
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Waiting for spring....

Hi Everybody!

Today was my last day at the Rehab /Boot Camp. I have learnt a lot,
the pains and swelling are less, and I am hopeful that
it will get better and better in the coming days and weeks.
I still feel very exhausted, physically and mentally, and need to take things
a bit easier in the next few days.

At Moo Mania we are starting a new challenge today -
I was hoping that we would be experiencing spring weather just now, but it seems to be a long time in coming!
 I made a hybrid page using a photo taken out of my kitchen window, 
and the pot of hyacinths is also from my kitchen window ledge. I added the windows and trailing plants digitally.

We are looking forward to seeing your spring creations there, so hope to see lots of you linking your work. Projects of all formats are allowed, not only 'moos'.

And for 99 faces I have another doodle drawing - number 88 - made in hospital.

And last but not least, some spring pictures taken one year ago:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Such beautiful art and gorgeous photos too. Love these my friend. x ps also I have entered the moo challenge now too. x

  2. Beautiful spring page Valerie and your hyacinths add a lovely pop of colour.
    Glad to hear boot camp is finished and hopefully you won't be so tired. Loved seeing your spring photos and wishing it was here.
    Take care, Avril xx

  3. Beautiful spring page Valerie and your hyacinths add a lovely pop of colour.
    Glad to hear boot camp is finished and hopefully you won't be so tired. Loved seeing your spring photos and wishing it was here.
    Take care, Avril xx

  4. Hi Valerie. I seem to have missed something over the last few months as I never realised you were at boot camp. Hope you are making the grade now. Love those doodles and your pictures are so refreshing as always. Hugs Rita xxx

  5. Ohhhh this post is full of spring and life. Glad the boot camp is over.

  6. Your page has a wonderful spring feel. Lovely hospital doodle and beautiful spring flowers from last year! We are expecting some bad spring weather in Toronto tomorrow and for the next few days, freezing rain and stuff.

  7. Love the whole post - the spring page, the doodles and the lovely photos. Our weather is still pretty grim, too. Glad Boot Camp is over, take care, hugs, Sarah

  8. Jetzt MUSS der Frühling endlich kommen, wenn Du ihn schon so sehr herausforderst heute! Toll ist die Seite und auch das Doodle ist fabelhaft ..meine Güte was Du für Geduld hast mit all den Schnörkeln...
    Die Aufnahmen lassen mich auf Frühling -zumindest- hoffen.
    Ich hoffe Du feierst Deinen Boot Camp Erfolg gebührend!Und genau -- gönn Dir ein paar Tage Ruhe und komm runter!

  9. Beautiful post. The window full of flowers looks so inviting, and your sketch from the hospital is gorgeous! It must be lovely to be so close to nature when you go for your walks. Always very healing. hugs, Donna

  10. Awesome doodling Valerie and I just love those lovely Spring photos.
    Hope you feel better really soon and take care.
    Fliss xx

  11. Wonderful photographs from a year ago Valerie and very different from the scene outside now. It is really cold this morning and only the daffodils and primulas are showing any sign of life so far.

    Love the open window and the wonderful hyacinths though the smell of them I find really overpowering indoors.

    The drawings is terrific and the doodles around it wonderful.

    Hope you are aching too much and enjoy a rest today

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. A gorgeous page, I love hyacinths, great doodles and beautiful photos. Glad boot camp is finished.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. Love your spring windows. Its so pretty, along with all those spring flowers. They are saying a little more snow here tomorrow morning...oh my. I think I will just look at all your photos and keep dreaming. Happy day!!!!! Hugs-Erika

  14. Beautiful work Valerie. I love your photos from last year, I do hope you feel well enough soon to get out into the world again. hugs :)

  15. I love your pic of letting in the Spring and your doodling is pure perfection, Valerie! Hope you're feeling better real soon.

  16. Awe...spring through your window;love it. Hyacinths have such a wonderful scent. Your face in the heart shape is outstanding. Extra rest today and each day this week. Come Monday you will feel like a new person.

