
Monday 14 March 2016

New challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today was another hard day at the Boot Camp, rehab, but I am getting stronger
from day to day, and that's why I'm there. 9 days down, 6 still to go!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday
and our theme is Nature. As always, projects of all sorts are allowed, and you
have 2 weeks to get creative, and to link your creation  to us.

I made a hybrid piece using one of my photos taken at the Rhine, text and a mask.

And it's Tea stands for Tuesday, my drink is coffee, and a hearty welcome to Elisabeth and the T gang! Help yourselves to lemon cake!

For 99 faces I have another hybrid piece, using a mixed media background,  a Frida Kahlo stencil with lace(stencilry) and a bird photo.

The photos were taken on my Sunday walk:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely work for the challenges and perfect photos! Now the days of boot camp seem to be going so slow as I read your progress!

  2. Oh Valerie, I adore the nature inspired piece you have created. It is stunning and wonderful. I love the layers and layers you created.

    I was truly impressed with your Frida. The lacy face was just unbelievable.

    Was that a party boat? It sure looked like one of those where they cruise the water and are treated to a meal. Loved the photo of the anchor, too. Seems it is a different view than I'm used to. And I really, really enjoyed seeing the stone pattern on the street.

    Boot camp sounds like it's getting easier, or maybe you just have a great weekend. Either way, you "sound" better.

  3. Love your nature piece and lacy Frida is fantastic, well done. Boot camp will soon be finished, and you will be feeling much better. Hugs, Sarah

  4. OMGosh. How did I miss your lemon cake and coffee? I must be blind. It looks good enough to eat, and of course I'll share the coffee with you any day. Thanks for sharing this little slice of lemon heaven with us for T this Tuesday. And apparently, I need my eyes checked again!

  5. beautiful val,deine seiten heute sind wie immer wunderschön.
    hhhmmm,leecker lemoncake,den mag ich soooo gern,ich möchte bitte ein stückchen.
    deine bilder sind auch wieder klasse,ganz toll.
    ab montag habe ich gesangsuntericht,ich bin schon sooo aufgeregt,drück mir mal die daumen das alles gut geht.
    einen schönen tag für dich.

    hugs jenny

  6. Liebe Valerie,
    nun siehst du schon bald das Ende der Reha, nicht mehr lange und es geht dir hoffentlich besser. Deine Challenge ist wunderschön, ein absolut tolles Bild, das mich berührt, ebenso wie Frida Kahlo die ich hier wieder sehe. Faszinierende Bilder und Fotos, die mich berühren.
    Weiterhin viel Kraft und alles Liebe.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  7. If I ever come to your country you are my first yummy cake and lots to see in your world..... love love love...Brilliant creation, love the image and inspiration . so much to see and admire here....

  8. die spitzenschablone kommt frida sehr entgegen, passt voll zu ihrem mexikanischen folk Background! und einer meiner lieblingssprüche von ihr! happy t-day!

  9. Amazing progress you are making Valerie but it does sound like hard work-well done for sticking with it.

    Wonderful page for the nature challenge it is rightly named perfection

    The lemon cake looks extra yummy and I love the matching mat.

    The lace face is stunning and Frida still shines through it.

    The photographs are terrific and I couldn't resist saving the paved one at the bottom to make as tile for textured background-thank you for sharing

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. A beautiful page Valerie and your lacy Frida is amazing. Glad you're making progress at boot camp.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Lovely work, Valerie. I'm very much in love with your heron - so using 'him' as part of a page is wonderful. Of course, you know I adore Frida -- one of my favorite quotes. You have conjured up a very unique piece. Hope Boot Camp went well today. hugs and love, Donna

  12. Your hard work at boot camp seems to be working well for you, I'm sure its not that easy to face it on a daily basis.
    Love the nature page with the stately heron. The Frida page is fabulous as well.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Absolutely gorgeous hybrid!! And yes, yes, I will sit with you and enjoy some tea and lemon bread! yummy!! Great job on the rehab! !Keep it up! xo

  14. Another inspiring post Valerie! I love the hybrid piece of your fabulous Heron! The lacy Frida is fantastic! Pleased to hear that boot camp is getting you moving better, especially to get you out to take those wonderful photos! Oh! and the lemon cake, well actually, because my sugar levels are heading downwards again I will just take a little from the thin end, Thank You!!! Have a good day! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. Beautiful project Valerie!

