
Friday 17 June 2016

A map, a face, flowers and more

Hi Everybody!

We had another wet day here - I'm sure it's keeping the ducks happy!
Anyway, it was good weather for an afternoon nap!
Thanks to those who told me the name of the tree I asked about yesterday, it's a chitalpa summer bells tree.

For Art Journal Journey, maps, I made a hybrid piece with a map background and a face I drew. The lady has a map shining in her eyes, too.

For my travels this week I didn't need a map, as I kept near home on ways that I know. The grass islands at the crossing here have been planted with a wonderful summer flower mix, and made some bright and happy spots between the roads and cars:

This beauty has developed a long stem and was peeking through the hedge of a neighbour. It has a thick and scaly stem, but I have no idea what it is:

The bike path is being refurbished and painted red, perhaps so that motorists can't say they parked there because they didn't notice it was a bike path....

Roses can even make garbage bins beautiful. We have to separate our garbage here, and the yellow ones are for packaging made of plastic and tin:

Time to sit and do nothing:

And the horses I passed on my way to the stores:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow..eine wundervolle Seite und herrliche Aufnahmen, was für ein toller Blumeteppich überall! Ein Traum!
    Schönen Samstag liebe Valerie!
    oxo Susi

  2. THOSE CARPETS OF FLOWERS ARE A DREAM; WHAT A GREAT IDEA; THEY MAKE EVERYTHING SO BRIGHT! Ooops, sorry! Love your map face lady, too. Have a nice Saturday and stay dry, hugs, Sarah

  3. The wild flowers in the islands are spectacular - brings a little country to the city. The flower you don't know the name of -- absolutely gorgeous. Someone will know. Nice to know about the bell tree - have not seen that before. Great page again today -- so agree with the saying. Love the dapple grey horse. beautiful. hugs, Donna

  4. love your journal page, wildflowers and I love the bike path as too many motorists park on them

  5. such a creative touch of a map in her eyes. It's wonderful what they have done on the pathways with the wildflowers, very inspiring and a lot less weeding to do.

  6. Wonderful ideas on your journal page Valerie-always something different to admire.

    What great things you see along life's way, the road planting season are fantastic as are all the other things you saw

    Sleep well and I hope tomorrow is better weather

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. One thing I always associate with Germany is hanging baskets of flowers and window boxes. The tree is called Catalpa tree here where I live.

  8. Beautiful pics Valerie, I love all those wild flowers. We've had constant rain for more than a week now and frankly I'm fed up of it! Everything's lovely and green but very soggy! Hope you are keeping well! Xx

  9. You always have very original ideas for your pages. That map in her eye is great! And those wildflowers .... wow! Beau-ti-ful!!

  10. Love the journal face so much!!!
    Delightful photos of wildflowers, glorious mix of colors!!! Thank you and enjoy your weekend!

  11. Love the face and was intrigued by how you made the eye, very cool. Lovely photos, the flowers, the horses and even the bike path was fun to see. Happy PPF.

  12. Your map pages are always unique and creative. The wild flowers are a huge plus and certainly brighten up the streets. I like the red bicycle paint but not so sure about the pink horse. I prefer the photos of the real variety you share with us. Enjoy your weekend, Valerie.

    1. Yes, the pink horse is rather strange, but I suppose they were looking for an eye-catcher! The real ones are VERY much better, that's true!

  13. I think that map piece is fabulous Valerie. What did you use for the eye? I always love your faces. And those wildflowers are gorgeous. What wonderful colors. They make me really happy to see them. Have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  14. I adore the concept of a map in the eye of the face you drew. That was very creative. Of course, I enjoyed it all, including the arrows.

    The horses were adorable and the one statuesque horse was stunning. But the flowers in the walkways, an area of your city I've never seen before, proved to be quite stunning. They remind me of the wild flowers a former First Lady (wife of a former President) planted along the interstates in Texas. The idea grew and it's become very popular. So glad you shared these beauties with us today, because it's all quite drab here right now.

    Hope your water is receding, because my basement needs to dry out AGAIN!

  15. BTW, I'm sharing your tip-ins on my blog today (Saturday).

  16. Your quite has a nice verso mood to it.makes for quite an interesting contemplation
    Nice application of mixed media to your journal page.
    Thanks for sharing the lovely photos

    Much love...

  17. Your photos were a real tonic today Valerie, especially the gorgeous flowers - cheered me up on a gloomy grey day.
    Love your map artwork too - great idea for the eye!
    Have a great day... Gill xx

  18. What a fabulous show, lovely images, photos and lovely papers..xx

  19. Wunderschöne helle orange/gelbe Farbe für das Bild mit dem Auge, worin sich nochmals eine Landkarte befindet - tolle Idee! Deine Fotos sind herrlich! Ich kenne viele Blumen, aber für diese rosarote und die blauen Sterne in der Wiese weiß ich die Namen nicht. Ziemlich seltene Blumen, oder?

  20. Really lovely lady with the map shining thru her eye liebe Valerie!
    Those mixed flower plantings would definitely stop me in my tracks again and again ♥
    p.s. on your sweet comment today you wrote from "the rainy Rhine"
    we used to know a little boy who couldn't say his R's so I heard him say what you wrote as "the wainy whine" *ggg* ... here's to more sunshine my friend

  21. fabulous journal page and oh my- those wildflowers are especially stunning! Wishing you sunny days ahead!

  22. I really do love that page...something about the color and the face just really appeal to me ♥ Some beautiful photos :) HAPPY WEEKEND!!!!!

  23. A fabulous page Valerie, and the flowers by the road look like a flower meadow, gorgeous.
    Yvonne xx

  24. So glad I didn't miss this post!! Great journal page and I love all the fun photos! The flowers on the boulevard are gorgeous..and the pink horse..and garbage can roses, love them all! We also separate our garbage and have three large bins...they take organics weekly, then they rotate recyclables, one week dry garbage the next week.. I love it! It's a fabulous system! Sorry about the continuing rain...we have the same but it keeps the trees and grass happy! I like it cooler too!

    Hugs Giggles

  25. Ein sehr bunter Post, wunderbar!
    Auch hier gibt es seit ein paar Jahren die Wildblumen an den Straßenrändern, immer ein so schöner Anblick, der sofort gute Laune macht, auch bei Regenwetter. Schönen Sonntag von Ulrike

  26. I really like this map art of yours. The tiny map in the eye is brilliant. Again you make want to come visit your area. It is so pretty and feels peaceful.

  27. Another gorgeous piece and those flowers wow I love them! It is the flowers season, they are blooming everywhere thanks so much for sharing these beauties!

  28. I like the glitter in her eyes. Looks like she has the world in her sight. Beautiful photos. Colorful and refreshing.

  29. What a wonderful post! Your lady with the map in her eyes is brilliant! I love seeing mixes of flowers amongst grass - it seems to be the trend here too and I love it! Great shots of the streets where you live! Hugs, Chrisx

  30. Love the combination of maps and portrait! The map within the eye is brilliant!


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