
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Starry, starry Night

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well.

For Art Journal Journey, For the Record,
and for Moo Mania and More, music
I made a hybrid piece starring Vincent and featuring the wonderful
song, 'Vincent', sung by Don McLean. This is my own version of starry night here, made with charcoal and pastel chalks, the head is one of 'my' heads and the Vincent portrait is one of my 'knock-offs' made with water colours and pastel chalks. I needed something to cheer me up today, so spent a lot of time listening to soothing music and looking at Vincent's wonderful art.

If you don't know this lovely song, it's well worth listening to:

Some pictures taken on my walk today. The stairs leading from the Rhine tow path to the Basilica are being repaired at last:

I love the angles of the roofs and towers round the hospital:

The hospital gardens are flourishing:

And I 'picked' this fantastic tulip outside the pub:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So glad I caught this one before I go to bed, it's so beautiful. You have outdone yourself again, this has such a great atmosphere, and your page, combined with the lovely song, is a fantastic tribute to Vincent. Love your photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. oh my what a beautiful post,,
    I had tulips just like those when I was in my house,

  3. What a super clever way to put those Van Gogh elements together, brilliant!

  4. Now you have me singing that song! You know how I feel about Vincent so it is no wonder how much I like your page!
    Sandy xx

  5. Incredible and I am blown away that you actually painted that portrait, what a talent.
    I have the song swirling in my head, that's okay as it is a favourite of mine although I always find it tugs at my heartstrings.

  6. Lovely 'starry night' inspired page. That is a gorgeous tulip, thanks for today's photos.

  7. How clever to combine Vincent from Don McClean with Vicent Van Gogh. I would never have thought of that combo, but it works perfect! Love it. And gorgeous photos today too. Hope tomorrow is a happier day for you. Hugs-Erika

  8. How clever to combine Vincent from Don McClean with Vicent Van Gogh. I would never have thought of that combo, but it works perfect! Love it. And gorgeous photos today too. Hope tomorrow is a happier day for you. Hugs-Erika

  9. Great design with the song and Vincent! Fantabulous blues and hues. So glad the stairs are in repair. Hugz! ~Niki

  10. Gorgeous photos! Loved your take on Starry night - one of my most favourite artwordks>

  11. You have done a good job. Your art looks beautiful. Beautiful flower. Enjoyed seeing all the photos...

  12. Well done - an interesting take on a beautiful song. Walking with you is always lovely. hugs, Donna

  13. Eine atemberaubend schöne Seite und fabelhafte Fotos liebe Valerie!
    Einen wunderschönen Tag wünsch ich Dir!

  14. You have created an awesome atmosphere with the Vincent page. I'd forgotten that song, but it popped in my mind as soon as I read your post. beautiful photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Beautiful added goodies to view today, all are just gorgeous so much to take it....xx

  16. Liebe Valerie,
    eine wundervolle und berührende Seite hast du gemacht, dazu die traumhaft schönen Fotos. Ich wünsche dir eine sonnige und freudige restliche Woche.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  17. I truly adore Vincent and have a copy of BOTH Starry Night paintings. In case you didn't know, he made two Starry Nights, but this is the most famous of the two he painted. I had never heard that Don McLean song before, so was glad you introduced me to it. What a wonderful entry.

    WOW, oh wow. Those tulips are unbelievable. I have never seen any like that before. And of course, I was delighted to see the stairs in a "before" state. I look forward to the "after" photos. Have a super day, dear.

  18. Hi Valerie,hope the smiles are back for you. Your photos make me smile and I've never viewed a ruffled tulip. Your photo is exquisite. Your page today is brilliant and taking a walk to absorb the spring atmosphere and blooming trees definitely makes me smile. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Oh je, bei diesem Lied kommen mir ganz traurige Erinnerungen in den Sinn, denn mein guter Freund, der damals diesen Song ganz wunderbar zur Gitarre sang, lebt leider nicht mehr. Dein blaues Bild passt ganz genau zu starry night. LG Ulrike

  20. AH ♥ Sucha a great Starry Night tribute :) Again a wonderful song from the past. Those tulips are amazing ♥ Since my plan is to plant a lot of tulips this fall I will have to look for something like that :)

  21. Ein schönes Lied mit beeindruckenden Bildern, danke dafür.
    Deine Collage ist auch wieder so einfallsreich gestaltet. Die gelben Wirbel im Kopf lassen uns nachdenken was wohl im Kopf von Vincent vorging. Wir waren letztes jahr im Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, wo es auch viel über sein Leben zu sehen und zu lesen gab, sehr traurig . Man hätte ihm bessere Förderer und Gönner gewünscht um sich freier zu entfalten. Dort hingen auch leider nicht so schöne Bilder wie im Video, sondern sehr düstere oder farblose Exponate. Sein Stil war jedoch einzigartig und sehr modern für diese Zeit, die aber noch nicht reif dafür war,schade.
    Liebe Grüße

  22. Your Starry Night art is stunning...something so striking about that color combo of bright blue and yellow, and of course I love that song! Always enjoy your photos too...have a great week!

  23. Your head looks very meditative today, I hope you are now cheered up, especially after the lovely walk with blue skies (I've almost forgotten what these look like).

  24. such a lovely song and art page to go with it Valerie! Hope the song has soothed you and those gorgeous tulips have made you smile.

  25. I love your head, it looks fantastic Valerie

  26. Wonderful piece Valerie, your colours are always so rich xx

  27. Absolutely stunnning Valerie!


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