
Thursday 5 May 2016

Big Mixed Bag for Friday again

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by quicker than I can think, and it's nearly weekend and time for Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.
I am sharing some pages meant for  a swap organized by dear Bleubeard and  Elizabeth. These went to my teamie  Chris in England, and as they reached her a week ago I can show them now.
I was rather stumped with the theme at first, but went back through my old journals and found pages that inspired me, and these are the results of my mixed media double sided pages, where one side is corrugated and distressed cardboard and the other side paper. I used lots of metallic paints, but the shine does make it hard to take photos.
These are the 'smooth' sides:

And here the corrugated ones:

I used lots of German scrap, flowers and lace:

And this is the tag I made for her:

For Art Journal Journey, Journeys, I have a hybrid piece using a photo of myself, with the low winter sun making my legs very long.
The quote is a from a prayer by Cardinal John Henry Newman.

I am also liking to Moo Mania and More, quotes.

My tulips are now definitely past their 'best by' date, and are fully open, but I like them at this stage the best:

And last, but definitely not least, Susi Froebelsternchen sent me a beautiful card with a wonderful peacock feather coloured pencil drawing - thanks Sweetie! Isn't it gorgeous?

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow! Gorgeous artwork Valerie and you have been busy! My tulips have only just come into bloom in the last week - due to the rather odd weather I think.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  2. Wow loads of goodness to see today Valerie, I love your mixed media pages, the colours are gorgeous, and the tag is fab, especially the bird. I love the light and shadows on your journal page, and your big blown out tulips xx

  3. Great post again today. Love all the pages you made for Chris, and the tag. Your altered photo journal page is very effective. Gorgeous tulips, ours are all finished. Hugs Sarah

  4. lovely work for the challenges wonderful textures and complexity. Susi is so talented. Your tulips are a wonderful colour.

  5. Wow- you have some gorgeous pieces of art today. They are all great. I couldn't pick a favorite if I wanted to. And Susi's card is very beautiful too. I enjoyed seeing all these colors, textures and images. It a nice way to end my day. Happy Friday! And happy PPF. Hugs-Erika

  6. What an incredible mix today. First, Chris's pages are simply OVER THE TOP. I adore them. Beautiful and they give me such great ideas. I'm loving each and every one of them.

    Your combined AJJ/MM&M entry is adorable. I think I remember that photo, too.

    Gotta love the flowers. They sure brighten my day. And Susi's card is simply WONDERFUL!!!

  7. Ohhh my... these are simply stunning. From the colors to the embellishments, everything is spot on. Your photos are fabulous as well.

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    Wundervoll sind sie wieder deine Werke, man kann sich kaum satt sehen. Die Idee mit den Stoffblumen finde ich super genial. Und die tolle Karte von Susi hat dich bestimmt sehr gefreut.
    Herzliche und sonnige Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  9. Such a gorgeous post! Stunning pages with great texture! We love the tulips at that stage too...gorgeous they looks like hybrids! Thanks for sharing...oh and love your shadow piece too...very very cool!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. Your pages are so full of details and the color world is just summer!!

    Your legs look awesome stylish!!

    Have a sunny weekend.

    1. My legs only look stylish as elongated shadows!

  11. Gorgeous colours on your journal pages

  12. A beautiful post Valerie full of lovely things to look at. The pages for Chris are wonderful with such rich colours and images. Your [age with the quote is something a bit different with your very long legs on show.

    The tulips have turned out to be amazing and I must admit to saving one of the pictures--too beautiful to resist.

    A very special card from Susi as well. Thank you for sharing that with us.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Fantastic collection of stunning artwork Valerie,
    I love the background colour and how your composition virtually pops off the page! All my tulips have fully opened too, but I agree with you I like them too. Happy PPF to you

  14. Die Collage-Doppelseite sieht klasse aus, so viel darin zu entdecken. Aber auch dein Schattenbild ist ganz toll geworden - und die Papageientulpen sind ein wahrer Traum! Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  15. Die Collage-Doppelseite sieht klasse aus, so viel darin zu entdecken. Aber auch dein Schattenbild ist ganz toll geworden - und die Papageientulpen sind ein wahrer Traum! Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  16. What an interesting and vibrant show today Valerie, I am in awe of it all..xx

  17. Wow , what a feast to the eyes , with all these gorgeous art pages. Chris I'm sure would love her pages. The page with your shadow looks amazing.
    I love tulips when they are open as well.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Oh, what a marvelous way to start my day - to open up your blog and find this amazing post. I love the journal pages, corrugated and smooth. My favorite is the smooth one with the white embossing of flowers and the wonderful words written there. I also like the long shadows and the quote you used, which I have heard read at funerals. And those beautiful tulips, which with the permission you gave me earlier, I will try to paint. Have a happy weekend! Hope the knee is doing fine.