  16. Hope you're feeling a bit better today Valerie. Lovely river dance piece and your photos are gorgeous. hugs :)

  17. Hi Valerie, love your Frida piece with the doily, it is fabulous indeed and the heron by the river, gorgeous. You live in a wonderful place for a walk to see many different things. Lemon cake... yum!! Happy T day to you! Annette

  18. wow- SO much beauty to take in here Valerie!! Gorgeous nature pieces, and the doily face-very clever and original.Love that lemon themed tray and the cake sounds delicious as well. Happy T day!

  19. That lemon cake looks delicious and I love the cobbled street. Keep up the good work with the physio! xx

  20. As always there is so much to Love in your photos!
    The last shot with the brick walk is super.
    Your blue and white china with that yummy cappuccino and lemon cake = oh my!
    The River Dance collage is magical and such an original take on Frida too.
    Happy T Day liebe Valerie.
    Keep up your are a star!

  21. Love your piece for this challenge, the water really looks like its moving. The cobblestone photo is my favorite.
    Hugz, Z

  22. Love your piece for this challenge, the water really looks like its moving. The cobblestone photo is my favorite.
    Hugz, Z

  23. Using the stencil on the face was very creative and worked so well. Enjoyed the scenes from your walk, especially the bric walkway in the last photo.

  24. Is that a heron? I love your birds and your nature photography. Happy T Tuesday!

  25. I'm not part of the T gang, but I wouldn't turn down that lemon cake:) Your food presentation is always so inviting. Love River Dance.

  26. What a great post. Some awesome art today- I love the lace face. How clever is that. And lemon T cake-yummmmmy! Hope boot camp is going well. Hugs nd warm thoughts-Erika

  27. Happy T-day!
    What yummy looking did you know lemon cake is my favorite?

    OMGosh! I LOVE the River Dance piece of art!!! and who would have thought to use lace for a face?........YOU! LOL! Well done!

    Always enjoy you photos of your walks, the anchor, the light post and shadow and the brick paved area......all so outstanding.

  28. Hope you continue to improve!
    Loved all your pieces and your photos as well.

  29. River Dance piece is absolutely gorgeous Valerie! Get well very soon! Hugs!

  30. Finally, back on the scene....Hello! River Dance really appeals, but the 'lace-face' is a knock-out. Remember well the Steamer from Cologne to Mainz (spl?). Often got off at Coblentz.

  31. Hope the next 6 days fly by Valerie, Love the River Dance art piece and I adore the crocheted doily face. What a fabulous design. You are so creative.
    Thank you for the lemon cake. It looks so delicious!

    Have a great night! xo

  32. Oh my goodness i think i will have some lemon cake..Yum! Happy Tday!! Hugs! deb

  33. so much to love here...Beauty, all sorts! Lemon cake? yes, please! your art work is wonderful, and photos full of sunshine charming. Happy T day!

  34. so much to love here...Beauty, all sorts! Lemon cake? yes, please! your art work is wonderful, and photos full of sunshine charming. Happy T day!

  35. A great nature hybrid piece with the beautiful Rhine photo. The Frida with the lace looks so gorgeous. A super post today!
    Hugs, Mar

  36. Your blog is beautiful today, Valerie. This week is a difficult one for us as one or the other has doctor appointments every day. Will catch up with you later in am email. Happy to see you out and about and save me a piece of your cake. Hugs,

  37. Oh !!! Love RiverDance!!!! Mr. Heron is lovely in your art and I do so like the Frida art also. Glad to hear that the boot camp has had positive results. Take care and you will soon be able to run marathons :)

  38. Wunderbare Kunst heute und herrliche Fotos Valerie!

  39. Love your Nature page with the beautiful heron. The Frida face stunning. Boot Camp sounds hard, bet you can't wait to finish but the end result will be worth it.
    Avril xx

  40. Love your Nature page with the beautiful heron. The Frida face stunning. Boot Camp sounds hard, bet you can't wait to finish but the end result will be worth it.
    Avril xx

  41. WOW! Both art pieces are fantastic. Lovely nature walk as well...

  42. Glad you are doing well with boot camp. Hehe! Love the lace face and your River dance is awesome as well. Fantabulous photos as usual! Hugz. ~Niki

  43. That lemon cake looks so delicious! Beautiful face too!
    sandy xx


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