
Monday 28 March 2016

Tuesday Mixed Bag

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting   new challenge at TIOT 
so we need to see some words of wisdom on your projects. Projects of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to link your creations to us - hope to see lots of you at there!

I made a hybrid piece, using photos of the Basilica, Erika and a bird in a tree. I have given it bright colours - not my usual choice - to underline my message.

For 99 faces I have another doodle face, and I have started doodling again, so there will be more to come.  This is number 94 - 5 more to go.

And as it's Tuesday it's also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big welcome to all the T Gang. I did not manage to get round to everybody in the Gang last week, as I was just exhausted after the Rehab/Boot camp, but as I am now free again, I will get to you all this week.
Today I am sharing some Flapjacks - these are English cookies, made with golden syrup, brown sugar, oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruit - whatever you have to hand. No, no calories. They are sticky and delicious!

And my drink is, as always, cappuccino.

And some photos taken on sunny Saturday:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm a cappuccino girl too! I LOVE your first hybrid piece with all those fabulous neons and your sketch is so clever and cool! xoxo

  2. Lovely work for the challenges, great to see the sunshine in the photos. You are a good baker Valerie, yum!

  3. ich love auch cappucino und deiner sieht lecker aus,werd mir auch gleich mal einen machen,yummy.
    deine seite ist cool mit den schönen farben,und dein doodle bild ist klasse.
    schöne bilder vom rhein hast du gemacht.
    ich muss heute zum arzt und hab keine lust.
    wünsch dir einen wunderschönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  4. More beautiful work again today, I am pleased that you manage to get so much done each day in spite of all the pain and discomfort I know you still have. Keep resting! Hugs, Sarah

  5. A really wonderful page with the best quote ever I reckon. Great use of your wonderful photograph.

    The doodled face is terrific. She looks a bit shy and maybe even the hint of a blush.

    Nice looking brownie thing and I was pleased to see it was calorie free as I have gained a few calories while the family have been here.

    The photographs cheered me no end as we have had rain and gale force winds and today there is a thick frost and red sky which usually is a sign of something we would rather not have

    Enjoy your day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Ein zauberhaftes Werk mit Erika - wunderschön und Dein Gesicht ist sehr ausdrucksstark und die Dynamik in ihrem Haar wirkt super-außerdem gefällt mir dass sie durch die Schattierungen ausgearbeitet ist.. klasse!
    Ne den Keksen widerstehe ich jetzt einfach mal....
    ich esse vielleicht heute noch die letzte S-Torte - ääätsch!!!
    Ja endlich wenigsten die Palmkätzchen sind schon da überall....
    Happy T-Day - hoffentlcih ein sonnoger für Dich!

  7. sehr schöne augen hast du der frau doodle gegeben... und wenn der kuchen keine Kalorien hat, dann nehm ich gleich zwei stück, haha... wenn die bienen noch nicht schon da sind, diese Woche kommen sie bestimmt zu den Palmkätzchen. schöne Woche, Valerie!

  8. Of course I adore the colours you have chosen for your quote piece -- very nice. Face is wonderful as usual -- I'll be over for coffee and a treat. Looks like a nice day of walking. Big hugs, Donna

  9. Love this fantastic page and quote, the vivid colours are amazing. Your doodle face is fabulous too. Thanks for the coffee and cookies... hahaha!
    Have a lovely day! Hugs, Mar

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    wundervoll deine Seite, dein Doodle ist absolut genial, aber ich schrieb ja schon, dass ich ein ein absoluter Fan bin ;-). Herrlich, dass die Natur bei euch nun auch in den Frühlingsmodus gewechselt hat, wunderschöne Fotos zeigst du dazu. Und die Kekse sind Klasse, da nasche ich gerne einen davon, hab lieben Dank dafür.
    Einen sonnenschönen Dienstag dir.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  11. This is super fabulous. Love the whole design and colour combo from your pages, to your photos to your coffee and yummy slice..xx

  12. I love that quote and how you illustrated it. I can relate with the struggling health bit and hope you´ll be all right soon. Also enjoyed the lovely photos, I so long for spring! Happy T-Day!

