
Thursday 19 May 2016

How good and pleasant....

Hi Everybody!

Today my sister Ruth is celebrating her 80th birthday.
I haven't seen her for a long time, and do not have  any close contact to
my family - time flies, and sometimes tears family ties apart, but I still wish her all the best on her big day. I made her 2 pieces, which I sent to her, both showing our family history as far as I know it. Our great grandparents came from the Ukraine in the 19th century and settled in the East End of London, between the Docks and the Tower of London, and I, too was born and brought up in this corner of the world.
The Hebrew text, 'Hineh ma tov uma nayim, shevet achim gam yachad', is a song which means ' How good and pleasant it is for brothers (family, friends)  to dwell together' and is from Psalm 133 verse 1.

My great grandmother Rachel is on the left, in the tree house, my great grandfather Hyman on the right. In between is the photo of my mother with my brothers and sisters, Ruth is on the left. I smuggled myself in at the front, as there are no family photos with me on them.

This one shows our family at the top. My great Grandmother is sitting in the window of the house, Tower bridge is in the background. My Mother is standing next to the lamppost, and at the bottom, my great grandmother again with her daughters, Sadie and Fanny, and on the other side my grandparents, with great uncle Benny showing his head  between them. So at least on the paper we have all managed to appear together!
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, journeys, as both pages show a journey through the history of my family.

And to cheer myself up I spend a couple of hours playing with paint, brayer and a glass plate to make these mono prints, which will be used as backgrounds for various things. The first ones were made with blobs of colour on the glass, blended with the brayer. I used very thin paper, which crumples a bit and adds to the texture:

Here I used a spiral stencil:

Here are some of the flowers found in the gardens of the Marien Hospital here:

Well, that has turned out to be a long post!
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Kristin and Eva.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful pages, Val, I think it was not easy for you to make them. Love the colourful prints, too, and the flowers are glorious. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  2. It must be hard to be separated for a long time from family. Family is not always easy is it, now matter how much we might think so. wonderful remembrances. xox

  3. The page and birthday greetings for Ruth are very touching Valerie but I am sure making made you feel closer to her. It's Vic's birthday today as well.

    Love the bright painting and what you did with some of it.

    The photographs are fabulous and so much further on than ours in the NE UK

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Wonderful work, I just love that stencil pattern! So many gorgeous flowers and I have no idea what any of them are. lol. OK, the rose I know. tee hee. have a great day Valerie. hugs :)

  5. I love these pages Valerie. Its wonderful seeing the old photos and the fun images you inserted along with them. Family stories are great to hear/read even if sometimes families are really the cruelest. I don't mean that in a bad way but because of the familiarity people can be insensitive to others. Sorry to hear you don't have contact with yours. My family is just bossy and treat me like I am incompetent so I try to avoid them in all possible ways. Those flowers are gorgeous, and I love your backgrounds. The spiral looks shiny. Love that. Hope its a good day so far and you aren't too down in the dumps. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it's good to hear that others don't have perfect families either!

  6. Zwei ganz tolle Familiencollagen Valerie und tolle Monoprints..das macht gleich Laue auch loszumantschen und die Blumenfotos sind herrlich!
    Schönen Donnerstag!

  7. Wonderful pages Valerie, especially for you to remember your sister's birthday when your family is not together. It is good that you have the family photos and memories.
    Dave and I have no siblings, but we are fortunate to have many friends who are the family we chose for ourselves.
    Loved the photos those flowers are beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Happy Birthday to your sister Valerie! Amazing you have photos of your great grandparents. The backgrounds are beautiful and I enjoyed those flowers! They make us happy!

  9. Oh Valerie, I am tearing as I read your post and look at your photo. Sometimes, family brings much joy,much time it brings deep sorrow. I must be in an emotional state because now tears are flowing as I write- I am sorry for your losses and pain-I have felt these as well, and appreciate your heartache.
    Happy Birthday to Ruth, may her life have been filled with pleasant memories of a family once joined.

    And for you Valerie, may your day be filled with hope, sunshine, creativity and love- I am sending love & Hugs from here and wishes for someday you could visit and play in the art barn!
    hugs&love xx Jackie

  10. Good morning, Valerie. I admire you for remembering your sister's birthday when contact with family is non existent. A huge loss for them as you are one of the most caring and supportive persons I I know. Your art is very special! Interesting that you use a piece of glass for your mono prints. I should try that too. The photos of the flowers are exquisite. I never see an insect or bee on the foliage. How do they control them? Or, are they camera shy? BE happy for who you are knowing you make others smile.
    A huge love hug for you today,

    1. There aren't too many insects around just yet! Thanks for your kind words!

  11. Oh my goodness, the peach hibiscus looks like mine.
    What a beautiful family portrait. You should frame that.
    Happy Birthday to your sister. I'm sure she appreciates this.
    And here's another link: My mom's name was Ruth.

