
Tuesday 26 April 2016

Living with nature

Hi Everybody!

It is really freezing here again, I soooo hope that spring soon comes
back and stays with us.

For my tag at Tag Tuesday, with the theme 'go rural', I decided on a sheep die cut, which has been flying around in my bit box for years, and the morose Farmer, who appears in Shaun the sheep. The background was made from recycled scrap card, which was gessoed, inked and painted. The tree was embossed with a TH texture fade folder and then inked. I mounted the tag on a second tag made from peeled and painted cardboard to give a rustic look. The fence is a TH die cut, and has been distressed, painted and embossed. I mounted it with foam squares and curved it slightly.

And some photos from today:

This huge raven was sitting on my balcony yesterday morning and took off , screeching loudly, when I dared to open the balcony door. Scary!

The pigeons are not my faves, although they are very pretty. They love to trample my flowers flat and eat EVERY crumb they find, and no matter how often I tell them to bog off, they fly once round the trees and come back to attempt to find more food....

The jay is nearly as greedy, but not so destructive or messy!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely tag, reminds me of many happy hours watching Shaun with the kids when they were small. Great photo series, you have so much patience! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great fun tag Valerie, love the little sheep, he's so sweet. I'm with you about the greedy pigeons - they leave nothing for the other birds.
    Avril xx

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it that way!

  3. fun tag today Valerie and the spring flowers are so lovely. We have a lot of bunnies in our backyard, maybe too many.

  4. what an amazing and fun tag,, the photos are amazing!!!

  5. Fabulous. Lovely tag creation today just love the added gorgeousness of the beautiful nature walk.…xx

  6. A thumbs up to all the photographs today and especially the close ups of the pigeon and the blossom-had to save those.

    Love the tag with the fun farmer. I watch all the Shaun the Sheep stuff it is just wonderful.

    Have a great day

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  7. Had to laugh at Shaun the Sheep, because I had never heard of it. I did an internet search and found out it was a series of movies. I loved that the sheep was outside the fence. Smart sheep.

    We don't see many pigeons in my area. Too many snow geese, I guess. But another house I owned in a different town had pigeons everywhere. They may be pretty, but they are actually dirty birds that carry over 100 communicable diseases to humans. I was told to steer clear of their poop, and to only use disinfectant when getting rid of it. And it was a BIG problem, too. So, I'll gladly take your raven or blue jay, but the photos of the pigeon are fantastic. They are drop dead amazing, in fact!

    Looks like my city survived, but we have a huge clean up due to hail that was up to baseball size. More storms scheduled for this morning, so I'll be calming Bleubeard and eventually surveying the damage around my home.

    1. These are wood pigeons, as opposed to the smaller 'town' pigeons, and are thankfully not diseased like their town-cousins. But they're greedy big birds just the same.

  8. Thanks for introducing me to Shaun the sheep - had not heard of him. Great tag. The wood pigeons are glorious aren't they -- no wonder they are hungry - they are huge. Great shots. hugs, Donna

  9. These pictures may be your best yet. So beautiful and crisp.
    Love Shaun:)
    Bog off....I'm going to have to remember that!

    1. It was an expression we used at school as i was forbidden to use 'naughty' words!

  10. Shaun and the Sheep are new to me too; however, I love the cute tag you created finding a place for the sheep. The photos of the tree blossoms are phenomenal as are the ones of the birds. Stay warm.

  11. Your tag is funny.
    Your flowers and birdies are beautiful!
    Stay warm and Happy Wednesday

  12. Was für ein super Tag Valerie und die Aufnahmen sind echt ein Genuß! Voll klasse!

    oxo Susi

  13. What a fun tag!! That guy looks a bit like I feel when I look out of the window and it's snowing....

    1. I think I look like that every day when I see myself in the mirror....

  14. Seems we are being visited by similar birds this month. We had a Raven out back too a rare occasion for us. Fortunately he didn't hang around long. The feeders were empty and I left them that one for a day. The other birds were unhappy with me :( Your tag is very nice. I haven't made a tag in months .

  15. Haha! That cartoon man makes me laugh. Fabulous tag. I love the texture and the way you did the fence.

  16. Love the tag with the farmer and Shaun the sheep. its fantastic. beautiful photos as well, hope the frost didn't get to the lovely blossoms.
    Yvonne xx

  17. This tag is so much fun:) And those flowers are gorgeous! Did I hear correctly that you might get some cold weather? If so, I hope the flowers don't all die.:) Erika

  18. This tag is so much fun:) And those flowers are gorgeous! Did I hear correctly that you might get some cold weather? If so, I hope the flowers don't all die.:) Erika

  19. Oh I love you tag Valerie, why is it that pictures of miserable people make me laugh - definitely one for the head doctor lol. We have greedy pigeons too, they really don't take a hint do they xx

  20. Das Taubenportrait ist dir super geglückt... hellgrüne Augen hat sie...

  21. Ooooh! Confession time - I love Shaun the sheep! I have quite a few episodes on disc and love to watch them. We went with my grandchildren to see the movie and I think I embarrassed them by laughing out loud all on my own!!! Of course- goes without saying - I love this tag! Great photos today - I love the Jay, but the Crows (and sometimes Jackdaws )come and pull the feeders off the hedge..and the Pigeons wake us up with their cooing they are not at the top of my hit parade!! Must say though Pigeons and Collar Doves are so funny!! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. I must confess that I loved watching them with my grandchildren when they were small!

  22. Your tag is terrific, love the farmer and the sheep, and the way you have made the fence.
    You've captured the pigeons in quite astonishing detail, just look at the eye in the fourth photo, amazing. As you know the wood pigeons are among my favourite birds as they are so gentle, and they are quite large so need much more food than littler birds. I agree you don't want a whole crowd of them, we have three regulars.

  23. Omgosh ! What a fun fun tag!! I love it and the depth you have with it Valerie!!
    I know what you mean about the change in weather- brrr! I want Spring back-boo hoo!
    Hope your week is beautiful! xx


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