
Thursday 14 January 2016

Crow on frosted leaves

Hi Everybody!

The week has flown by, and it's Friday already, which means it's time for
Paint Party Friday again, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin. And every day is a good day for Art Journal Journey, winter wonderland.

I painted an A3 mixed media piece. The background was a brush-wipe page painted with blue acrylic. I toned it down using some white, grey and silver paint applied with a sponge. I was inspired by the frosty leaves I saw here, so I drew lots of free leaf forms and painted them with brown, white and silver grey acrylics. I added texture to the leaves by embossing them with various colours of Frantage aged EPs. I doodled the left over spaces with Pentel pens in gold and white, and edged the leaves with the same pens. You can see the patterns in the detail photos. The crow, who is also one of my frequent visitors here, was painted with black acrylics and embossed with Frantage aged black, then cut out and collaged. I had fun  making this.

Today got off to a good start, but then the sky clouded over again and it stayed
wet and windy all day:

The water in the Rhine has risen thanks to a few days of hard rain:

Some of you tried to guess which 'bulb' I was growing on my window ledge after I showed the photos yesterday, but nobody got it right. It's a garlic plant. I had a clove of garlic that had started to sprout, so I put it onto the hyacinth vase and after about 10 days the roots appeared. Now I have a second one growing next to it, and will soon be putting them into pots, and am hoping they will keep growing - a good protection in case vampires come!

Have  great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and love the warm colour contrast with the black crow. Fab pics as always too.
    Have a great weekend, Fliss xx

  2. Your shiny crow with his shiny leaves does look fun, and I'm glad you had fun making it too. I haven't heard of Frantage aged EPs (not aged OAPs) but the word "Frantage" sounds lovely and exotic.
    What a fantastic royal blue sky, I don't think I've seem the sky that colour, maybe it's a very early morning colour.

  3. What fantastic journal pages Valerie. The colours are glorious and that crow stands out on its own. Hopefully I will learn more about this kind of art as I make my way with Wanderlust 2016. Love your pictures as always, is Mr Heron still around. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. This piece is fantastic, love the wonderful texture and patterns on the leaves. Lovely photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  5. Fabulous page Valerie, love your raven!! Great background too and wonderful colours!

  6. Brilliant art Valerie-those embossing powders add so much to this piece!! I must remind myself to use those powders-of which I have a shoe box full:) Wow that really is a swollen river of water-but it looks like a good thing for both the ducks and the boats!

  7. The leaves in your piece are so impressive--they look metallic after the EP treatment!The ducks look really happy with the extra water to paddle around in. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I love the shimmer on your PPF page! Beautiful sunrise colours. A garlic bulb! I would never have guess, I was going to say daffodil if it wasn't hyacinth.

  9. Those leaves are magical, but the crow stole the show for me. I don't often get out my EPs, so this is a great reminder I should. The heat tool would certainly warm my craft area.

    Boats, boats, and more boats. Do you ever see the same boats? There are so many different ones in your photos, I often wonder if they make the return trip, and if so, are you around when they return? And if they return (can't imagine they wouldn't), do they deadhead (by that I mean do they return with no cargo)?

    Yep, I was SO far off guessing about the plant in the vase. Of course I was thinking of a flower. Of course, I mentioned I'm not very good identifying flowers, but the sad news is, I've grown garlic in my herb garden before.

    1. Yes, some boats go by regularly, and I do see some of them making the return journey, too. Here There are 600 freight ships every day!

  10. Wow-those leaves are spectacular. They have so much depth, texture and dimension. I can tell you had fun with this page. The Rhine IS really high right now I see. Love that duck popping up out of the water. Have a great day and start to your weekend Valerie. Hugs!

  11. These colours are amazing, love the frontage on your leaves it certainly brings out the beauty...lovely photos, the water looks like our pool today again after yet another wild {aNNie}

  12. Your lovely bird has some beautiful leaves to perch on with such great colors and texture.
    Great action shot of the duck with its pretty wings in mid flap :-)
    Happy beginning of the weekend liebe Valerie.

  13. Your crow and leaves are exquisite -- love all the texture and colour on the leaves. The Rhine does look very high ... love the little duckies. hugs, Donna

  14. Wow! I love this page, Valerie. I don't no was the glittery stuff is, but it sure is gorgeous. I really like your little added doodles, too, and I always love black birds! Have a great week and keep the garlic close by!

  15. Very striking, I love the crow, I love crows!

  16. Love your bold art this week. Happy PPF

  17. Eine ganz fabelhafte Collage Valerie! Großartig ! Die Fotos sind wunderbar und ich denke einige Leser werden sehr überrascht sein, dass Du Knoblauch gegen Vampire!
    Happy PPF!

  18. I like your take on the winter wonderland theme and the crow is very striking against that background. Your weather looks pretty similar to ours here in Scotland, miserable!

