
Friday 13 May 2016

At the Rhine

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, Journeys, (Erika's lovely theme) I have a hybrid/painted piece, I used a photo of the Rhine as my background, and I added 2 of my birds, the flowers and the text digitally. After fixing the page into my journal, I painted round the edges with sky blue metallic, and added some colour with gelatos. The birds were stenciled, and then I wrote my message around the image: 'Migrating birds can fly thousands of miles. They move in flocks, giving each other support and safety. The don't need GPS, and we use the term 'bird-brain' to insult people? Would that we could journey like them'.

Yesterday I showed a photo of the ferry here, and some people asked about it.
The ferry crosses the Rhine, back and forth, all day, everyday, and is the only possibility here to cross over. There are bridges, but they do involve more driving and a lot of traffic, so many people use  the ferry. And some, like I do, cross over here and there for fun, and ride bikes or go for walks on the other side. I always like watching the cars, vans, tractors etc driving onto the ferry.

The other side of the river belongs to another town:

These photos were taken when I was on board:

And this is the view of our little town from the boat. Lots of people were out and about, it was a sunny Sunday afternoon:

And the view up the Rhine on the way back. (Up is towards the Source of the river in Switzerland, and down is towards Holland and the sea) You can see the next bridge in the distance.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a fun post, love your pretty love birds. Nice photos too, they bring back memories! Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

  2. Really lovely work, splendid photos especially that last one. Nice weekend!

  3. Fabulous hybrid page, love the fun birds!

  4. I always enjoy your bird entries, and this hybrid AJJ entry goes perfectly with your trip across the Rhine. I enjoyed this well put together post, and LOVED seeing your town from the boat. I have to admit there were a LOT of people out WALKING, something we Americans seldom do. Hope your weekend goes well!

  5. You can't see me smiling so please believe me when I tell you that your page makes me feel very happy! It's true that birds really are amazing but so is your fabulous page! The ferry photos too have me loving those views - especially of your town from the river! Hugs, Chrisx

  6. what a lovely area and fun with the ferry! Lovely page as well.

  7. First of all, I think that ferry is so fun. I love how you can go across when you want to and see what's on the other side. Somehow taking a little ride must make it (or would to be) seem so far off. Sometimes when I go downtown into a town near us, and since I don't go there often, it is like a little a vacation for a few hours. Also I want to say I love your bird piece. I had the same thought of making a migration page and I will show you mine on another day. I guess great minds think a like as they say. I like how you included the Rhine since you show many photos of the birds down by the river. Hope you have a great day! Hugs-Erika

  8. A wonderful happy page and fabulous photos of the ferry.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Fantastic page with the wonderful birds.

    What a lot of people in your photograghs Valerie and no wonder as it all looks amazing

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. lovely little birdies. I love the 'come fly with me' quote too!! As always your photos are clear and crisp!! Lovely.

  11. lovely little birdies. I love the 'come fly with me' quote too!! As always your photos are clear and crisp!! Lovely.

  12. The little birds look so cute, its another fabulous page and super words.
    I am not surprised so many folk take advantage to walk by the Rhine on a sunny day.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Fabulously designed creation and those birds are sensational. Photos and the colours are gorgeous.xx  {aNNie}

  14. Deine Liebesvögel sind einfach nur toll! Super ! Und die Fotos sind spitze!
    Schönen Samstag


  15. What an adorable design... the blue bird is so cute and I love the colour. In fact he complements that sky beautifully.
    It does look a glorious day for messing about on a boat!

  16. What an adorable design... the blue bird is so cute and I love the colour. In fact he complements that sky beautifully.
    It does look a glorious day for messing about on a boat!

  17. Die Seite mit den Birds ist so schön geworden, gefällt mir sehr, besonders die Mischung von Foto und Stempeln und Malerei.

  18. Love the page today!!! Your birds are so adorable ♥♥♥♥ I love riding ferries we have a couple around here that we ride on where we're out for a country ride. Great photos!

  19. charming art
    and beautiful world
    lovely weekend to you!

  20. Combining your photos with your creative mind made a gorgeous page today for AJJ. I also enjoyed the photos from the ferry boat and viewing your town across the water. I have learned a lot from your blog and now...what is the name of the town on the opposite side of the Rhine? Enjoy your Sunday; it is cloudy here today.

  21. Would that we could journey with the birds. Love your colorful ferry and the river always providing such scenic views. xox

  22. What a wonderful painting with such lovely birds! It is definitely impressive what they can do. Your photographs are beautiful too.

  23. What a great trip on the boat with that great atmospheric last photo.
    Interesting to see so many colourfully dressed people on "our" side.
    You do have so many interesting walks and villages and now I can see you have lovely boat trips to go on, as well as being able to get off for more walks on the other side.
    I like your birds having a day out on the Rhine, especially the female with her pretty flower tattoos and necklace.

  24. Wonderful artwork and fabulous photos. I've never been on a ferry boat that I remember, what a wonderful experience that would be! hugs :)

  25. Oh how I would love to get up and fly away with you - but I am afraid I have become bottom heavy and have broken both my wings. But do not be sad for me for I am super happy and realize that if I got up off my butt more I could be in better shape like you!!!
    Would you look at all those people out and waking about - did the whole town decide to go for a walk at the same time?
    Fun post!
    Sandy xx


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