
Friday 15 April 2016

Thinking back to my time in Liverpool

Hi Everybody!

Before I moved to Germany I spent the last year or so living in Liverpool, on the corner of Penny Lane and Dudley Road, so this song from the Beatles always had a big significance for me. I composed the middle part from various elements and photos in my graphics programme, pasted it onto an A3 gessoed page, and extended the centre part with Gelatos and pastel chalks. Then I added the fussy cut pillar-box, little girl and cyclist, some music washi tape, and some stenciled birds.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, for the record, and Moo Mania and More, music.

I love it when a frosty night is followed by a misty morning, and it is always special to see the sun sailing up through the mist:

My visitor was sitting patiently in the tree waiting for me to stop playing around and put out some food - and the leaves on the trees are now really visible:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I was wondering when you'd bring the Beatles out to play - lovely page! Great photos, too, and I always like listening to the music. Good night, hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie. Great photo shots. I always loved the Beatles. Always will. How wonderful that you lived on Penny Lane. How exciting. Love your tribute.::hugs::

  3. really nice mixed media Liverpool inspired page! No leaves yet for us!

  4. Love your Beatles page, and your connection to the song makes it even better. And your visitor is very patient. But the fact he can wait in the leaves-how great that is. We finally have real spring weather- and I hope it stays!!!! Have a great weekend. :)Erika

  5. I'm not a big fan of the Beatles, as I'm sure I've mentioned before, but this song is one you simply do NOT get out of your head. I love that you lived on Penny Lane. I didn't even realize it was a real street until you mentioned it. It was a great way to memorialize the song and illustrate it, too.

    I LOVE that first photo of the trees. It is so moody and perfectly colored, too. Hope you have a great Saturday and fun weekend.

  6. Eine wundervolle Arbeit Valerie und die SOnnenaufgangsbilder sind so schön.. vom ersten bin ich total beeindruckt!
    Einen schönen Samstag Liebes!

  7. Love this piece! Brings back so many memories. Beautiful photos. Also love misty mornings. hugs, Donna

  8. Love your Beatles page Valerie and you living on the corner of Penny Lane really makes it special.
    Great sunrise photos and I hope Mr Blackbird enjoyed his breakfast
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Avril xx

  9. Love the Beatles page and thank you for the link to Penny Lane. Nice to revisist the past for you and for me.

    Love the photographs and the peaceful feel to the misty morn with the rising sun. Beautiful!

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie xx

  10. Beautiful sunrise photos, we actually had a fluttering of snow overnight but the sun is quickly melting it. One of my favourite Beatles songs, I'll be singing it all day now. Have a lovely weekend, hope your walking it a bit easier now. Xx

  11. Love that song! Beautiful piece today. Your sunrise photos are so stunning!! I can't actually see the sun from where I am. I get a lot of pretty colours on the horizon but the sun rises behind a big stupid apartment building down the street! I am envious of your wonderful view! hugs and happy weekend!

  12. Brilliant creation, love this song and images and gorgeous colours chosen. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.xx

  13. This piece for AJJ is great, it fits the song perfectly! Great to see the green appearing your way too!

    1. I've been watching the trees in font of my window for weeks, waiting for those first green leaves....

  14. To see the world through your eyes - how very special! Love this page and I really enjoyed the video. Valerie, your mind must race with ideas all the time!!
    Sandy xx

  15. How cool. Both the piece and that you lived on Penny Lane. The photos are breathtaking. Is that a Miss Bluebird?

  16. Memories for me too Valerie of my college days! Great collage! I love today's photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Wow, dort hast du sogar gewohnt, so nah am Geschehen ... da musstest du jetzt auch diese Seite machen!
    Sehr schön! ... die ganzen Songs aus dieser Zeit kann ich alle noch auswendig... Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  18. What a wonderful tribute to a music legend that brought so much to all of us around the world! Thanks for sharing :) Happy PPF!

  19. TerrificBeatles page with personal input a huge plus. Your photos of the sun peeking through the mist are amazing. Enjoy what's left of your weekend.

  20. Wonderful to see the sun rise gradually, you do have such a terrific view to show us without even leaving your flat. The bird looks like a blackbird but has lovely blue feathers?? I assume that is just the photographic effect?
    Nice image on Penny Lane, and no, I didn't have to listen to the music link to now have the music playing through my head.

    1. The early morning light made her feathers look blue, rather nice really.

    2. Yes, I agree. Penny Lane is still playing in my head! And it's rather nice too.

  21. What a wonderful, personal connection! It's a lovely piece! What a sweet bird in the photographs too.

  22. You lived on Penny Lane. How cool. What came first - the song or the street?

  23. So cool that you have a personal attachment to the song. Of course they all have an attachment to our youth ♥ Great page and love the photos. Have a great day or what's left of it for you :) Mine is just beginning.... rather early here too.

  24. Such a fun collage you created here of your memories. Thank you for taking us through nature's beauty too.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  25. Penny lane, what a fantastic place to have called home. The tribute page to the Fab 4 looks awesome.
    Yvonne xx


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