  13. Oh my gosh Valerie! I love this page and the awesome elements! AMAZING quote! Hugs!


  14. Oh my gosh Valerie! I love this page and the awesome elements! AMAZING quote! Hugs!


  15. I never heard of these flapjack cookies.Here a flapjack is a pancake, but they look yummy and I would make them. I will have to look for a recipe. LOVE the hybrid piece today too.The colors are great and I love the layout too. And your sketch is also really fun. You are getting so close to you are getting excited to complete your challenge. Have a great T day.

  16. Yumm! I love flapjacks! But I'm trying to lose weight so the flapjacks will have to wait.
    That is a great quote you have chosen.
    And I love those buds on the bush. Yes, spring is on its way.
    Have a great week,

  17. Tolle farbige Collage mit den Basilika-Rundbögen, und auch die Haare deiner Doodle-Dame gefallen mir sehr. Bei uns ist es nur grau, da tun deine blauen Fotos richtig gut! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  18. Like Erika, I have never heard of flapjack cookies, but thought they were very weird looking pancakes. Love the looks of them. And of course, I'll gladly share a cappuccino with you.

    Those totally unlike-you colors fit the quote so well. It turned out to be a gorgeous piece. And the doodle is fabulous. I LOVE the springtime hair, too.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful (as always) photos, your wonderful art, and your flapjacks and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

    Sorry I was so late getting here. I'm having computer issues again.

  19. LOVE the colors of that sweet hybrid piece Valerie! Your portrait drawing is really lovely. I don't know-those treats look dangerous to me:):) Always love the outdoor photos esp. along the waters. Happy T day!

  20. Hold on to the cappuccino and flapjacks....I'll be right over:)
    Your doodle drawing is so delicate. And I love the thought behind Blue and painting yourself a different color. Not to mention the color you picked:)

  21. Oh those colors are beautiful and illustrate your quote perfectly liebe Valerie.
    Your treats look very delicious and tempting ♥
    The budding branches made me think of Pussy Willow at first glance.
    Happy T Day oxo

  22. Have enjoyed seeing all of todays amazing photos of your walk and the yummy flapjacks. Love the hybrid page with the super quote, the face drawing is beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  23. beautiful colorful art work! I have an art friend who just put purple dye in her hair one day on a whim...guess that would qualify as 'color yourself!' always enjoy your lovely photos, the sticky bars look yummy, and the doodle face is lovely! happy T glad you made it through boot camp! ♥

  24. I love your photos. That water looks so _blue_! Happy T Tuesday :)

  25. Great hybrid art....I have a stamp with that very same sentiment...just love it.

    Happy T-day

  26. Fantastic quote for your journal page today. I think I'll paint myself a bright, sunny yellow. Yellow and orange are not my favorite colors but when I think of spring, yellow always comes to mind. Your face sketch is terrific again today, Valerie. Hugs,

  27. Wonderful page Valerie, love the quote.
    I love flapjacks - like yours, mine don't have any calories in either!
    Lovely pictures from you Sunday walk, nice to see sunshine.
    Avril xx

  28. I guess I need to get my crayons out and color me a different color :) Love th edoodle face. Those cookies do look amazing and sound even yummier. Thanks for sharing them!! Take care !

  29. I love your cheerful hybrid page and that fabulous quote! Your face is beautiful too! It's good to see your photos -especially as it means you are out walking again (even if it is taking a little while longer!)Hugs, Chrisx

  30. Lovely work once again. AS well as photos. Flapjacks are pancakes around here. Interesting the different names we have for the same things.

  31. Beautiful colours in your art page and a lovely, intense face. I wonder what she is thinking. Hugs, Teresa

  32. Oooh I love your colourful piece Valerie, very Twilight Zone lol, and your doodled face is amazing xx


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