
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Dance to the music....

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, If music be the food of love, I have 
a hybrid page today, made from a mix of a dancer, music and a photo of one of the lakes near here as background.

I discovered these wonderful fungi growing on a tree stump. Last week there was nothing there, on Monday they were visible as little yellow spots, and today they are growing really big - a variation on Jack and the Beanstalk?

Fairy steps:

Sorry, just a short post as it was a hard day  today,

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful hybrid page, love the music on your little dancer. The photos looks incredible, nature is truly miraculous!

  2. A fun and playful page today, and those fungi are fantastic, never seen ones quite like them before. Hugs, Sarah

  3. I have a ballerina granddaughter so this was fun to see Valerie. I showed her your creations and she said... ohhhhhhhhhhhh this needs to be a cell phone cover!!! Sure does!!!!

    But I promise you... your fungi photos blew me away. MIND BOGGLING... WOW. It's just beautiful... really amazing. Thank you so much for sharing these. j.

  4. I have a ballerina granddaughter so this was fun to see Valerie. I showed her your creations and she said... ohhhhhhhhhhhh this needs to be a cell phone cover!!! Sure does!!!!

    But I promise you... your fungi photos blew me away. MIND BOGGLING... WOW. It's just beautiful... really amazing. Thank you so much for sharing these. j.

  5. Eine tolle Ballerina hast du gezaubert. Und dann die Fotos, die Pilze sehen cool aus.

  6. Sorry it isn't your best day, Valerie. Tomorrow will be better. Let the music ring through for a happy day. Your dancer page is fantastic. Oh how we love music to soothe, entertain and bring memories to the forefront. The photos of the fungi are odd shaped and I enjoyed them.
    Take care of yourself.

  7. Liebe Valerie,
    tanzen aus der Seele raus, ein tägliches wundervolles sollte sein ;-). Wunderschön das Bild der Ballerina und ebenso toll die Fotos der Baumpilze... herrlich, wenn man sie noch so jung erwischt.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  8. Lovely musical piece and such interesting fungi! Hope tomorrow's better for you.

  9. What an amazing piece Valerie. It makes me hear music in my soul :) Wonderful -- Mary Elizabeth

  10. Sorry to hear you had a hard day my sweet friend.
    Take care and I hope things look up for you and all is well again.
    Your ballerina is brilliant with her music costume ♥
    Wonderful fungus among us you found.
    That sort of thing always stops me in my tracks to when I see it.

  11. What a beautiful piece! Love the quote and musical dancer.

  12. This is a beautiful piece of art. I really like all the mushrooms too.

  13. Wow,deine ballerina sieht so toll aus,gefällt mir mega gut,und die pilze sind ja cool.
    einen schönen tag dir heute.

    hugs jenny

  14. Mir gefällt deine Ballerina auch sehr! Eine tolle Idee! Deine Fotos mit den Pilzen sind klasse, liebe Valerie!
    Alles Gute für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  15. Deine Ballerina ist wunderbar Valerie!
    Meine Güte was haben diese Pilze für ein Wachstumspotential, mir gefällt der Gedanke dass es Treppen für Elfen sind♥

    Heute darfst Du ruhen, Du warst zuuu fleissig gestern!

  16. Such a wonderful page it made me want to sing and dance by a lake somewhere.

    Love the photographs with the spectacular colour of the fungii in the sunshine.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. Wonderful page today .. certainly suits the quote you have chosen. Great photos -- the colour against the greenish bark of the tree is stunning. hugs, Donna

  18. A beautiful page Valerie, I love the dancer and quote - your fungi photos are amazing.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. I love your dance to the music lady. That piece is quite clever of you! And wow- to think of mushrooms growing so rapidly in early February. What a strange winter it has been! Hope its a good day so far!

  20. I love your dance to the music lady. That piece is quite clever of you! And wow- to think of mushrooms growing so rapidly in early February. What a strange winter it has been! Hope its a good day so far!

  21. AMAZING as always, gosh you are so the photos .xx

  22. Beautiful music page, the mushroom photos are amazing. Take care, Shirleyxx

  23. Dein musikalischer Beitrag ist eine sehr schöne Digi-Arbeit!
    ... und warum entschuldigst du dich für den "kleinen" Post, der so klein wirklich nicht ist!!! Deine Winter-Pilze hier sind wunderbar farbenfroh und sogar in deiner Lieblingsfarbe! Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  24. Love your musical ballerina, so beautiful. Wow, that fungi is really something, isn't nature remarkable! hugs :)

  25. Love the dancer ,in old music paper, Valerie-Jael, and beautiful with the photo behind.
    Your fairy steps are so wonderful, too.
    Dorthe x

  26. your image is perfect for dance with the music. A friend of mine grew mushrooms in the woods and my goodness were they ever delicious!! Mushrooms are so good for you if you only knew what to eat. I wonder if the ones in the stores are so good for you.
    Loving your posts as always -- Sandy

  27. OMGosh you are SO clever! I love that you used sheet music for your lady's body.
    Those fungi look like something out of a sci-fi movie - very cool.

  28. Your dancer is fabulous Valerie - what a clever creative piece - love it.
    The Fungi are great - some look like baked beans and some seem very glossy - lovely photos!
    So sorry to hear you had a bad day, hoping today has been better....
    take care... Gill xxx

  29. I love the fairy steps. Perfect photo. And as always, great job on your journal. The first fungi photo reminds me of a bunch of little toes:)
    Hugs. Have a great one.

  30. Love your journal page! That fungi is spectacular! Hope you are OK! Chrisx

  31. Love your hybrid page and the beautiful ballet dancer. Great photos of the fungii. Hope you had a better day today. Take care
    Yvonne xx

  32. Hi Valerie, just love this page and the beautiful design you created. Perfect for the quote. Wow the fungus looked like a yummy veggie at first. Great photos.
    Hope you have a better day soon. Hugs!

  33. Sorry it was a hard day today :( ♥ Love the art! You always come up with such creative pages :) :) Always good to see new fungi growing and great to find a kindred spirit that loves to take photos of it ♥

  34. This is beautiful Valerie! I love the notes on his chest and this really pops. 3-d art at its finest!

  35. So sorry to hear you had a bad day, I sure hope your weekend is better! This little dancer is spectacular and so fun! Love the music notes and your background. Those fairy steps are so cool! Awesome sauce! Hugz. ~Niki

  36. That Fungi is beautiful Valerie! You always seem to capture the neatest looks from Mother Nature!
    Love your dancer as well!
    hugs xo


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