
Wednesday 9 March 2016


Hi Everybody!

As some of you may have noticed, yesterday was the start of a new challenge at 

and I forgot to post my post about it - sorry!

The theme is 'Use newspaper'. As always, projects of all sorts are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to join us! I made a mixed media piece:

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, 
I have another hybrid piece. This time I made a few alterations to a beautiful painting from Ivan Shishkin, 1889. The bears are out and about again.

No photos today, I am just so tired I can't sit here any more - Boot Camp /Rehab was haaaaaaaaaaaaard!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sleep well dear Valerie - you have earned it! Once again I am laughing at the bears - I had something along these lines planned but I don't think I would match this! I love the mixed media piece! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Nice pages, the 2nd one is funny!

  3. Brilliant art.
    Did you hear me LOLing at the hybrid. That much laughter cannot be good for me at this late hour!
    Sorry to read that rehab was bad, here's to tomorrow being a better day.

  4. Where did you come up with all these fantastic bear ideas? This is another great one. I love your Moo Mania piece too. Hope tomorrow isn't quite such a work out at boot camp. Hugs--Erika

    1. The bear ideas were just spontaneous ones after seeing the images and the painting.

  5. Your nudist bears made me spit tea over the computer, too too funny today. Take it easy at Boot Camp, you're not training for a marathon, are you?? Hugs, Sarah

  6. I wondered about your MM&M entry, so I'm glad to see your entry today. It's lovely and I enjoy all the places you traveled while making it.

    Those bears are TOOOOOOO funny. This was incredible.

    Sorry you had a hard day at rehab. I'm sure there will be more, but at least you know you are making progress. Hope things are better today.

  7. Beides ist toll gemacht - klasse!!!
    ... und ich hab wieder ein für mich neues englisches Wort kennen gelernt...
    obwohl ich ungefähr wusste was es heissen könnte "dis-gust-ing" - wir sprechen in Wien gern von "un-gust-iös" - wenn etwas ekelhaft ist ...immer wieder interessant mit den Wörtern...
    Bald hast Du Dein Kampfausbildungslager hinter Dir und wirst gestählt und fit wie ein Turnschuh am Rhein entlang marschieren! Bussi Susi

    1. Ungustiös ist ein tolles Wort, muss ich mir merken!

  8. Just read your question about the cinnamon. Yes, most of the pieces still smell like cinnamon, partly because I bought a new jar of (cheap) cinnamon that I dedicated to my craft room. When I added the Mod Podge, the two didn't smell good together, though. It could be my Mod Podge is old, or it may be the fact I don't like the smell of it, but I know it wasn't the brand new cinnamon I just opened.

    1. Thanks for the answer! My mod-podge doesn't smell good either!

  9. sweet and a funny one 'sound' tired so hope this finds you in bed

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    deine Bilder sind wiederum absolut fantastisch und grossartig. Ohja, Reha ist heftig, kenne ich auch eigener Erfahrung, deswegen wünsche ich dir ganz viel Kraft und Energie, dass du die restl. Rehatage auch noch gut schaffst.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  11. Hallöchen,
    deine Bärchen sind ja sowas von süüüüß, und lustig, richtig uplifting. Da kann man doch gar nicht müde sein! (zwinker)
    Spätestens dann, wenn alle beteiligten Muskeln wieder wissen, dass es sie gibt, müsste das Bootcamp nicht mehr so ermüdend sein. Just hold on with a smile! ;)

  12. Hope you did sleep well Valerie and today isn't as tiring.

    You are so funny--this bear page had me laughing out loud it terrific.

    Love the Moo Mania artwork and saw it yesterday over there--so many things to admire and inspire on it

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Love your Moo Mania piece, it has lots of depth and interest. Your into the woods piece is lovely too!

  14. Beautiful artwork Valerie, and I can in that gorgeous forest image in your teddy art as one of your photos. You need to relax and rest up, don't overdo it. hugs :)

  15. Beide Bilder gefallen mir sehr gut - bei den Bären musste ich herzhaft lachen!

  16. Too funny! nudist bears! heehee
    Have a super day Valerie!! hugs,Jackie

  17. Your 'newspaper piece' is smashing .. and of course I'm in love with your bears. Great work. Hoping you survive boot camp well today -- you are very brave. hugs, Donna

  18. Hope today was better than yesterday, Love the journal pages. The bears just has to be my favourite, love the thought of the nudist colony, great fun.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Beautiful and very detailed collage page,Valerie. The "in the woods" take today made me giggle. You did a fantastic job using the painting of Shiskin for the background. Love those bears! Ugh, more rehab on Friday and then you will have the weekend to rest.

  20. Ich wundere mich, dass du neben deinem Rehaprogramm noch so viel Zeit fürs kreative Arbeiten findest, das würde ich nie schaffen. Schöne Collage! LG Ulrike

  21. Sounds like you are getting quite spectacular after-care.
    Your teddy illustrations are extremely amusing, my teddies are ROFL, especially the nuddie ones.

  22. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!!!! Just repeating something you are always telling me to do. :) Hoping you feel better tomorrow and are all rested up . Love the art today :)

  23. Gorgeous mixed media piece and your bears are cute. I hope you are mending well.

  24. Hallo Valerie, hier bin ich wieder ;-)
    Hoffe sehr dass es dir wieder besser geht. Hab' Moo Mania erst entdeckt und die wunderschönen Kunstwerke. Ich bin zwar eine leidenschaftliche Art Journalerin musste aber gleich mitmachen und eine alte post von mir verlinken - passend zum Thema :-)
    Heilende Gedanken, eine Portion Sonnenschein & Ganz Liebe Grüße von mir,


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