
Wednesday 2 March 2016

What's going on in the woods today?

Hi Everybody!

The first day in the Rehab went well, but was very strenuous. At the beginning we had a talk from a young man about why we were there, and he radiated 
the enthusiasm of a snail in winter-sleep, but after that we got down to brass tacks, there were lots of examinations, tests to see what we could move, how far and how well etc, and on the basis of all that our training plans for the next days
will be compiled. The staff are all very friendly. The food was not exciting, but edible - more is not necessary!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have another hybrid page, once again with bears....

And some photos from Hösel Woods:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful woods and a funny turn around on the bears in the woods too ;-)
    So they torture you at boot camp but feed you too.
    Hope that keeps going smoothly for you.
    Try and rest and take care liebe Valerie!

  2. Ha!Ha! Ha! You've done it again Valerie - brilliant! Great photos too! Hope the 'Boot camp' goes well tomorrow! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. Fun page for AJJ! Glad rehab day one went well. Love your photos of the woods, so peaceful.

  4. Hi Valerie, I enjoyed catching up with you tonight and visiting your posts. Fun in the woods pages. Your photos are amazing. Glad the rehab went well and continues for you till you are fully recovered. Blessings xo

  5. Hopefully tomorrow rehab will be a little bit better as you get used to it and recover. And what a fun journal page today. You are enjoying these bears, aren't you? I finally got some play time tonight and started a few pages...hopefully I'll have some to post soon. Take care of yourself! Hugs!

  6. Another great and FUN page, love your humour. Laughter does us all good, and it's a wonderful way for you to take your mind off things. Good luck with Boot Camp today. Hugs, Sarah

  7. Liebe Valerie,
    das hört sich nach heftiger Physio an, die du machen musst... ich hoffe von Herzen, dass du weniger Schmerzen hast und die Übungen dir täglich leichter fallen... ich kann es sehr gut ermessen, wie beschwerlich der Anfang ist... Dein Bärenbild finde ich absolut genial und so freundlich, lächelnd... Deine Waldfotos sind wundervoll, ich bin restlos begeistert davon, eine wunderschöne Gegend, in der du zu Hause bist.
    Gute Besserung und herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  8. Das Bild ist so lustig und schön gemacht und Euer Höselwald sieht wie ein Märchenwald aus!
    Einen guten Reha-Tag für heute Liebes!
    Take care of you!

  9. Terrific news about your training Valerie sounds like you will be fit again in no time at all.

    Love the woodland photographs and it all looks so peaceful

    The page made me laugh with the reverse Yogi Bear scene lol. Love the images on that

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. The program for you to get going again sounds quite thorough, you will be on the move again and I hope all goes well.
    I have had a laugh out loud moment with today's page, its brilliant.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Glad the rehab went well and I love your fun page - it made me smile.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Love your woodland piece and your pics of your woodland walk are totally amazing! First day of rehab sounds trying, hopefully it will only get better from here on out. hugs :)

  13. This is absolutely adorable. At least it seems that rehab has not damaged your sense of humor. Take care and always carry a cookie in your pocket for the times when their food leaves you hungry, LOL!

  14. Omgoodness ! Your quip made me giggle out loud!! too funny Valerie!
    So glad to hear "boot camp" went well,even though the snail in winter almost put everyone to sleep heehee
    So glad to hear you are progressing as fast and as well as you are- I read the pages earlier and felt so bad for the pain you were in "(
    Onward and upward-Spring and all of its beauty awaits you dear Valerie! hugs xx

  15. Love your piece today. So colourful. Hope boot camp was a little easier today for you. hugs, Donna

  16. Hey Valerie,
    Can I grab this one for Wacky Wednesday?
    Glad you got through the first day of rehab.

  17. Thanks for inviting the panda to the picnic; he fits right in. The photos of the forest never get old, I enjoy them so much. Today you probably started your rehab routine and I am so happy you have progressed so rapidly. It appears you have a great team working with you.

  18. I'm with Carolyn. The bears in the forest are such fun. I also thought the panda was a great addition to the bears' picnic. And your humor is showing.

    Food and exercise! Guess you can't ask for more than that. You will get through it before you know it. I'm sure pulling (and pushing) for you.

    BTW, my friend Sally told me she fell asleep while they were stretching her arm/shoulder at PT yesterday. I'm sure that won't happen to you, though.

    1. Hardly, the exercises are still so painful that I certainly wouldn't be able to sleep!

  19. I wish you well for your rehab, a super post filled with humour and fun! Such beautiful woods too!

  20. your hybrid page is soo FUN, and funny! and your forest photos are stunning...I love a walk among the for physical therapy, my husband says those therapists have a bit of a mean streak, as they make us work harder than we 'think we can.' but that's all to the good in the long run! You go girl!

  21. Your pictures taken of the woods are gorgeous. What a beautiful place to walk. The colors of the flowers and the trees...heaven on earth. And you Into the Woods is making me laugh. I like it so much I went and showed it to Buddy. I am assuming the bears have a lovely bottle of vino there with them on the blanket. This is oh, so cute. I LOVE it. genie

  22. Laugh out loud - laugh from my heart - I do love your sense of humor Valerie. I do not understand computer hybrid pages but that is all for the best - it is all I can do to make what I do!! I hear that Bears do love to drink root beer so I am sure that is what they have here on their delightful picnic!
    sandy xx


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