
Thursday 21 April 2016

Walk like an Egyptian

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by, and once again it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin,  and Art Journal Journey, for the record.

My inspiration is a song from 1986, sung by the Bangles -
Walk like an Egyptian.
I think this is a song which would normally have passed me by, but back then we made a trip to England with 2 school classes. The song was a big hit,  and one which the kids sung time and time and time again on the long coach journey to London and back home.... In London it was just as 'in', and everywhere we went we saw youngsters moving around with strange arm and leg movements, as they all wanted to walk like Egyptians....But the best thing was a sign I saw outside a Church.  It was the week before Mothering Sunday, and the sign read:
'Walk like an Egyptian - bring your mummy to Church on Sunday'

I made a hybrid page using a mixed media painting made last year

This week I allowed myself some time out. I felt I needed to make things without thinking about themes, challenges and other people's ideas, which are good, but sometimes limiting. So I have started a new A5 journal, where I can just journal the first stuff that comes into my head,  using my ideas, texts, etc. I got quite carried away and have already made 20 pages, so I had fun! 

Today was wonderful spring weather, sunny but cool, and great for walking. After my physiotherapy I walked 13700 steps, so I am sure that did me good. My knee is getting steadily better, and the physiotherapist is helping a lot, even though the treatment is sometimes rather painful.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your introduction to the song was highly amusing, especially the last line. You've outdone yourself here (again), what a truly fabulous illustration of the title, the stylised cat person and the cat, the chevrons and the pyramid, and the terrific use of colours.
    Yes, having the themes is good, but that's a good idea to start a journal of your "own" art - and you've already made 20 pages? - gulp! - and I'm glad you had fun.
    The blossom is so beautiful now, I can hardly believe how perfect each little flower is, and the blackbirds have started screaming at every cat who dares to come outdoors. Your photos show this perfectly.

  2. You have chosen a fun song today, I remember it well! Love your Egyptian painting, very atmospheric. Awesome photos, spring is a wonderful season. Good night, hugs Sarah

  3. Both pages are wonderful! Glad that walking is getting easier for you again!

  4. Love what you did with the theme of Walk like an Egyptian. Beautiful colors and drawings. Also your A5 Journal pages are beautiful. The photos are really showing off the spring you are having. Very pretty. I am showing my painted version of your photo from last week. Your photo is much prettier, but I tried.

  5. lovely musical themed page and good for you doing 20 pages just freely. Spring is coming along nicely over there!

  6. beautiful beautiful work!!
    your spring photos are amazing!!
    I'm so glad your knee is coming along!

  7. Love the journal face, love the painting and love the spring trees!!!
    A lot to love!

  8. I laughed at bringing your mummy to church. What a great way to use pop culture to sell religion. I loved this entry, too. It is indicative of Egypt and that cat is incredible.

    Lots of steps today. Good for you. I feel your knee getting stronger all the time. What a great way to walk, too. After all, spring seems to have truly arrived in your area. I love all those trees with their flowering blooms. They scream spring.

    Seems like that new journal was just what you needed for energizing you. I sometimes get burned out, and that seems to be something I might try, too. Just not a new journal for me, since I have so many of them that my friend Sally has given me. All I need is a bit of gesso before I start creating.

    Did you hear that Prince died today? Have a super Friday and Earth Day.

  9. Beautiful choice of colours on this gorgeous card, lovely in all ways.xx


  10. Beautiful art and photos, Valerie.

  11. I just read your mixed emotions about today and I was suddenly very saddened by the news. My heart truly goes out to you today, my dear friend.

  12. Can't get that song out of my head again...think you did that last week too! Awesome journal pages all of them! It's nice to play without structure! Great photos too...our weather was up to 30 this week. Nice to hear your knees is healing...all the best!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. Eine tolle Umsetezung dieses Powersongs - ja ich erinnere mich noch gut daran.Und Deine kleine Geschichte dazu brachte mich zum Schmunzeln!!!
    Toll sieht die "freie" Seite aus!!
    Wie schön, wenn die Bäume in voller Blüte stehen! Herrlich!!!
    Einen schönen Freitag Valerie!

  14. Fantastic projects and photos! Love the Egyptian theme and the luminous background! Great photos!

  15. I loved that song in the 80s although I always prefered Manic Monday by the Bangles! I love your Egyptian illustration those bright colours against the black background really pop. Good for you on the new journal - it's nice to just let your imagination go wild. Looks like spring has sprung for you - it's still freezing here unfortunately.

  16. Terrific page for the Egyptian themed song. Wonderful bright images and colours. I always feel the colours you use on a lot of these pieces are influenced by the wonderful sunsets and sunrises where you live. Must be great to wake up to them.

    Thrilled to hear you found time to do your own thing without thinking of challenges etc. Must say I sink myself into creative knitting and sewing a lot of the time and it seems to be my way to do just that.

    Terrific photographs of the blossom and the bird--is that a song title I wonder. Couldn't resist saving one for a craft project.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. Love the Egyptian theme...I'm into Egypt also at the moment. I love the beautiful Spring blossom. So cheerful.