  19. Beautiful piece and love your photos, flowers everywhere and I love that! hugs :)

  20. Great Art again today Valerie! I'm sure Chris is thrilled to receive the. I like tulips when they open too ♥ Hope your weekend is sunny and warm :)

  21. Das sind ganz wundervolle Seiten für Chris.. eine schöner als die andere - bin begeistert und auch Deine hybride Seite ist ein Hammer! Toll gemacht!
    Die Tulpen sehen herrlich aus so... meine meisten im Garten sind auch schon so fast am Verblü aber auch schön..Du hast vollkommen recht!
    Einen schönen ( ich bin spät dran) Freitag Dir noch!
    Super dass Dir die Karte gefällt!


  22. Stunning!! Each page is so interesting and really draws the eye in to look closer! Very nice!!! The tulips photo's are amazing, too! Isn't it something what a tulip can do? Have another great week!

  23. gorgeous pages for Chris Valerie-wow!! Love the tag too along with that lovely Moo Mania entry and quote. The tulip photos are breathtaking!! They need to be painted:) Beautiful card from Susi. Happy PPF and weekend!

  24. The flower photos are delicious! Love those! And I really like the cardboard art too. What a fun thing to try!

  25. These are truly gorgeous. How do you fill the grooves in the cardboard, or do you only pull off part of the paper covering. What was the prompt? I must have missed it, will read back. Gorgeous photos, too.

    1. The pages are only partially peeled and the prompt was gardens

  26. Lovely card from sweet and talented Susi!
    Oh my liebe Valerie!!! Your pages for Chris are exquisite.
    I do L♥ve each and every detail...SO beautiful.
    You all are having quite a swap full of creativity
    Your tulips have brightened my day.
    I am not complaining but we have had on and off rain for more than a week. I know the sun is out there somewhere ;-)
    Happy Weekend to you oxo

  27. Oh your shadow piece is so soothing and beautiful as well!

  28. Valerie, the quantity and quality of your art is miraculous. Are there some Val-elves in your apartment? Each of your "Garden" pieces is a delight, my favourite is the right side of the first photo with the lovely blues and white and the lovely quote. The tag looks terrific too, with your speciality corrugated card art.

    1. Oh yes, I have a whole gaggle of elves, each specialised in something different. I just need to wave my magic wand and they work....

    2. I knew it........ a corrugated card elf, a tag elf, a bird-photoing elf ..... your secret is out.

    3. Okay, now my secret is out. I just need a H****w**k elf, but none of them wants to do the job!

    4. Right?? I certainly need a Leasty Lubberkin to do my H****W++k as well!! Xxx

  29. Wow! How colorfully intriguing! I adore the detail of these. And of course, your photography is stellar.

  30. Stunning pages, love those glowing blue colours, stunning and beautifully put together!

  31. Your collage work is stellar and the photos take my breath away with their beauty as well.

  32. So much beautiful art work in this post. Lovely tulips, too!

  33. Wow! What a fabulously art filled post! I don't know where to begin! From those glorious tulips to the cool digi piece to those magnificent pages you made for your friend! I especially love the corrugated ones!!Such beautiful work Valerie! That color is just delish!!

  34. what can I say. Your art is amazing. Love every piece of it.

  35. Running a little behind but what else is new -- I see you are right on time! Love the work you did to with the absolutely gorgeous background colors. Your well never runs dry! Your tulips are really quite stunning - wouldn't it be wonderful if we could keep these colors forever!
    sandy xx

  36. What lovely, intricate pages and tag for Chris! The colors are so rich and sparkly! And I love the prayer, with the long leg photo, so beautiful!

  37. Love that distressing on the corrugated board.

  38. Oh what a treat to see your pages - and I love the corrugated ones so much - I'm a sucker for corrugated art! What wonderful shimmer and bobbles and bits and YUMMINESS. I bet these pages were totally ADORED when they were received as well as that FABULOUS tag. Wow.

    And your tulips are a complete DELIGHT for me to see. Soooo glad you included them. I want to just stop right now and paint them. LOVE the color and the hues and the shapes... our tulips don't look like that at all.

    Your shadow photos are always a joy to me.... hehehehehe - you're lookin good!! Smiling. Thanks for making my day! I so enjoy your posts. XXj.

  39. Wonderful long legged shadow! You inspire my journaling.

  40. Your pages are gorgeous! I love all the textures from the added pieces. And I love the page with the dragonfly and the plants, I just love white on dark colours. Also love your hybrid piece, the shadow and warm colour and all the textures, just gorgeous.

  41. Only just got here - all I can say about my pages is that the photos cannot convey the pleasure I got from seeing the beautiful colours and the fabulous textures and embellishments! I love the photo journal page and I must say I love Tulips fully open! What a fabulous card from Susi! Hugs, Chrisx


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