  19. Liebe Valerie,
    eine wundervolle Collage, ebenso genial sind deine Fotos, die mich begeistern.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  20. A stunning page today Valerie with so many wonderful colours and beautiful textures on the background,the leaves and the crow. So pleased that you enjoyed painting it.

    Such a lot of water in the Rhine now. Hope it is nice today for you. We have sun so far but we had yesterday then the heavens opened all afternoon and evening.

    Love Chrissie xx

  21. Forgot to say well done with the garlic plant. It will be great to see the new bulb developing in the jar.

    Chrissie Again xx

  22. luv the macros of the crow, shows a geat deal of detail

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  23. Wow Valerie, that art piece is stunning! The texture on the leaves is so amazing and what fiery colours!! Love your sky pics, we don't very often get the sky like that, it's overcast most of the time in winter. happy weekend. hugs :)

  24. Die Embossing-Strukturen sehen ja toll aus, so nah fotografiert!
    Oh je, der Rhein ist ja wirklich schon sehr hoch... und gestern, das eine Schiff lag so tief, dass ich dachte, es ginge unter! LG Ulrike

  25. Valerie, al those wonderful layers make this such a striking piece! I can see the sparkle and think it would be great to see close up. I love the way the black crow stands out from all those gorgeous colors.

  26. Wow, your layers and colors are amazing here. And the crow is so suited for it all. And I always enjoy following the life of your river..

  27. I just love your piece of art! I have never heard of some of the supplies you used. The effects are stunning! The colors and the texture. Thanks again for your pictures of the Rhine. And enjoy the garlic - we have it growing in our yard. Last year we also planted some ginger and I can't wait to see how much we get to harvest. :) xoxo Silke

  28. All glitzy!!! Wow Valerie! Awesome pics too :D

  29. This is beautiful--one of those images that I would not be able to figure out how to do it AT ALL unless someone told me. I love the crow and the golden glow. Very special piece. The duck pic is lovely--so nice to see the royal blue in the wings. Nice to find you-- I am new around the blog world. Happy to say I am a new follower. See you around the blog world. Dea xo

    1. Thanks Dea, I just experimented here and was quite happy with the results. Nice to meet you!

  30. Your page today must be exceptional in real life because the photos reflect almost transparent areas in the leaves you have painted creating a very beautiful effect. Mr. crow is timely and a perfect fit.

  31. Very dramatic Valerie!
    I want to follow your lead and take pictures in our area - got out my camera and to my sorrow, it is not working right. Oh me .....
    As I said -- I am trying hard to follow your lead --
    Sandy xx

  32. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous artwork. The glitter just pops the details. Love the crow. Beautiful texture too. Great walking pics. The Rhine looks cold! Oh the bulb is garlic~~~ It is beautiful. Have a great weekend. xo

  33. Love the sparkle and texture, very neat looking

  34. Oh, my goodness--your painting is just stunning--it fills my eyes to the brim. Your photos are wonderful, too. I do so enjoy visiting your blog each Friday. ((hugs))

  35. Oh I love these golden leaves, beautiful and full of mystery!

  36. Love this piece with it's glittery coppery gold leaves. Fitting for a crow I think. xox

  37. Love your crow! It looks like he's dancing on flames.
    Happy PPF

  38. Love how you used Frantage powders for the copper leaves, its a fantastic perch for the crow.
    Yvonne xx

  39. Ooo I really like this one, 'specially how you've got the colours running through your bird, and your early morning photos are stunning today xx

  40. A fab page and great colours great pic's as well x

  41. oooh what a gorgeous piece today Valerie - I love the textures and twinkly/shimmering on this.
    Would never guessed that was garlic - well done! You should have a good stock of it by October 31st :)
    Gill xxx

  42. OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY... such INCREDIBLY LUSCIOUS BRILLIANCE.... WHEW... BLINDINGLY WONDERFUL Valerie. Love every inch of this creation!!! You are simply GLOWING girl.... I'm just sure I can see the glimmer from here!!!!!!!! j.

  43. Brilliant and beautiful colors Valerie-Jael. I also love the bit of twinkling texture you have added.
    ~~ Irene

  44. Fabulous art page, Valerie. I love the metallic shimmer on the leaves.

  45. Fantastic art work. I appreciate the detail. Blessings, Janet PPF

  46. A really beautiful page Valerie! Love how you made that fabulous shine! The rain certainly has raised the level of the Rhine - the ducks look happy though! Good Luck wth your garlic! Hugs, Chrisx

  47. Absolutely Gorgeous!!! and you know how i love embossing!! xoxo Jackie

  48. Black and orange is cool combination. Great work!
    Our waters are mainly frozen and right now we get more snow...Finland is a real winterland now! :)

  49. Love all the textures you achieved here! Beautiful colours, and I love the crow!


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