
Friday 12 February 2016

Grungy walls

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I have a hybrid piece made using the photo of the grungy wall
that I took this week, with my Modigliani knock-off that I showed yesterday
placed onto it. The colours go so well together. The rusty heart is one I bought here, and is in reality about 1", I just enlarged it a bit.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love and Moo Mania and More, hearts.

Here is the grungy wall photo again; if you want to use it, feel free!

The Rhine was a lot higher today, but as it hasn't rained for 2 days I am hoping it will soon go down again. The little stream is very full:

Here, where it joins the Rhine, the water is up to the level of the bridge, you can't see the arch underneath just now. The footpath leads over the bridge:

I found another nice, grungy wall today:

The gangway to the boats is almost on a level with the towpath:

Have a great weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Those trees obviously don't mind getting their feet wet! The winters have been so wet these past few years. Your painting is fabulous and I love the graphic ducks you posted yesterday. Enjoy your Saturday! Xx

  2. Wonderful work again, I don't know which one I like better, from yesterday or today. Fantastic photos, take care at the river! Hugs, Sarah

  3. I like this piece you created today, possibly better than yesterday's art. I love hearts, so this spoke to me.

    The water actually looks dangerous in a couple of your photos. I also hope it goes down quickly, because floods are no fun. We've experienced a few in the States recently, and I've watched with interest as you report on the Rhine.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. That face does looks great on your grungy wall. And the new grungy wall is really cool too. Have a great weekend. Hugs!

  5. Love the grungy wall effect! Wow, the waters always recede eventually, hopefully soon.

  6. The grungy wall is fantastic! Love the heart as well. And of course your pics are absolutely awesome sauce! Hugz. ~Niki

  7. Dein Modigliani passr perfekt auf den schönen Hintergrund Valerie!Und mit dem tollen Herzen!Perfekt! Wahnsinn wie hoch das Wasser ist - hoffentlich steigt es wirklich nicht mehr weiter!
    Hab einen schönen Tag !Hab mir den Hintergrund geschnappt - danke!


  8. Grungy wall looks awesome....fabulous show again today and how's that water, still looks high.xx

  9. Liebe Valerie,
    wunderschön dein Modigliani mitsamt zauberhaften Herzklopfen... Der Rhein ist wirklich total voll, hoffentlich haben die Bäume nicht mehr allzu lange nasse Füsse. Ich mag deine wundervollen Mauerbilder sehr, sie sind absolut genial.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  10. Wonderful artwork Valerie, the beautiful background is just perfect for the image. Rhein seems really be full, hope it does get lower soon. Have a lovely weekend!

    Love and hugs

  11. Beautiful piece today. I sure love your photos, although it looks like the water levels are really really high now, wow!! Such a beautiful spot where you live. hugs :)

  12. Thr grungy old wall is being put to good use. This piece is gorgeous as well. The water is high, however so pretty in amongst the trees. Hugs, Donna

  13. Habe ich es doch gewusst, dass du mit dieser tollen Mauer etwas gestalten wirst... und sie passt richtig gut hier zu deinem Bild!
    Ganz schön viel Wasser!! Schönes Wochenende von Ulrike

  14. The grungy wall photo maKes an idea background for your fabulous hybrid page Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Herrliche Kombination liebe Valerie, diese gerissene Wand mit den schönen Erdtönen paßt perfekt zum Modigliani-Motif, dazu noch das Herz mit Text,perfekt. Gefällt mir besonders gut. Drück mal die Daumen, daß das Wasser nicht zu hoch steigt und du nasse Füße bekommst. ;)
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Sabine xox

  16. Oh my, the Rhine is really full and when the water of the stream is the same height as the river it will overflow its banks. With no new rain it should start to recede soon.
    The background using your photo is perfect for your Midigliani portrait, and the added heart is timely for a Valentine. Lovely combination, especially the colors.

  17. I love your face on the grungy wall ♥♥♥♥ I wish I cold type my hearts in rust colors to go with it :) Your water is getting high out there and I do hope it starts going down soon. The sun is out today but it's still only 17° F so I don't know as if I'll be walking outside too much...just to the mailbox and back probably :) Have a great weekend :)

  18. This is an amazing way to use the Great Wall photograph and I just love the one you found as well. The face looks amazing against it for sure. Still a lot of water and I hope the sun shines soon and dries it up a bit

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. Oh this has got to be one of my favourites of yours Valerie, I love lOVE this! Amazing art!
    Fantastic use of that lovely grungy wall and the colours are perfect.
    (I've added some photos on a separate page if you want any more textures at any time).
    Have a lovely weekend, hope its not too cold - we are expecting a cold snap from the north, guess it'll be heading your way afterwards.........Gill xx

  20. Fabulous painting Valerie, looks perfect against the grungy wall photo.
    Wonderful photos, but I do hope it stays find and the water levels drop,
    we've had snow today, hope it's not heading your way.
    Avril xx

  21. I love the changes here - the wall is a perfect background! I may have to come along tomorrow on the computer and help myself to that wall! Thanks for the offer! Hugs, Chrisx

  22. Oh I love that gorgeous wall as a background. What a fabulous idea. Your painting is marvelous. This piece looks gallery worthy to me.

  23. The grungy wall is fabulous and the face looks wonderful against it - the new grungy wall looks great too.
    xxx Hazel.

  24. I feel like all I say is fabulous and gorgeous! Of all the things you have done - this has to be my favorite. The colors are perfect for such a wistful image. Bravo!!
    Sandy xx

  25. Ein echtes Kunstwerk, sehr schön!

  26. Your weather appears to be nicer here than in the other post. Once again I see your love lady but with an entire different appearance. Love this grunge and thank you for sharing it. I can’t wait to give it a try. Will let you know when I do. Am getting sleepy so an gonna call it a night. My eyes are getting crossed. genie


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