  12. I can relate to much of your thoughts on family, except I have no living relatives, and haven't had mostly since my grandparents died when I was 19. My mother died two years before that, and her brother, who I barely knew, died when I was 22. I have no photos of any of them, so you are at least lucky to have these, even if they don't include you.

    I hope your sister has a wonderful birthday. It was so considerate of you to do this for your sister, even though she may never know what a wonderful tribute you have paid her and one that reaches round the globe, too.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those monoprints. So much more beautiful than anything I could make. I see YOU are not brayer challenged!

    Lots of beauty in today's post. Much of it by you, but some by mother nature! Have a fantastic Friday and weekend.

  13. Valerie, just had to stop by and let you know your package arrived today! I adore the pages you sent...and so many, you have sent me more pages than I sent you!! I am sorry for that, so really hope you like them and that they arrive in good shape. Should I show them on my blog, or are you going to show them here? They are wonderful...thank you!
    Dianne ♥

    1. Thanks for letting me know, glad you are happy, Valerie

  14. What special piece for a special occasion!!! Once again I enjoyed your lovely flowers! Always a pleasure to see what you are up to!!!

  15. What wonderful family treasures you've created every so sweetly for your sister's birthday! Family ties sure can be tricky and complicated.
    Playing with paint was a great idea to cheery yourself up liebe Valerie.
    Wonderful backgrounds too!!!
    Oh my that wisteria makes my heart go pitter pat!!!
    Sending warm (((hugs))) to you from sunny Virginia ... we hardly recognize that golden orb in these parts lately :-)

  16. your sister will love the work you created, its beautiful and such a lovely post this is, I know how true it is that families can drift apart but I think the love always stays strong,, we just forget sometimes how strong it is.I really enjoyed learning more about your family,, its so interesting,,

    the photos are utterly amazing,,

  17. LOVE your paint play and your gorgeous flower photos , but your "journe" piece and words really touched my heart. I know how these family things go sometimes. I'm sure your sister will love what you sent her, along with the love.

  18. I really like both your family collages, especially the second one, with your Grandmother looking out the window. Both of these are to become family heirlooms, highlighting your beautiful family and your amazing creative skills. Blessings!

  19. Well Happy Belated Birthday to your Sister. I love the pages you did for her. The flowers are all so beautiful and I"m sure they smell as heavenly as the look ♥ Sorry for being so late. I stayed in the yard way too late today :)

  20. What fabulous art pages. I am sure Ruth will be thrilled with them. hugs, Teresa

  21. These are such beautiful gifts for your sister and a wonderful way to share your history. I love your photos this week too.

  22. Wow! What a wonderful gift for your sister! Very thoughtful and it looks so good! Beautiful flower photos too, really pretty :)

  23. Absolutely fascinating story and work Valerie...I wanted to study every inch of that card and those faces! Stunning work... you look most like your mother! So much beauty you put into the world with your gorgeous art and those stunning photos! Thanks for sharing so authentically yourself!I'm sure she will be so thrilled... I would be! Very inspiring!

    Big hugs Giggles

  24. I love that first family card! Because I can relate to it. My two sets of grandparents came from the Ukraine! I learned that song at Jewish summer camp as a child! I still find myself singing it at times all these years later. I'm sure your sister will be greatly moved by receiving this wonderful gift on her 80th birthday! All your background pages are lovely! And the flowers are too. Thanks for sharing it all! Wishing you a creative week ahead!

  25. happy birthday to your sister - what a lovely gift - I love those old photographs and I had no idea you grew up in the east end of London, I think I always thought because you live in Germany now that's where you were from! Silly as we all move around! Your papers are lovely - the paint in the spiral looks iridescent - beautiful.

  26. Family relations can be complicated, anyway, congrats to your sister.

    The work you did to cheer yourself up, is beautiful.

  27. Interessante Familieneinblicke und toll in der Collage dargestellt. So was gefällt mir ja immer sehr, wenn Persönliches dabei ist.
    Die Spiralstencil sieht auch total klasse aus! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  28. Your gift is lovely! I hope it was well received. Visiting your bright glorious post today was a visual treat as well as being very moving. Is there really such a thing as a "perfect family?" We blunder along as best we can with no training. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The only life we can take responsibility for is our own. (Now please help me off my soap box).

