
Thursday 7 April 2016

Where do you go to?

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, so time for Eva's and Kristin's Paint Party Friday, and
every day is the right day for Art Journal Journey, For the Record.
Recently I discovered this lovely picture of Sigmund Freud in the newspaper, and straightaway I thought of the title of a song from Peter Sarstedt, a blast from the past taking us back to 1969 - where do you go to my lovely? I made an A3
mixed media page.

And here the original song from 1969 sung by Peter Sarstedt:

Today I had to go to the dentist, but it wasn't too bad, and I was soon back
home again and ready to enjoy my coffee. The new leaves on the trees
are just wonderful, I love this spring green!

The moss and lichens are growing well, too:

The field in the background has been plowed and soon the flowers will be blooming and offered for sale:

The water in the Rhine is rising again:

I love looking through the arch to the castle grounds:

The campers are setting up their summer quarters again:

A pretty corner:

Market day:

The window of the bank:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another wonderful parcel full of memories. I love the song, and your journal page is magnificent, you have great ideas. Lovely photos, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. beautiful page I know that song. Well the dentist would be easy compared to having your knees done. Lots of moss on our trees too. Love your spring photos of all coming to life.

    1. Yes, the dentist was really easy after the knee op!

  3. beautiful work and such a lovely post,,
    i was at the dentist today as well, I chipped a tooth, lol,, falling apart I am,,, hope you had a great visit!

  4. Your are going to have leaves pretty soon. I am soooo jealous. Luckily today it is raining and once the sun comes out we should really green up quick since the grass is already getting more green, even having had snow the other day. I remember this song. It was actually in some movie that came out a few years ago but I can't remember what movie it was. Love your piece today. The lyrics do go very well with Sigmond F. Happy PPF!

  5. Your art is so deep and dramatic. Lovely. I also like spring green. Wish I could go to your market. Great photos. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. I do not know this song but your art is very lovely. The photos are great and spring green is always a picker upper. Have a great Friday.

  7. I've never heard of that song, but I love how you interpreted it with your art. This was fabulous, because I simply adore mixed media.

    What awesome photos today. Glad your check-up went well. I have never seen the campers before, probably because I am new to your blog since last spring. I was certainly impressed with the photos you took and was really happy to see the market. What a great mix of flowers, green, and great art today.

  8. Beautiful page. Love seeing all those wonderful photos. Happy PPF.

  9. Great interpretation of the song and I always enjoy your photos.

  10. Eine fabelhafte Seite und die passt echt genial zum tollen Song!
    Wunderschöne Fotos auch wieder heute!Das mit dem Moos und den Flechten gefällt mir besonders gut!
    Happy Friday Valerie!
    oxo Susi

  11. What kind of world we would live in if we could read minds, know what we really think...autch. Guess there would not be peace anywhere on the planet...
    Your photos, objects of your photos, are so pretty.
    Happy PPF!

  12. I love your interpretation of this theme. I love that song and it's so clever to put that against Sigmund Freud!

  13. Liebe Valerie,
    wundervoll dein Bild ;-)... ich muss gestehen, dass ich diesen Song nicht kenne. Die Fotos von deinem Frühling sind absolut genial.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  14. Beautiful post and creativity. Thank you so much for sharing

  15. Your photographs show me what to wait for, and I just can't wait. Thanks for sharing all this wonderfulness.

  16. Valerie, first of all, your photos are always stunning and I absolutely LOVE seeing them. They take my breath away! Secondly, your work of art and that song are absolutely fabulous! And last but not least, I want to thank you so much for asking me to join the art journal journey this month! YAY!!!!

    1. Great that you are joining us and hope to see you there again!

  17. Klasse Interpretations-Idee zu diesem Songtext und super umgesetzt, Valerie!
    Ach, das Lied kann ich noch auswendig... LG Ulrike

  18. Peter Sarstedt...I love that song. I love your journal page combining Freud and those very apt lyrics!!

  19. another super journal page-love that background!! What a joy to see spring where you live-beautiful photos. Happy PPF!

  20. Wow, amazing post Valerie!! Love your art as always and your photos have brought a wonderful spring feeling to me today! hugs :)

  21. Lovely post again and fabulous photos...great music too....have a great weekend.xx

  22. You find the most entertaining songs! The flower pics look so bright and cheery. Glad the dentist was kind to you.
    Have a wondrous Friday, Valerie.

  23. I enjoyed the music, the visual contrast created by the colorful journal pages and the colors of nature. Have a lovely week.
    ~~ Irene

  24. Glad the dentist went well and hope you are doing good Valerie. I enjoyed your post and the music as well. I saw myself walking the pathway while I listened to your music. That's where I went.:) Have a great weekend and loved all your photos.

  25. LOVE the journal page and I don't remember the song it did have a familiar feel to it as I listened to it :) Beautiful photos and so happy the dentist visit wasn't bad. I think I may have one of those coming up :/ perhaps I should check my calendar.

  26. Exciting, creative and clever page:-) Plus this was dentist week. I lost a crown and had to have it reattached.

  27. That song is truly nostalgic, but I wouldn't want Freud to look inside my head!!

  28. After you posted that "Alice" song, I will always open your songs!! That post was my all time favorite! This one is pretty good too Valerie, what a good song to go with Sigmund Freud. It is so good when an image fits so perfectly.
    I always languish through your pictures and I feel like I would be much more creative if I could live in your village and do the walks you take. I think Europeans have such a flair and so much style!
    Sandy xx

  29. The Mix is interesting and the song ... cool!
    Saludos desde España.

  30. Just a wonderful mix of paint and words!!! FYI, I had a tooth pulled wednesday!!!!!

  31. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Valerie. I sure miss those old songs, but I had forgotten those big hairdos! Your art certainly does work well with the song and is beautifully done. I loved the spring green of the Rhine.

  32. For me just seeing the Rhine is a treat...but adding your art and song makes the experience even better! Someday.....I will see your part of the world and I'll look in windows! Have the best of days!!

  33. Brilliant lateral thinking on your AJJ piece, I had to think for a minute how Freud could link with "Where do you go to my lovely".
    Your photos show so much colour and blue skies and sun, you live in a different world! I do like your photo of the white door, there is something about a picture of a door.

  34. A fabulous journal page and photos. I am so enjoying these trips down memory lane with the songs.
    Yvonne xx

  35. Lovely art journal page and photos!

  36. Wonderful journal page and memories to get with that song...oh to be young again!! Thanks for sharing!! The photos are spectacular too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  37. As always I adore your artwork. I laughed and said, "EEEeeeek!" Then realized how very much I liked it. :D Your photography, as always is exquisite.

  38. Beautiful photography, as always! Fun journal page, too. Happy PPF!

  39. ok, I have to say the journal page is well done, but kinda creepy! heehee
    Hope you are well- beautiful flowers- they are coming along nicely on your balcony!
    hugs Jackie

  40. I love your page. It's full of life and reflects the mood of the song brilliantly. It's interesting to see different interpretations of songs and I've really enjoyed this theme.

  41. What a wonderful page! I don't know the song, but you certainly made the image and the lines from it fit together perfectly!


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