoy the view from those benches, and I can see myself making that market a regular stop. Even if the weather looks a bit iffy.

  19. Beautiful pages, Valerie. hugs, Teresa

  20. Beautiful Paris pages and your I can fly piece is wonderful too liebe Valerie!
    The market looks like something to look forward to and enjoy again and again.
    p.s. it took me awhile to find this post because it was not a direct link over at MM&M ... still trying to catch up after being unplugged here


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