
Monday 22 February 2016

Flee as a bird

Hi Everybody!

By the time you read this I will be in hospital,
so this is a scheduled post. I have  posts scheduled for the rest of the week, but will try to add something to them if and when I am up to it!

Here is a hybrid page meant for Art Journal Journey, if music be the food of love. The song title is actually 'Flee as a bird', but the F is under the mask!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Stunning hybrid art which has a gorgeous sense of drama to it.

  2. Fabulous art Valerie. Hope your time in hospital is short and all goes well for you. In my thoughts. Hugs Rita xxxxxx

  3. Lovely page featuring one of your beloved birds! Fingers crossed for you Valerie!

  4. All the best for the OP Val, lovely work as usual, hugs, Sarah

  5. Zauberhaft ist Deine Seite ! Ich denk an Dich - alles wird gut gehen!

  6. A wonderful hybrid page Valerie, you used one of your lovely photos as well. Fingers crossed for today
    Yvonne xx

  7. zauberhaft ist deine seite,alles wird gut gehen,ich denk an dich.

    hugs jenny

  8. Fantastic page Valerie.

    Hope all goes well today and that you have a window with a nice view.

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. A beautiful page Valerie, I will be thinking of you today and wish you a speedy recovery. Sending you hugs.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    ganz zauberhaft, bin fasziniert. Drücke dir die Daumen für deinen Klinikaufenthalt... meine Gedanken sind bei dir liebe Valerie...
    Ganz herzliche Grüsse zu dir, Sichtwiese

  11. Beautiful piece today Valerie. I will be thinking of you this week, and I'm sending all my wishes to you for a quick and successful hospital visit. hugs :)

  12. Free as a it Valerie, one fabulous work of art.xx

  13. Wunderschöne Seite! Aber jeder hätte Verständnis, wenn du mal für ein paar Tage Pause machst!
    Toi, toi, toi - deine Vögelchen warten auf dich! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

    1. Pause? Was ist das?! Ich kenne nur business as usual!

  14. Love your bird page today! :) Hope when you read this the surgery is done with and has gone well.

  15. Wonderful journal page Valerie -- thoughts are going your way!! I have to get something to you in the mail this week but as you know, by the time it gets there you will be walking (without pain) all over the place again!!!!!!
    Sandy xx

  16. Your sweet birdie is now immortalized on this journal page!! LOVELY!!

    Oh dear... do not like thinking of you in the hospital Valerie. I love it when you roam the earth girl!!! WELL... for sure I am praying and thinking of you - each day. YOU are SO TOUGH that you will be on the move again SOON. MUCH LOVE, j.

  17. Beautiful page, Valerie. Praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery. Rest well, Dearest. hugs, Teresa

  18. Valerie, surgery should just about be complete. My prayers sent for a quick recovery. Your page today is lovely and the new "star" is looking good on your page. God bless and I'm thinking good thoughts today in your behalf.
    Gentle hugs, with love,

  19. Love the page ♥ you know I have a such a soft spot in my heart for birds. I'm sure you are out of surgery by now ans well on the path of recovery . Sending Prayers of Strength and Healing !

  20. Lovely collage liebe Valerie.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers ♥
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  21. Beautiful Art piece Valerie, Thinking of you and hoping your hospital stay is short
    and you recover quickly. Prayers for you. Blessings, xo

  22. Your bird art is tremendous and I quite like the title "Lee as a bird", it has a mystery to it.
    Hope all is well.

  23. I do love birds:) Gorgeous page! Wishing you all the best for a quick hospital stay and recovery. Thoughts and well wishing being sent oyur way.

  24. I am always in awe of your bird entries, whether digital, hybrid, or traditional. Looks like I'm VERY late getting here, but my thoughts of your coming through this operation are no less sincere. Glad to know it was a success.

  25. I've been catching up with all your beautiful art and news, I see you had an operation and am so glad all went well, take it easy and heal fast, best wishes,
    Kat xx

  26. How resourceful of you to have scheduled posts before going in!
    I do love this piece, you really melded the images beautifully!


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