  29. Brilliant work, fabulous colours combined here. I hope your sister will appreciate the work put into this. Love the gorgeous flower photos.xx..Enjoy the weekend.x

  30. What wonderful pages, and what a great family history! Both my parents and their families come from the same place, and most of my family still lives there, except me and my parents. Rather boring, I always thought. Those print pages look good too, they will make great backgrounds or even collage parts. Happy Birthday to your sister!

  31. The pages you created for your sister are beautiful, hopefully she loves them. Yes sometimes it's difficult with family relationships which can result in complicated emotions. Your mono prints are beautiful, they'll be fun to play with. Have a wonderful weekend xx

  32. Wonderful post, Valerie! Your family pictures are precious, even with you squeezed in front. BTW, you were so cute! Were you the youngest and not yet born when that photo was taken? And I have sung (not solo, of course, the Psalm 133:1. I wonder if it is the same tune as what you've done. Your glass prints are beautiful. I never thought of using glass instead of gelli plates but it should work fine and obviously did for you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend in that beautiful part of the world.

  33. Beautiful collages Valerie. Your sister will love the efforts you have made to bring all the family together in one image.
    Happy PPF ♥♥

  34. Your birthday card is wonderful. I have a similar piece on my worktable showing of my immigrant family. I find it deeply satisfying to touch my history. Thank you for the spring flowers!

  35. Genealogy. . so much into it I want to go to Scotland to see the 2 castles my ancestors are associated with. I love how you incorporated the portraits into wonderful heartfelt pictures. I used cloth and printer for one of the castles (just a thought) and framed it. I am in love with the purple flowers. Your new backgrounds are absolutely Awesome. Blessings, Janet

  36. wonderful and touching to hear about your family history and all those gorgeous creations/tributes you made are stunning! Happy 80th to your sister!
    Love the mesmerizing! Spectacular flowers..wish I could smell them!
    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post

  37. How nice of you to make these beautiful pieces even though you are not in close contact. You did a great job in bringing the family together on there. Love your prints too, and the spiral is gorgeous!

  38. Your photos of the flowers are stunning, so clear with the lovely depth of colours.
    I'm sure your sister will be very touched by her Birthday card (I was). "The Family" is a very strange institution, every one so different and some more different than others.

  39. Love the spiral--the Fibonacci number is an amazing thing. xo

  40. Lovely cards,with the old pictures of your family:)

  41. Wow!!! What a beautiful post. Your sister got a couple of real keepsakes. Wouldn't it be great if they got passed down and kept in the family. I love the thought of you having these pictures and to be able to create something so special. That was so thoughtful of you.

    The flowers blooming are amazing! There are so many kinds and each so beautiful. Springtime is busting out with all kinds of colors. Are those lilacs?

    Your backgrounds you created are beautiful too! Your whole post is beautiful. And as always I love you sharing the beauty of where you live. Thank you for sharing so much. Happy PPF! Hugs, Rasz

  42. It is a very tender gesture for your sister. She must feel very touched and close to you. Beautiful flowers. Happy PPF.

  43. I can relate very much to the fact that family ties are not always as close as one would like them. I am sure your sis will appreciate you thinking of her.
    Your backgrounds look great. They will surely make some wonderful pieces.

  44. Your sister will feel very blessed to receive your wonderful gifts. What great treasures.

  45. Lots of wonderful sharing today. I love the family collage pieces, they are fantastic. All those brayered backgrounds are so yummy and juicy and my colors to a tea. Then the spiral was calling to me too. The roses and other flowers just seemed to glow off the screen. Love your work. Happy PPF.


  46. I'm in love with your backgrounds! <3

  47. Beautiful works!! I love the family photos and the wisteria especially!

  48. Such lovely textures and beautiful roses!

  49. Your family pages are wonderful - I do hope your sister appreciates your talents and the love that went into these pages.
    Your mono prints are beautiful!
    And then you ice the cake with the most glorious flowers. The colors are absolutely amazing!
    sandy xx

  50. What lovely gifts! A great way to share family history.

  51. I tried all week to get here to wish your sister Ruth a happy birthday (even though she won't know I did - YOU will!) and to tell you - dear Valerie - that I ADORE this post. Both creations of your family are just SPLENDID. I tried to pick a favorite and I just couldn't - love them both. I love the colors and how you placed them and explained to us who they are. And your prints are so fun to see too. That swirl definitely shimmers! And your flowers brightened my day. Much love, j.

  52. What a wonderful post. A real treat. Love the nostalgic look and composition of your first pieces and wonderful colors and beautiful flowers.

  53. I love your collages - so clever of you and I am sure your sister will love what you sent her! It is hard sometimes keep in touch in the way we would like! Love the results of your brayering session, I tend to be a bit heavy handed sometimes! The flower photos are so beautiful - I love wisteria especially! Hugs, Chrisx


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