
Saturday 16 January 2016

Water birds galore

Hi Everybody!
Hope your weekend is going well!

For 99 faces I have 2 faces drawn on an A3 page which was painted, sprayed and patterned. I added some bits and bobs from a collage box that I wanted to empty out, and that was that.

And this piece was just for fun, fiddling around with this and that on a painted and dripped background. 

The water in the Rhine has risen again, so we had quite an invasion of water fowl. I think they know that they can find a rich bounty when the meadows are covered with water, so as well as the usual birds there were 2 swans a swanning, hundreds of wild geese making a heck of a noise, and dozens of gulls and crows who were also swooping about noisily. I had fun watching them and taking photos, although it was bitterly cold. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Really wonderful art, Valerie, love these two blue faces and the amusing quote.
    I like the little blue tit sitting there so calmly.
    You do have lots of birds in your area, and as they say, it is nice weather for ducks. Lovely to see the geese.

  2. Both pieces are great, love the faces, and the 2 strange figures in the first one. Fantastic photos, I hope you didn't freeze taking them at the Rhine? Hugs, Sarah

  3. Speaking of what's on your mind... I would love to take a peek inside yours Valerie - the creativity and imagination is so vast that perhaps if I had just ONE SECOND in there - I would come out with more vivid imagining to put on canvas!!!!!!!!!!! These are both so lovely. The BLUE MINDS intrigue me... they are lovely. And the Inside/Out girls are so crazy cute that they made me smile big!!! YOU NEVER CEASE TO AMAZE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j.

  4. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and I especially like the quirky second one.
    Great pics too, so srene and peaceful looking.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Fliss xx

  5. Both very different pages Valerie and both look fantastic. The backgrounds are amazing on them.

    Lots of birds now on the Rhine and the very graceful swan

    Love Chrissie xxxx

  6. Your blue faces are so peaceful! Wow, so many beautiful birds in the photographs!

  7. I love the playfulness of these pages. Your braving the cold is to be commended. The photos and commentary make us feel as though we are there with you ( without the cold). I want to thank you for encouraging comments as I share my painting journey. I truly appreciate them and help to keep me painting.

  8. Great pages today Valerie. I always love your outlined silhouette faces. And the legs and shoes on your second piece really caught my attention, don't ask me why but I think they really make those 2 girls, as does the mortar board. And finally I love the swan photos. Seeing all those birds is really interesting, and I bet you got lots of interesting photos. It is especially nice to see all these birds in winter time, or at least it would be around here. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Hugs!

  9. so much action on the Rhine today! Lovely fun pieces as well. 63 days till Spring I saw somewhere today.

  10. Happy PPF Valerie! Beautiful works of art! Love all the vibrant colors!

  11. What a gorgeous drawing today. Since there are two faces, do you get to count these as two entries for your 99 faces?

    Really enjoyed your birds on their heads and the other drawing, too. It must be amazing to rummage through the goodies on your desk. I especially enjoyed the use of a mortarboard on one of the people.

    I have never seen the movie "The Birds," by Hitchcock, but I have seen clips from it, and your photos today remind me of the scenes I've seen from that movie. It must have been a great day to be on the Rhine.

    Have a beautiful Sunday, dear.

    1. I will count it as one face! Yesterday was really a bit like the birds, as the gulls were flapping around me, too, they were having fun!

  12. So stunning, beautiful colour combos and added beauties.x

  13. You make it sound so easy Valerie, they are stunning. The first is so beautiful and the second is fun with their legs. Great photos too, the swans seems to be in good health. We have a pair in our lake, but they are so skinny. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    Love and hugs

  14. Two fabulous artworks Valerie - the first one I found very calming and my eyes wanted to close just like theirs....zzzzzz..... love the second artsy one too, made me smile :)
    Looks very cold there - you are brave going out - I'm going out tomorrow, the first time in over week - that'll be a big cold shock I think :)
    Have a lovely Sunday .........Gill xx

  15. Wow.. die Gesichter sind ja schon so schön - und die lustigen Fräuleins gefallen mir ebenfalls ganz ausgezeichnet! Was für ein Spaß .. Boah da ist wieder mächtig was los gewesen am Rhein.... Du fängst das immer wunderschön ein!
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag Liebes!

  16. Beautiful collages, the birds look great with the fantastic faces and the bottom whimsical (or quirky) design is wonderful, love it! Happy Sunday, Shirleyxx

  17. Dein JustforFun-Bild gefällt mir sehr - du hast wohl auch langsam wieder Sehnsucht nach Sommerfarben!? Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  18. What are the first words that came to mind? Serene -- then one of my favorite sayings came floating through. "Worries are like birds flying overhead, you can't stop them from flying but you don't have to let them build a nest in your hair."
    Sandy xx

  19. Both pieces ... LOVE. The faces are very cleverly done .. and the quote fits perfectly. The other two figures, with their stripped stocking made me laugh. Always a good way to start the day. The water is very high isn't it. Does is ever flood up into the houses? Beautiful swans. hugs, Donna

  20. Hi Valerie, Love these gorgeous works today. The quote is perfect. Your creativity is amazing. Love the photos too. Looks cold. Have a blessed Sunday. xo

  21. Great art again today Valerie, the second one made me laugh! I love the bird photos and I can imagine the noise! Great to have caught up.Hugs, Chrisx

  22. Fabulous art Valerie, I wonder whats on their minds as well, hope its happy thoughts.. Awesome photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Love both pieces and photos are always a feast for my eyes!

  24. Birds everywhere and some whimsy. xox

  25. Looks like great minds were thinking alike!! Love the birds!

  26. Liebe Valerie,
    deine Bilder sind umwerfend, genial, ich bin total begeistert... Auch die Fotos sind wiederum total toll.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  27. Good morning! I had to back up and tell you both pages today are an inspiration. Doesn't it feel good to use up some of your bits and pieces. The page you did for fun is my favorite today. Your colors are amazing on this piece. The photos of the swans are a treat as we rarely get swans in our pond. I just love everything on your blog today.

  28. What's in your mind? Love that design and the eclecticness of the ladies. Wonderful faces. Seem like you have been a busy bee. Awesome sauce use of the bits and bobs. Have fun cleaning out your box. Hugz. ~Niki

  29. Your first art page is so dreamy and beautiful. The second is so bright and fun.
    Lovely photos of your water bird friends.


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