  18. Love the colours in that Egyptian piece, Valerie. The complementaries really pop.

  19. That is a fun story about mummies. Your page is great. And I know what you mean about just playing for yourself. I am doing the same thing lately-pages to come in a short time- but I am really enjoying just playing. Challenges are lots of fun and a great way to make you think in a cartain way but sometimes you've just got to look in and make something for you. You have really greened up too. I love watching how different people get spring at slightly different times depending on where they live. Hope you're having a great Earth Day today. :) Erika

  20. Wie nett, deine Geschichte zu dem Song - und die ägyptische Seite ist toll geworden.
    Hey Valerie, ich staune, dass du schon so viele Schritte schaffst, wow! Dann war die OP ja ein voller Erfolg und du bist sicher super glücklich! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  21. Your "Walk like an Egyptian" page and video made me smile, because I saw the Bangles in concert. Blessings!

  22. Too Funny -- such a great representation of the song. Bold colours - love it. You are certainly making great progress -- 13000 steps indeed!! Lovely photographs, Valerie, and your journal is wonderful -- so happy you are spending some quality time doing things for YOU my dear!! Big hugs, Donna

  23. a fabulous Egyptian page Valerie!! Great idea to have a journal just for putting down random paint, words, and collage. Congrats on all those steps-wow! Love seeing the trees in bloom. Enjoy the coming weekend!

  24. Love your Walk like an Egyptian page - great colours and wonderful cats!

    Isn't it awesome to Spring? We are much farther behind you but I at least have some crocuses out.

  25. Oh Spring is blooming here! And I love that old song, a fabulous piece to go with it, super!

  26. Oh yes we were all doing Walk Like an Egyptian when we were at school. What a fabulous tune. Love your Egyptian collage, full of heat and energy. Happy PPF

  27. Beautiful pages today Valerie. Your photos are so wonderful, love that tree with the blossoms on it!! hugs :)

  28. Beautiful spring photos and wonderful artwork. The Egyptian one is particularly striking with those colours. I remember that song Valerie... as you say you'd hear it everywhere back then.
    I love the church tale... someone was obviously switched on to what was happening and had a sense of humour.
    Happy PPF to you

  29. Ahhh... Now I'll be singing that song all day and dancing around the house like a fool :) Should make a fun day! Thanks for sharing that fun blast from the past ♥ You really did put on the miles today with all of those steps. I'm feeling good when I get up to 8000 but have been managing to get over that the past week or so. Spring makes me move around more :)

  30. Hi Valerie. Happy to hear that you are doing better and doing your walks. Loved that video and your beautiful spring photos. Awesome poges in your journal. I remember that song well, loved it. Take care of yourself.

  31. Beautiful journal pages! Love your spring photos!

  32. Gorgeous colors and art for your page today, Valerie. I also like the pages you shared and created for relaxation. The blossoms on the trees in your photos are so glorious.

  33. Beautiful pages. I like the powerfull colours of Egyptian page.

  34. I love your Egyptian page Valerie, and your fun story that goes with it. I really like your journal pages too, very thought provoking. So glad you knee is getting better, but you are allowed to sit down! Have a great weekend. Sue xx

  35. A fabulous journal, just for you, its a good idea and one I think I will be using when I get reunited with my stash.
    Loved the Egyptian page, I hope the kids took their mums to church. As always beautifuyl photos.
    Yvonne xx

  36. What a wonderful piece! I love that song, too--and this is a perfect foil for it. Your other drawings touched my heart very much. ((hugs)) Thank you. I also adore our spring pictures. What beautiful days.

  37. love your Egyptian work. Feels a little like home :)

  38. I loved the Bangles back then, a grungy kind of girl group - yay! Your work is beautiful as always. And it is good to hear that your knee is getting better. Having had physio for about 6 months last year ... I know how it feels.

  39. I plead guilty - I have never heard of the group or the song. But it does not matter because I do love your journal pages. What color - wow!
    And like a lot of other people I love anything to do with Egyptology. Sure wish I could go see the pyramids but that is out of the question. I read a book about King Tut and when Carter found his tomb. Boy they sure did pile stuff in those tombs!!

    Your new journal page that is all your own - very nice but a little on the sad side -- well I really want to say creepy but that is because the older I get the more I realize how short my life really is. Did you make this thinking about your husband or other family members?
    Watching you like a hawk!
    Sandy xx

    1. You are really watching like a hawk. I was thinking of my husband and a baby that dies.

  40. Love this Egyptian art. The photos are so nice. Even though we had nice weather last week this weekend is stormy. That is how it is where I live.

  41. I love the ideas that you have. I too belong to a journal group (3rd year) and it has changed so much and become so structured, I haven't participated yet. I think I'll adopt your idea of using my own head to finish the project and go from there. If it's work, it's not part of me. Everything should flow and you are doing an excellent job of that. Blessings, Janet PPF

  42. I love it!! The art, the video, the photos!! awesome!

  43. Walk like...I remember!
    Your spring looks so beautiful. Here it's grey and raining right now.
    Now I have to go - sewing again...trousers, summer tops etc.

  44. A bit late commenting, been busy!

    Your pages are beautiful and that Egyptian thing so cool!

    Spring in Finland is so late!


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