
Sunday 10 January 2016

More Frost

Hi Everybody!
Hope your weekend has been enjoyable.

For Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland, I have another hybrid piece. The background is one of my frosty leaves photos. The little girl is a Banksy stencil from Stencilry, the bird one of my photos, and the quote from Robert Frost.

I love watching the world wake up each morning. In the summer I sit outside with my coffee, these days I prefer to stay inside:

The 'suns' are the lights from the airport:

The gulls were all standing like soldiers in a row:

There were, as always, lots of ships passing up and down the Rhine:

The majority are really huge:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks for coming by!


  1. What a great quote, and those photos are truly wonderful.

  2. Great way to use those cool frosty leave photos. The quote is perfect too. I love Robert Frost. He's a native of New Hampshire where I live and his words really speak about us "hardy" New Englanders. Great sunrise and birdies today too. And I still can't get over your green grass! Hugs!

  3. Beautiful photos Valerie, and love your winter wonderland. It amaZes me how yu come up with these wonderful ideas.xx

  4. I really LOVE the Banksy stencil. And that Frost quote is something to ponder. But the photos today were what really captured my attention. The ships, the gulls all in a row, and the early morning sky each provided a very different mood and feel. Wonderful post today.

    1. The walk along the Rhine is always changing, every day presents a new atmosphere.

  5. I like the frosted leaf background! Lovely sunrise, the Rhine is a busy place!

  6. Your frosted leaves photos are always very special, and I love how you have turned this one into a background for your journal page. Great post! Hugs, Sarah

  7. Das Mädchen mit den tollen gefrorenen Blättern ist einzigartig. So schön, liebe Valerie. Habe eine gute Woche und viele schöne Spaziergänge am Rhein.

    Herzliche Grüße
    Deine Erika

  8. Fantastic page with the quote by the aptly named Robert Frost.

    I felt the warmth from your wonderful photographs and just loved the gulls with there red legs. The look like soldiers on parade. Great to see the airport lights and think of my daughter landing there so near to where you live. She seems to have to 'pop' there quite often these days.

    Have a wonderful day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Another beautiful piece and great photos!

  10. Another beautiful piece and great photos!

  11. This is a beautiful piece Valerie, I love how you use your own photographs in your work.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Liebe Valerie,
    ich könnte nicht schreiben, welches Bild/Foto mir am besten gefällt, alles ist absolut genial und so wünsche ich dir einen wundervollen Wochenbeginn und schöne Ausflüge zum Rhein.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  13. EIne tolle Seite wieder liebe Valerie und die Fotos sind spitze.. der Himmel auf den Fotos mit dem Flughafe sind ein Wahsinn...die Farben des Himmels genial!

  14. A spectacular piece, Valerie. Very fitting for the lovely Robert Frost Quote. The photos of your skies are wonderful. Looks like you were up at the crack of dawn. Always enjoy your pictures along the Rhine .. love the gulls all in a row, puffed up. hugs, Donna

  15. Wow what a wonderful artsy piece today Valerie and thought provoking quote. Fabulous photos - the gulls made me smile all in a row and nearly all facing the same way :) Hope your day going well ........ Gill xx

  16. What a wonderful piece Valerie, I love that Frost quote! You really do capture some beautiful shots of the sky when it's all colourful, love it! hugs :)

  17. Fabulous art piece, Valerie! The pics are an extra bonus :)

  18. Fabulous page, and gorgeous photographs.

  19. Great use of the Banksy stencil AND your lovely frosted leaves!
    It would be hard to pick ending by fire or frost ... hmmm
    Until then I will continue to enjoy your creativity and beautiful corner of the world liebe Valerie.

    1. Perhaps someone will find a third alternative!

  20. That blue-black sky just takes my breath away. And those sweet birds....
    I love the frosty leaves in your journal piece.

  21. It's great to make an artwork from your own photographs, this one is really spectacular. Love the frosted leaves (I liked them the first time too).
    The gulls are so sweet with their red legs and matching feet.

  22. Fabulous art page, love the Banksy stencil. Awesome photos from your balcony of the deep blue skies.
    Yvonne xx

  23. It's great waking up to your photos to start my day. I had no idea you lived so close to the airport. Each frame of your morning turned out so well and the photos along the Rhine are fascinating, especially the one of the extra L O N G ship. Your journal page is exquisite using your photo of the frosted leaves along with the little girl stencil and her balloon. Your bird photo is perfect in the corner. Beautiful work!


  24. I love your early morning photos and the seagulls always make me smile! I adore this page - my new favourite! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Lovely art page and gorgeous photos. I especially like the night time shots. You must have a marvelous camera. Hugs, Teresa

  26. Gorgeous frosty page, I love the textured leaves. Have a great day, Shirleyxx

  27. Gorgeous frosty leaves - the Banksy girl looks great in front of them. And your tree silhouette photos are stunning.
    Alison xx

  28. Love your frosty day piece Valerie, perfect for your Banksy girl and the quote is perfect. I don't know how you come up with your quotes but they are always the best! Your sunrise photos are wonderful, I love how the blues change with the light, and the gulls just make me laugh xx

  29. Wonderful art and photography.....the birds I Love as well as your collages.

  30. Beautiful page,my friend!
    Valerie, I especially love the photo with all of the mates sitting together- how funny!! xo


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