  17. Yeah you made it though boot camp!! Love the spring through the windows. And your photos....awesome!!

  18. Hope you are back to your best soon!
    Love seeing the spring pics, even if they were from last year.
    Best to you!! :)

  19. Happy Spring, Dear Valerie-Jael!
    ~~ Irene

  20. Kudos to you for making it through boot camp!
    Look at those gorgeous spring photographs and your spring piece. I love it. When I try to type directly on a photo the text shrieks. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
    Also love the doodles. Looks like a page from an adult coloring book.

    1. PS That was supposed to be shrinks, but I guess it shrieks too:)

  21. A beautiful open window page, if the flowers were real the aroma would be lovely. A Wonderful doodle face drawing and lovely photos. I hope you had a good rest today and are enjoying being able to spend more time relaxing at home.
    Yvonne xx

  22. I love your window page and your doodled face is fabulous. I hope spring will come soon for you, Dear and that you will continue to recover well.

  23. You won't believe this, but I fell asleep reading this post. I was so tired and I finally woke when my head hit the keyboard. True story.

    The beautiful spring inspired Moo-Mania entry is gorgeous. Such attention to detail. Of course, your wonderful spring photos are stunning, too, even if you did dig them up from last year. Well worth the wait.

    You call it "doodles," and I call it ART. What a great face.

    So glad to read you are finished with rehab and now you can get on with your life. I suspect you are getting stronger by the day and will now start taking a few walks to your favorite spots down by the river. Have a super wonderful day, dear. Now that I'm awake, that is!

  24. WOW such beautiful art and amazing photography!!
    Dr Sonia

  25. WOW,was für eine wunderschöne frohlingsseite,so hübsch mit den krokussen im fenster,ich hoffe auch das bald frühling wird.
    du hast wundervolle frühlingsbilder gemacht,richtig erfrischend ist das.
    ich hoffe doch sehr das es dir bald besser geht,es wird mit der zeit immer besser,ich wünsch dir gute besserung und trotz alledem ein schönes osterfest,bald kommt die sonne und es wird wärmer,du wirst sehen dann gibt es nur noch positives.
    einen wunderschönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  26. Beautiful spring creation, lovely colour tones too....have a lovely Easter weekend...xx {aNNie}

  27. Hope you're relaxing today. Love the pic of the horse through the branch. Don't ya love horses?

  28. Soooooooooooooo thankful it is finally over. I know for a fact - you have just come through one of the hardest, most grueling events you can ever make it through. Some folks don't - they can't take it. Alas, there is no reward or trophy except that it's over and you did it Valerie. But... I am sending you a big HIGH FIVE and all my admiration girl. YES - please - just rest and take it easy as much as you can. Thank you so much for keeping us all updated on your progress so we know how to pray too.

    Imagine - already up so high on your 99 faces - you are almost there!!! Another wonderful doodle - you never cease to amaze me.

    YES- that's so fun - to open the window for the first time and let in the spring. Your creation is just perfect and sooooo lovely. Gorgeous flowers!! And your photo flowers are so stunning too. Spring Flowers. EASTER time flowers. HAPPY EASTER sweet friend. Hugs. j.

  29. Love the art!!!! Especially the doodle art ♥ The Spring photos are beautiful. We are looking more Spring like here even though it is supposed to be very cold tonight. Hoping it's the last freeze of the season ! Take care and soon you will back to yourself only better than before surgery!!!

  30. Oh Valerie! What do I love most about this post? Is it the fabulous Spring window with the fragrance of the hyacinths in my imagination? Is it the beautiful doodle decorated lady? Is it the gorgeous photos saying Spring will soon be as good as last year, just a little later? Well, it's all of these-but best of all boot camp is over and done with and your recovery can move on now but at a slightly less pressured pace! Hugs, Chrisx

  31. Fabulous Spring photos...even the lighting projects Spring onto those photos...gorgeous.Soon you will be taking them of Spring this year!! Wonderful doodle face, love all the details and the hyacinths page is awesome too!! I hope things are looking up for you!!

    Hugs Giggles


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